Efficacy of Muscle Energy Techniques in the Treatment of Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain
Low Back PainMechanicalChronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain is characterized as a tension, soreness and stiffness. Various studies, defined MET as a manual medicine treatment procedure that involves the voluntary contraction of the subject's muscle in a precisely controlled direction, at varying levels of intensity, against a distinctly executed counterforce applied by the therapist.

The Forgotten Role of Back Muscle Characteristics to Tailor Exercise Therapy for Recurrent Non-specific...
Low Back PainBack Pain Lower Back ChronicPatients with non-specific low back pain will be compared to healthy, age- and sex-matched controls to determine the most discriminating back muscle characteristics and to delineate possible phenotypes of patients with non-specific low back pain showing impaired proprioceptive postural control. Additionally, the group of patients with non-specific low back pain will receive a 16-week, high-load proprioceptive training program. The effects of this training program on the different back muscle characteristics and proprioceptive postural control will be evaluated.

Evaluation and Timing in an ERAS-like Structured Rehabilitation Program After Lumbar Spine Surgery...
Lumbar Pain SyndromeThe goal of this clinical trial is to investigate the safety of early inpatient rehabilitation after lumbar spine surgery. Participants are assigned to therapy groups C (low) - A (high) intensity and receive standardized multimodal rehabilitation for 3 weeks. Groups are compared in terms of safety, disability impairment as well as pain. Timing of rehabilitation is considered.

Interfacial Injection in Low Back Pain
Low Back PainIts effect on thoracolumbar fascia and low back pain has been investigated in different studies.These studies suggest that the anatomical and histological features of the fascia may have an effect on low back pain. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of interfacial injection in patients with chronic back pain.

Efficacy of Therapy Using Monopolar Dielectric Radiofrequency Signals on the Symptoms of Myofascial...
Chronic PainA total of 74 people diagnosed with non-specific chronic low back pain of more than 3 months of evolution and who are not currently undergoing any type of treatment will be recruited, with ages between 35 and 65 years. A random distribution will be made into two treatment groups (monopolar diathermy by radiofrequency versus placebo). Participants will receive treatment three per week for a period of three weeks, in the physiotherapy laboratories of the University of Almería, with a follow-up evaluation post-intervention (one months) and two months after the end of treatment. At their first visit, participants will be screened for study eligibility according to the study inclusion and exclusion criteria, and will be evaluated by a therapist blinded to the intervention. After this face-to-face evaluation, patients will be randomly assigned to one of the two groups and will receive treatment for low back pain according to their random assignment group by two therapists belonging to the research group and trained in the techniques used.

Comparing the Effect of Chiropractic Manipulation and Spinal Decompression Device Treatment
Chronic Low-back PainThis study is aimed to compare the effects of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy and spinal decompression device treatment on lower extremity muscle strength, balance performance, lumbar range of motion and mobility, functional status, pain, and quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain. After the approval of the ethics committee, the research was carried out in the physical therapy and rehabilitation clinic of Medipol Mega University Hospital. Individuals between the ages of 18-60, who had complaints of low back pain for the last three months and who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study were included in the study. 40 participants with low back pain existing more than 3 months were randomized into one of two groups as Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Therapy (CSMT) and Spinal Decompression (SD). Lumbar region chiropractic HVLA (High Velocity, Low Amplitude) spinal manipulation and/or sacroiliac joint chiropractic HVLA manipulation was applied to CSMT group, and lumbar region spinal decompression (traction) device therapy was applied to SD group, and as a standard of treatment was given a hot pack for 15 minutes before applying and a cold pack for 10 minutes after applying. Both groups were treated three times with an interval of three days. Before and after treatment were evaluated lower extremity (hamstring and quadriceps) muscle strength with an isokinetic dynamometer (CSMI Humac-Norm), balance performance with BBS (Biodex Balance System), lumbar range of motion and mobility with inclinometer and hand finger floor distance (HFFD), low back pain intensity with visual analog scale (VAS), functional status with Modified Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire (OSW), quality of life with Short form-36 (SF-36) in both groups. SPPS 25 (IBM Corp. Released 2017. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) version was used to analyze the data.

Effect of Talocrural Joint Thrust Manipulation on Mechanical Low Back Pain
Mechanical Low Back PainAmong all disabling musculoskeletal condition, non specific low back pain is most prevalent and universal condition. Its prevalence has increased over years and affects almost all at some phase in their life. Though, there are many causes of low back pain such as, sedentary life style, depression, poor nutritionist diet and so on, yet faulty posture is also one of the noteworthy causes of low back pain which cannot be overlooked. Faulty posture can result from any out of order body component, such as atypical foot biomechanics. Since lower limb is connected in a closed chain, atypical foot biomechanics leads to disruption in the whole chain ascending up to the spine, stressing spine soft tissues, upsetting its normal anatomical position and causing low back pain.

The Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low-back PainThe objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Kinesio taping (KT) with Conventional Physical therapy (CPT) - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) and Supervised Exercise therapy and CPT in the management of CLBP.

Short-term Effects of Kinesio Taping in Patients With Mechanical Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe aim of this study is to estimate the effect of Kinesio tape (KT) combined with supervised exercise programs compared to exercise alone on pain, lumbar range of motion, and self-reported disability of adults with mechanical low back pain (LBP). Methods: This was a randomized, controlled clinical trial carried out on 60 individuals with mechanical LBP. Participants were randomly assigned to the control group (n=30) that received McKenzie exercises for 7 days or experimental group (n=30) that received KT application in addition to McKenzie exercises for 7 days. Pain measured by visual analogue scale, lumbar range of motion, and the disability measured by Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) were used as outcome measures. Pre and Post measurements were taken at baseline and after 7 days.

DIAM™ Spinal Stabilization System Long Term Follow up Clinical Plan
Low Back PainA hybrid prospective/retrospective, multicenter, single-arm, data collection study.