Biotensegrity: Thoracolumbar Fascial Integrity in Chronic Low Back Pain
Musculoskeletal PainLow Back Pain1 moreThis is a prospective study on chronic low back pain patients aimed at investigating how findings on a physical examination and musculoskeletal ultrasound may correlate with myofascial damage in the lower back. By comparing these findings with a control group and collecting follow up data on patients treated in the course of normal clinical practice, the investigators will be able to discern if fascial pathology contributes to chronic low back pain and if this treatment approach may provide clinical benefit to patients in the form of pain reduction and/or reduction in pain medication use.

Motion Coaching Technology for Physical Therapy in Low Back Pain.
Low Back PainIn this study, we will compare exercise execution between two groups of patients: (1) individuals who undergo instruction session by a PT and then perform exercises with a written handout at home and (2) individuals who use the mHealth motion coach at home. Participants will perform the same 4 exercises. Both groups will be instructed to exercise at home, supported either by the handouts or the Motion Coach technology and then return after 1 week for assessment. For the assessment, standardized videos will be used to capture pose during exercise execution. Group 1 will perform the exercises with the written handout; group 2 will perform the exercises with the motion coach. Rating will be performed by a panel of PT professionals on the overall assessment of each exercises and on the three segments mentioned below that are exercise specific. The first group with PT instruction and written handout portion will be compared to the second group with the motion coach.

Effectiveness and Safety of Pharmacopunture Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pragmatic Randomized...
Chronic Low-back PainThis is a multi-center, 2-arm parallel pragmatic randomized controlled trial that will compare pharmacopuncture therapy with physical therapy for chronic low back pain.

Effects of Magnetic Tape on Perceived Spine Pain and Over Ankle Dorsiflexion in Patients With Low...
Back PainThe tape will be applied on the lumbar area bilateralemten to the spine without creating any tension. The possible variation in perceived pain in each spinous process is measured with the Wagner Force Dial-FDK 20 algometer. The possible variation in the range of motion in ankle dorsiflexion is measured with LegMOtion® Therapeutic and Corrective Exercise Assessment System. A kinesiology tape was used as a placebo tape and the magnetic tape was used in a randomized experimental way.

Quality of Life in Managing Chronic Pain
Chronic Low Back PainThis study evaluates the use of a health-related quality of life report based on the SPADE cluster (sleep disturbance, pain interference with activities, anxiety, depression, and low energy/fatigue) derived from the PROMIS-29 instrument in patients with chronic low back pain. Half of the participants will receive the report, while the other half will not.

Nutrient Nutritional Advise for Low Back Pain Patients Seeking Chiropractic Care
Low Back PainNutrition PoorThe nutritional intervention will reduce LBP and cause 10% weight loss.

Correlation Between Pelvic Pain, Low Back Pain, and Postural Stability in Healthy Young Women During...
PainMenstrualThe menstrual cycle is governed by hormonal changes. Each cycle can be divided into three phases based on events in the ovary (ovarian cycle) or in the uterus (uterine cycle). H0: There will be no correlation between pelvic pain and postural stability in healthy young women during the menstrual cycle H0: There will be no correlation between low back pain and postural stability in healthy young women during the menstrual cycle H0: There will be no correlation between pelvic pain and low back pain in healthy young women during the menstrual cycle

Targeted Interventions to Prevent Chronic Low Back Pain in High Risk Patients
Low Back PainLow back pain (LBP) is a common problem among US adults. Initial episodes tend to be self-limited ("acute"), but some people can progress to a state of persistent pain. Often termed "chronic" LBP (cLBP), this condition can cause prolonged difficulty with most daily activities, including job performance. This study will compare two approaches for preventing patients with acute LBP (aLBP) from developing cLBP using a pragmatic, cluster randomized trial. The first approach is to provide PCPs with information regarding a patient's risk of transitioning from aLBP to cLBP and to encourage PCPs to treat patients according to accepted clinical guidelines. The second approach is to provide the same risk information and have PCPs team up with physical therapists to deliver psychologically-informed physical therapy (PIPT) for those patients determined to be at high risk for transitioning to cLBP. The 1,860 patients expected to be enrolled at five regional sites (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Boston, Massachusetts; Baltimore, Maryland; Charleston, South Carolina; and Salt Lake City, Utah) will start the study when their LBP is in an acute phase. The study's primary aims are to compare the proportions of cLBP and measures of functional ability between the two groups at 6 months. Secondary aims are to measure the referrals to physical therapists and specialists, opioid prescriptions, LBP-related x-rays or MRIs, surgeries, and other medical procedures during a 12-month follow-up period.

The Effects of Thrust Joint Manipulation on the Resting and Contracting Thickness of Transversus...
Low Back PainThe primary aim of this study is to examine how different physical therapy interventions affect the resting state and contraction state of a certain abdominal muscle in patients with low back pain.

Sustained Acoustic Medicine for Chronic Low Back Pain Secondary to Herniated Nucleus Pulposus or...
Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP)Intervertebral Disc DisplacementZetrOZ's Ultrasonic Diathermy device is intended for use as a portable and wearable medical device which, when applied to various areas of the body applies Low Intensity Therapeutic Ultrasound (LITUS) to deep tissues. This device is FDA-cleared for pain reduction, treatment of muscle spasm and joint contracture, and increasing local circulation. This study will look at the use of therapeutic ultrasound to relieve pain and reduce disability in subjects with chronic low back pain, a subset of which will have chronic low back pain due to a herniated disc, over an 8-week treatment period.