Removal of Impacted Molars With Lingual Split Technique
Lingual Nerve InjuriesThis research assesses removal of mandibular third molars by the lingual split technique with using Walter's lingual retractor for retracting lingual flap, and evaluates the lingual nerve injury that may result after applying this technique. The research sample included 20 patients and their age under 25 years where the grain is clear. The lingual nerve is assessed by sensory neurological tests on a graphic map that divides the tongue into sextants.
Lingual Nerve Injury in Patients With Difficult Intubation
Difficult IntubationLingual Nerve InjuriesThe aim of this study is to investigate the incidence of lingual nerve injury and related factors in difficult intubation cases. Demographic data of difficult intubation cases and body mass indices, thyromental and sternomental distances, mallampati classification, neck circumference, maximum mouth opening be recorded.Numbness of the tongue and metallic taste will be questioned