The Effects of Different Exercise Approaches in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low-back PainIdentification of the effects of yoga, stabilization exercise and aerobic exercise approaches on physical and cognitive variables in individuals with low back pain.

Neuroscience Pain Education in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainManual Therapy1 moreThe cognitive educational strategies such as neuroscience pain education, has been a popular and promising technique for treatment patients with chronic pain. However, there are not sufficient randomized controlled and blinded studies to explore clinical effectiveness of these techniques. Therefore, the aim of this study was determining the short- and mid-term effects of neuroscience pain education combined with manual therapy and home exercise on pain level, disability, and kinesiophobia in patients with chronic low back pain.

Correction of Low Back Pain From Sacroiliac Malrotation With a Simple in Home Exercise
Sacroiliac StrainLow Back Pain60 participants with low back pain will be examined to determine the direction and extent of sacroiliac malrotation. If malrotation exists, they will be randomized to 3 treatment groups: 1 will be taught how to use their thigh to push the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) backwards for an anterior malrotation and their sartorius and rectus femoris to pull their ASIS and anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) forward for a posterior malrotation. 2: will be given a pelvic stabilization belt. 3: will return in one month. At the second visit at one month all participants will be treated with both exercise and belt. They will be reassessed at the third visit one month later: the scores for immediate and delayed treatment groups will be compared. Their response to these exercises and/or the pelvic belt will be tested at the first second and third visits, using the brief pain inventory pain, the Oswestry disability scores and the distance between the (posterior superior iliac spine) (PSIS) levels, filled out at every contact. Their satisfaction with previous treatments used will be compared to their satisfaction when using the exercise and belt.

Core Muscle Stability on Low Back Pain and Quality of Life in Post- Menopausal Women
BackacheLowLow back pain, postural dysfunction, loss of balance control and stability are musculoskeletal changes that occur over life span due to aging process and are inevitable. Core stability exercises are an effective means to counteract these changes.The study was executed with initially n=35 subjects selected as per proposal, but only n=24 subjects completed the study with n=14 in experimental group and n=10 in control group. Experimental group received core stability exercises and control group received conventional physical therapy treatment for 12 weeks. Baseline assessment was done, then at 6 week and again at end of intervention.Following outcome measures were used in study Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), Utain quality of life (UQOL), Oswestry disability index (ODI), manual muscle testing (MMT) flexion and extension. Data was analysed using Statistical package for social sciences SPSS- 21.

A Comparison of NSAIDs for Acute, Non-radicular Low Back Pain.
Back Pain Without RadiationLow Back PainPurpose: This is a randomized clinical trial comparing the effects of three different medications for acute low back pain (LBP):Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac Hypothesis: A daily regimen of ketorolac will provide greater relief of LBP than ibuprofen or diclofenac 5 days after an emergency department (ED) visit, as measured by the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMQ)

Efficacy of the Lumbar Stabilization and Thoracic Mobilization Exercises in Chronic Low Back Pain...
Chronic Low Back PainChronic low-back pain (CLBP) is a heterogeneous group of disorders, which according to the new classification of the International Association for Pain Research (IASP), is recognized as an independent entity and belongs to a mixed type of pain caused by central sensitization , which is present for more than 12 weeks. Studies have found that lumbar segmental instability (LSI) is one of the most significant cause of lumbar pain through the movement of each spinal segment where degenerative changes were observed in the discs. The aim of this study was to compare the program of lumbar stabilization exercises in the open and closed kinetic chain, in relation to the program of lumbar stabilization exercises and thoracic mobilization in a closed kinetic chain, to evaluate the clinical efficacy of both exercise programs and determine whether initial pain intensity values and disability levels affect the outcome of patients with chronic low back pain. The study was conducted as randomized, single-blind, controlled trial in 80 chronic low-back pain (CLBP) patients of both sexes (35 male, 45 female), average age (48.45 +/- 10.22 years, treated at the Rehabilitation Clinic "Dr. Miroslav Zotović" in Belgrade between June 2017 and March 2018. Respondents were divided into two groups of 40 patients by simple randomization. Participants were given laser therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and an eight-week kinesiotherapy that included exercises to strengthen the deep lumbar spine stabilizers. Retesting was done after 4 and 8 weeks. Patients who performed lumbar stabilization and thoracic mobilization exercises program in a closed kinetic chain had better functional recovery and a significant reduction in pain intensity compared to respondents who performed a lumbar stabilization program in opened and closed kinetic chain.

Comparison of Dry Needling and Sustained Pressure in Para-spinal Muscles Trigger Points
Low Back PainThis study will compare the effect of dry needling and sustained pressure in the lumbar Paraspinal trigger points in terms of pain threshold and muscle length. There will be two groups ; experimental and control. Half of study group will receive dry needling session along with stretching and strengthening exercises and half of study group will receive sustained pressure technique along with stretching and strengthening exercises .

Therapy Exercises and Physiotherapy Delivered Operant Conditioning in the Treatment Chronic Low...
Chronic Nonspecific Low Back PainThis study investigates the effect of two physiotherapy models in the treatment of chronic nonspecific low back pain. Participants will be divided into three groups, two experimental and one control. In both experimental groups, the participants will be included in the intensive program of Therapy Exercises, under the supervision and guidance of the physiotherapist, and the group will differ in implemented behavioral therapy (which he will implement by a physiotherapist). In the control group, subjects will receive the usual treatment. The Back School will be applied in all groups.

Investigating the Effects of a Spinal Mobilisation Intervention in People With Lower Back Pain
Lower Back PainThe objective of the study is to measure and analyse the effect of a spinal mobilisation intervention on muscle tissue quality in people with lower back pain. The mobilisation intervention will be compared to a control with participants taking part in both conditions for a factorial, within-subject repeated measures study. The study will analyse lumbar muscle response to the manual intervention and analyse the potential influence of anthropometric measures of participants. The study hypothesises a decrease in lumbar stiffness post the intervention, compared to the control session.

Virtual Reality Trial Using EaseVRx For Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Lower Back PainRandomized, 2-arm parallel group clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness of a self-administered Virtual Reality program for the treatment of chronic lower back pain compared to a placebo VR program.