Lichen Sclerosus - Treatment With Triamcinolone Acetonide: Injections (Syringe and Needle) x Micro...
Lichen Sclerosus of External Female Genital OrgansThis research is about a genital disease known as Lichem Sclerosus and Atrophic. It mainly affects women over 18 years of age. The treatment will involve injections of a medicine that contains cortisone, using two different methods: with a syringe and a needle or with a tattoo machine. Before and after treatment, they will see if women feel pain, itching, burning, scratching or difficulty having sexual intercourse.

A Study to Evaluate Platelet Rich Plasma to Treat Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus
Vulvar Lichen SclerosusThe purposes of this study are to determine the safety and feasibility of autologous platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus, and to determine the efficacy of autologous platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus.

A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of AI Temperature-controlled Radiofrequency Technology and Electrical...
Vulvar Lichen SclerosusThe study was designed as a prospective, multicenter, randomized, open-label, parallel-controlled clinical trial. The study population was patients with vulvar leukoplakia, and compared the efficacy and safety of AI temperature-controlled radio frequency technology and electrical stimulation in the treatment of vulvar leukoplakia. According to the research purpose, the sample size was calculated and determined to be 260 cases, and they were randomly assigned to the observation group and the control group according to the ratio of 1:1, namely 130 cases in the radio frequency observation group and 130 cases in the electric stimulation control group.

Does Steroid Plus CO2 Laser Improve Lichen Sclerosus Symptoms Compared to Steroids Alone?
Vulvar Lichen SclerosusThis study will compare the effects of fractionated CO2 laser plus topical steroids versus topical steroids alone in treatment of lichen sclerosus.

The Nanofat Regenerative Surgery for Management of Genital Lichen Sclerosus in Male and Female Patients...
Urethral StrictureRegenerative surgery is an emerging multidisciplinary field actually based on derived adipose tissue. Autologous fat grafting was first described by Neuber in 1893 and since then it has developed over the next century. The initial goal of fat grafting was to treat volume losses created by disease or trauma. Further studies done by Zuk et al. in 2001 showed that lipoaspirate contains multipotent adipose stem cells (ADSCs) like in the bone marrow, thereby expanding opportunities in multiple fields. ADSCs have emerged as a key element of regenerative medicine surgery due to their ability to differentiate into a variety of different cell lineages. Moreover, their capacity of paracrine secretion of a broad selection of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors make them highly clinically attractive. More specific, of particular interest are the anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, proangiogenic, immunomodulatory, and anti-scarring effects that have been demonstrated for ADSCs, which effects on wound healing, soft-tissue restoration and scar remodelling. Nanofat firstly introduced by Tonnard in 2013, is an ultra-purified adipose tissue-derived product that is devoid of mature adipocytes but rich in ADSCs and with regenerative properties.

Laser vs Clobetasol for Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen SclerosusLichen sclerosus (LS) is a common autoimmune disease of the genital skin. It affects 1/900 women with an age peak in the sixth decade of life and is manifested by chronic inflammation of the genital, perineal, and perianal areas associated with itching, burning, pain, and soreness. In addition, LS is associated with an increased risk of vulvar cancer. Treatment options for LS include topical steroids such as clobetasol, immunomodulators such as tacrolimus, and non-ablative laser treatment. Although both treatments are well documented and used in clinical practice, direct comparative studies of the efficacy of topical corticosteroids versus laser treatment in women with LS are rare. For example, a PubMed literature search (search date 2021-03-14; search terms: lichen sclerosus, laser, corticosteroids, steroids, clobetasol, randomized) identified only a single randomized trial with limited power. Given the available evidence, further high-quality studies are needed to define the superiority/inferiority of the different available treatment options such as nonablative lasers and topical corticosteroids. Therefore, in this prospective, randomized, open-label, comparative study, treatment success after 3 courses of non-ablative treatment with CO2 laser every 14 days will be compared with treatment success after topical application of clobetasol 0.05% over 3 months (daily in the first month, every other day in month 2, and 3 times/week during month 3) at the time point 3 months after treatment initiation.

Laser Therapy in Women With Lichenoid Disorders
Lichen Sclerosus Et AtrophicusLichen PlanusPrimary aim of the trial is to compare improvement of lichen symptoms according to a composite VAS scale (burning, itching and pain) between women with vulvovaginal laser therapy vs. sham laser therapy at three months.

Carbon Dioxide(CO2)Fractional Laser Plus Photodynamic Therapy in Female Patients With Vulvar Lichen...
Vulva Lichen SclerosusThe objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CO2 fractional laser combined with photodynamic therapy in female patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus.

Fractionated CO2 Laser With and Without Clobetasol for Treatment of Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus
Vulvar Lichen SclerosusThis is a randomized placebo-controlled trial design to determine whether combining FxCO2-laser with the traditional therapy of clobetasol propionate 0.05% ointment (combined treatment) as compared to FxCO2-laser and placebo ointment (FxCO2-laser only) will improve treatment response in women undergoing FxCO2-laser for vulvar lichen sclerosus. Primary objective: To evaluate if women with LS who undergo FxCO2 laser therapy and concomitant TCS (clobetasol group) have higher treatment success (defined as a MCID of a ≥16 point improvement in Skindex-29 questionnaire) than those who undergo FxCO2 laser and placebo ointment (placebo group). Hypothesis: A higher proportion of women randomized to clobetasol will achieve treatment success as compared to those randomized to placebo. Approach: The proportion of women in each cohort who obtain a ≥16 point improvement in Skindex-29 validated questionnaire score from baseline to final visit will be compared. Secondary objectives: To compare change in pre- and post-treatment scores on validated questionnaires measuring vulvovaginal symptoms, sexual function, lower urinary tract function, and genital self-image between the clobetasol group compared to the placebo group. Hypothesis: Women randomized to clobetasol will demonstrate an equal or greater improvement on validated quality of life questionnaires measuring vulvovaginal symptoms, sexual function, lower urinary tract function, and genital self-image as compared to women randomized to placebo. Approach: Change scores will be calculated to determine change per participant over the treatment period and mean change scores will be compared between cohorts.

Clinical Trial to Demonstrate That the Dual Laser Therapy is Effective for the Treatment of Vulvar...
Chronic Skin DiseaseVulvar Lichen SclerosusThe aim of this study is to test a new, minimally invasive dual laser technique to treat vulvar lichen sclerosus. Efficacy and safety of the thermal non-ablative Nd:YAG laser and the ablative Er:YAG laser is determined and compared to the current standard treatment with high dose steroids. The hypothesis is that laser therapy is effective and similar to standard steroid therapy.