Subacute Low Back Pain in Active Duty
Subacute Low Back PainThe overall objective of this project is to compare three home-managed treatment regimens for subacute low back pain: Progressive Exercise Plan (PEP), NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation) core strength training and standard primary care management (PCM). Each of the two treatment arms will be supplemented by Primary Care Management. The specific aim of the study is to determine whether the two treatment regimes are significantly more efficacious than standard PCM alone in improving lower back muscle strength, daily physical activity, physical function, quality of life, and symptoms associated with subacute LBP.

Effect of Physiotherapy in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Nonspecific Lower...
Lower Back PainPhysiotherapy is a long established therapy in lower back pain. It is unknown if physiotherapeutic interventions in patients presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) with nonspecific lower back pain are beneficial. The aim of this study is to assess whether patients presenting to the emergency department with non-specific low risk low back pain would benefit from a physiotherapy intervention, as compared to patients without physiotherapy intervention at time of ED presentation.

Diagnosis of Bone Metabolism in Patients With Inexplicable Lower Back Pain
Lower Back Pain ChronicThe main goal of this study is to determine if static or dynamic [18F]NaF PET/CT (positron emitting tomography) can identify the source of lower backpain in at least 20% of the patients experiencing lower backpain, yet could not be diagnosed from MRI or CT scans.

Time Course Effects of Functional Resistance Training on Fitness and Quality of Life Chronic Low...
Chronic Low-back PainLow back pain is categorized according to its duration as acute (<6 weeks), sub-acute (6 weeks - 12 weeks) and chronic (>12 weeks). Low back pain can be either specific or non-specific. Specific low back pain is because of specific spinal pathologies including; Malignancy, Infection, Osteoporotic Collapse, Fracture, Ankylosing Spondylitis or other inflammatory disorders and Cauda equina compression. About 19 in 20 cases of acute (sudden onset) low back pain are classed as 'non-specific' It is called 'non-specific' because it is usually not clear what is actually causing the pain or there is no specific problem or disease that can be identified as to the cause of the pain.Functional Resistance Training (FRT) involves multiplanar and multi joint resistance exercises that simulate movement patterns from everyday life and sport Functional training exercises tend to focus more on the coordination, technique, posture, and core engagement instead of on training loads.

Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Tizaspray® Versus Sirdalud®, in Patients With Acute Low...
Low Back PainOpen label, randomized, controlled, multicenter study with two parallel groups of patients

Prospective, Randomized Study of the Impact of a Education Program for Patients Suffering From Low...
Low Back PainAccording to the WHO, therapeutic education is intended to help patients acquire or maintain the skills they need to optimally manage living with a chronic disease. Low back pain is frequent and therapeutic education could be a promising option. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the impact of a therapeutic education program for patients suffering from low back pain.

Orphenadrine and Methocarbamol for LBP
Low Back PainLow back pain is a common cause of visit to emergency department. It is not clear if skeletal muscle relaxants are of benefit for patients with acute low back pain. This is a randomized study to determine if skeletal muscle relaxants, when combined with naproxen, improve outcomes more than naproxen alone

Persistent Low Back and Pelvic Pain 3-6 Months Post Partum
Pelvic Girdle Pain Post PartumLow Back Pain Post PartumThe purpose of this study is to identify how many females have persistent low back pain and/or pelvic pain 3-6 months post partum. The females that have persistent pelvic pain can continue in the study and be examined by a chiropractor. They will then divide the females into Hanne Alberts 5 subgroups of pelvic pain. The females that have one-sided pelvic pain will be invited to participate in a randomised controlled study where chiropractic intervention is compared to exercises.

Caudal Epidural Steroid Injections for Low Back Pain/Sciatic Lumbar Pain
PainDisabilityThe study hypothesis is that caudal epidural steroid injections provides short term relief to patients with persistent low back pain and sciatica due degenerative disc disease or lumbar spinal stenosis. Patients will be evaluated wiht clinical examination and radiological examinations before injections. They will be followed up with questionnaires on pain and disability up to 6 months postinjection.

Back School Efficacy on Low Back Pain and Quality of Life of Workers. COPCORD STUDY (Stage II)
Low Back PainThe study is an intervention, Phase II COPCORD study. (COPCORD= Community Oriented Program to Control Rheumatic Diseases). The purpose of this study is to find if Back School training has any benefit on low back pain of the workers in a pharmaceutical factory in Tehran suburbs.