N-DOSE: A Dose Optimization Trial of Nicotinamide Riboside in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseN-DOSE is a double-blinded placebo-controlled randomized trial aiming to determine the optimal biological dose (OBD) of nicotinamide riboside (NR), in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD). The investigators recently reported the NADPARK study (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03816020), a phase I randomized, double-blinded trial, assessing the tolerability, cerebral bioavailability and molecular effects of NR therapy, 1000mg daily, in PD. The NADPARK study showed that NR 1000mg daily was well tolerated and led to a significant, but variable, increase in cerebral NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) levels (measured by 31phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 31P-MRS) and related metabolites in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). NR recipients showing increased brain NAD levels exhibited altered cerebral metabolism, measured by 18fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), and this was associated with mild clinical improvement. The results of the NADPARK trial nominate NR as a potential neuroprotective therapy for PD, warranting further investigation in larger trials. The investigators recently conducted the NR-SAFE safety trial comparing 3000mg NR to placebo in 20 participants with PD over 4 weeks (NCT: NCT05344404) which showed no moderate or severe adverse events, and no signs of acute toxicity. Due to the variability in response to NR in the NADPARK trial, the N-DOSE study will investigate the response to escalating doses of NR from 1000mg to 3000mg over 12 weeks, in order to ascertain the optimal biological dose of NR in PD.

New Interactive Sensor-home-based Hand Training to Improve Dexterity
StrokeMultiple Sclerosis1 morePrimary objective of this study is to explore the impact of a 3-week upper limb hand function training in patients with PD, MS or stroke. The benefits on hand function of this training program will be evaluated. The hypothesize is that the 3-week upper limb hand function training improves finger dexterity.

Light Therapy Plus Exercise to Improve Motor, Non-Motor Symptoms and QoL in Parkinson's Disease...
Parkinson'sDiseaseParkinson's disease (PD) is a lifelong and progressive disease and is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disease worldwide. This study will examine whether there are significant differences in motor (e.g., balance and gait) and non-motor (e.g., cognition, mood, smell & sleep ) symptoms and quality of life between the Real (active) at-home photobiomodulation (light therapy) combined with exercise group and the Placebo (sham) at-home photobiomodulation (light therapy) combined with exercise group. Each group (Real & Placebo) will include 30 participants; with moderate PD, ages 55-80. Three outcome measurement sessions will be conducted; at the study entry and the end of Weeks 1 & 4 after the last light therapy treatment. Exercise must have been part of the participant's routine before entering the study and will continue during and after the light therapy treatments have been completed.

Closed-loop DBS in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseClosed-loop DBS is an emerging neuromodulation pattern in Parkinson's disease with dyanmic adjustment of stimulation parameters to patients' disease fluctuations and state of activity. The purpose of this study is to verify the long-term safety and effectiveness of closed-loop DBS. Through comparing with open-loop DBS, the study also determine whether closed-loop DBS is more effective than conventional open-loop DBS on PD treatment.

Meridian Activation Remedy System for Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseIn this study, the investigators aim to evaluate the clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of MARS-PD. Conventional, usual care will be used as the comparator because this trial aims to assess the add-on effect of MARS-PD. The investigators hypothesize that the complex therapy will relieve motor and nonmotor symptoms, improve gait performance, and enhance neuroplasticity in PD patients, and will be safe and cost-effective.

UB-312 in Patients With Synucleinopathies
Multiple System AtrophyParkinson DiseaseThis is a Phase 1b study to determine the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of UB-312 in participants with multiple system atrophy (MSA), and in participants with Parkinson's disease (PD). UB-312 is a UBITh®-enhanced synthetic peptide-based vaccine and may provide an active immunotherapy option for treating synucleinopathies including the most prevalent form, PD; and the most rapidly progressive form, MSA.

tDCS on Parkinson's Disease Cognition
Parkinson DiseaseMild Cognitive ImpairmentParkinson's disease (PD) has been classically regarded as a "movement disorder", so earlier work has focused on treating motor symptoms only. As PD patients now have longer life expectancy, the relatively slowly progressing cognitive deficits (compared to their motor deficits) have become one of the major challenges. Approximately 80% of PD patients eventually become demented. Therefore cognitive dysfunction is one of the most significant factors affecting the quality of life of patients with PD. While dementia in Parkinson's disease is routinely treated by cholinesterase inhibitors (e.g., donepezil and rivastigmine), their efficacy on mild cognitive impairment found in non-demented PD is questionable. Alternative approaches have been proposed including transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) but no consensus has been reached. This can be attributed mainly to: (1) imprecise knowledge of the underlying functional circuitry mediating this disease manifestation and (2) inter-individual variability. Here, the investigators will utilize a novel personalized network analysis approach to elucidate on the underlying mechanisms of the effect of tDCS on cognitive dysfunction in non-demented PD patients. It has been well documented that the caudate nucleus plays an important role in cognitive dysfunction found in PD. In the investigators' preliminary resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, they have shown that the connectivity of the right caudate nucleus is correlated to cognitive status of PD patients measured by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The investigators hypothesize that tDCS on the left and/or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may restore the functional connectivity of the right caudate nucleus which may in turn improve patients' cognitive performance.

Comparing Antipsychotic Medications in LBD Over Time
Parkinson's Disease PsychosisDementia With Lewy BodiesThe primary objective of this study is to determine whether treatment with pimavanserin or quetiapine is associated with a greater improvement in psychosis when used in a routine clinical setting to treat hallucinations and/or delusions due to Parkinson's disease (PD) or dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) - collectively referred to as Lewy body disease (LBD).

Evaluation of Neurocognitive Changes in Parkinson's Disease After Low Frequency Burst Stimulation...
Parkinson DiseaseThis study aims to determine whether direct brain stimulation of specific regions and ranges improves cognition in people with Parkinsons Disease (PD) who already have a deep brain stimulator implanted. Research activities consist of 32 subjects undergoing stimulation changes to their device and being administered neurocognitive tests to evaluate the changes. An fMRI scan will also be done at baseline and at weeks 15 and 27. All subjects will undergo the stimulation changes in a randomized double blind crossover study. Evaluation of stimulation changes will be assessed through analysis of neurocognitive data.

Closed Loop Programming Evaluation Using External Responses for Deep Brain Stimulation
Parkinson DiseaseThe objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of novel DBS programming methods compared to traditional programming methods.