Patient Education for Patients With Back Pain Referred to Physical Therapy
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to evaluate patients with low back pain who are scheduled to begin physical therapy but have not yet had their first appointment to better understand their beliefs and attitudes and to evaluate the effects of an educational session about low back pain.

Diazepam Use With Standard Management for Acute Low Back Pain
Low Back PainGiven the poor pain and functional outcomes that persist beyond an Emergency Department (ED) visit for musculoskeletal low back pain (LBP), we propose a clinical trial to evaluate whether combining a benzodiazepine with an NSAID is more effective than nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) monotherapy for the treatment of acute, non-traumatic, non-radicular low back pain.

A Study to Evaluate the Effect of Low Level Laser Light on Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThis study evaluates the effect of low level laser light therapy on reducing low back pain. Half of the participants will receive the actual treatment with the active laser and the other half of the participants will receive a placebo treatment with an inactive laser.

Cayenne Pepper Cataplasm - Effect Study
Back PainLow Back PainThe beneficial analgesic effects of Rubefacenciae (redden skin substances), is known since 1830 as a treatment for pain, cramps, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Herbal cataplasms containing rubefacient substances, such as Cayenne pepper, are commonly used as natural medications to treat painful or aching areas in the case of acute or chronic back pain, and rheumatisms. In Vienna and lower Austria, a Cayenne Pepper Cataplasm (CPC) application containing Cayenne pepper and Kaolin powder in mixed proportion, is commonly used to treat musculoskeletal conditions of pain especially of the low back. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to test effects of a series of ten applications of CPC prepared with 5% of pepper, investigating the resulting effect on: skin temperature, skin sensory functions, pain threshold, and proprioception. Placebo control condition (0% cayenne pepper) was also tested. It was hypothesized that a series of 20-minute application of a CPC will have significant effects on the measured parameters. 40 subjects will be randomized into Treatment/control group.

Steroid Versus Platelet Rich Plasma Injection for Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic PainChronic low back pain, with or without lower extremity pain, which arises from various structures of the spine constitutes a majority of pain complaints. The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) has been implicated as the primary source of pain in 10% to 27% of patients with mechanical low back pain below L5 vertebra. The common causes of SIJ pain include a trauma like direct fall on the buttocks, a rear-end or broad-side type motor vehicle accident, and an unanticipated step into a hole or from a miscalculated height, fusion surgery, anterior dislocation, inflammatory and degenerative sacroiliac joint disease and idiopathic. The treatment of SIJ pain remains a therapeutic challenge. Besides physiotherapy and systemic therapies including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and biologic agents, intra-articular and peri articular injections of SIJ, radiofrequency neurotomy and surgical fusion are often performed for pain relief. However, the success of these interventions has been determined according to the therapeutic efficacy and correct placement of the drug. The image guidance of SIJ injections seems to be important due to the complex anatomy of the joint causing a low accuracy when performed according to clinical judgement only. The feasibility of ultrasound (USG) guided injection of SIJ has recently been demonstrated resulting in very high success rates up to 90%. Various agents being used in SIJ injections include local anaesthetics, corticosteroid, botulinum toxin-A, 12.5% dextrose, phenol-glycerine-glucose (P2G) and sodium morrhuate (cod liver oil extract). SIJ steroid injection is commonly used technique and has been found to be effective to treat SIJ pain. However, the main drawback is short term effect. Borowsky et al reported improvement in visual analog score (VAS) of 14.1% and reduction of VAS ≥ 50% in only 12.50% patients at 3 months after intra-articular steroid (2 mL 0.5% bupivacaine plus 40 mg methylprednisolone) SIJ injection. Treatment modalities being currently used do not, in general, address the disease process itself, there is clearly a need to investigate treatments that are more widely applicable for symptom management and which may also directly address the disease process itself. Current research efforts aim at modifying the rate of healing of joint by using biological healing factors which are various growth factors (transforming growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, epidermal growth factor, platelet derived growth factor etc.) found abundantly in the human blood especially in platelets. The platelet rich plasma (PRP) is an ideal autologous biological blood-derived product, which can be exogenously applied to various tissues where it releases high concentrations of platelet derived growth factors that enhance the body's natural healing response. In addition PRP possesses antimicrobial properties that may contribute to the prevention of infections. PRP is now being widely tested in different fields of medicine for its possibilities in aiding the regeneration of tissue with low healing potential. Local injection of PRP is a new modality which has been effectively used for the treatment of Achilles tendon injury in athletes, chronic epicondylar tendinopathy, chronic patellar tendinosis, rotator cuff tear, anterior cruciate ligament injury, gonoarthrosis and plantar fasciitis. The intra-articular injection of PRP into knee joint has been found to reduce the incidence of local inflammatory changes in early knee osteoarthritis. Recently, PRP has been used for low back pain caused by SIJ laxity showing significant improvement in pain scores. However, there is no study at present comparing the efficacy of intra-articular injection of PRP with corticosteroids for the treatment of chronic SIJ pain. Considering the vast potential of PRP and its safety, this study aimed at studying the efficacy of ultrasound guided intra-articular SIJ injection of leukocyte free PRP for chronic low back pain due to SIJ pathology. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that the SIJ injection of leukocyte-free PRP may be more effective for the treatment of sacroiliac joint pain as compared with steroid injection.

Thera-Band® HEP for LBP Secondary Prevention
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a Thera-Band based home exercise program (HEP) on LBP and disability 4 weeks post treatment discharge.

Battlefield Acupuncture for the Treatment of Low Back Pain in the Emergency Department
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to study acupuncture for the treatment of low back pain in the emergency department. Current treatments for low back pain in the emergency department generally include pills or injections of medications to treat pain and relax muscles. However, it is known that many of these medications have risks and toxicities which may limit their safe use in some patients. Therefore, new types of treatments are needed. Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing that has been practiced in some form for centuries. In modern times, acupuncture has been studied for the long-term treatment of low back pain and some research suggests it may be effective. However, very little research has examined the use of acupuncture for immediate pain relief in the emergency department. This research will study a type of acupuncture called Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA). Battlefield acupuncture was designed by a physician in the US military with the purpose of providing immediate pain relief. It involves the placement of 5 small needles in each ear. The needles may be removed at any time. The hypothesis of this study is that battlefield acupuncture may improve mobility and pain of patients with low back pain in the emergency department.

Effectiveness of Electrotherapy Techniques to Treat Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainObjective: The aim of this investigation was compare the effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and interferential currents (IC) on chronic low back pain. Forty-eight patients diagnosed as having chronic low back pain were randomly assigned to three groups: control (sham electrotherapy; age 47 ± 8 years), interferential currents (IC; age 48 ± 8 years) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS; age 48 ± 8 years). Patients in all groups received 12 × 30-min sessions of the assigned treatment for a period of 4 weeks plus therapeutic exercises. Before and after the treatment, low back pain was measured using a 100-mm visual analogue scale and functional disability level was measured using the Rolland Morris Disability Questionnaire. Participants status was followed up 3 months after the end of the treatment.

Effects of Resistance Training on Pain, Function and Work Ability in Patients With Moderate to Severe...
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to investigate if high-intensity resistance training can induce additional beneficial effects, for patients with moderate to severe long term pain in the low back, when added to a multidisciplinary treatment program.

Efficacy of the Electronic Acupuncture Shoes: A Clinical Trial for Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThis randomized , double-blind, parallel-arm clinical trial was designed to study the efficacy and safety of the "Electronic Acupuncture Shoes" treatment on chronic low back pain patients. Chronic low back pain patients, aged 20-60, of both gender were recruited. As the primary outcome measure to assess the efficacy, "0-10 numerical rating scale" was used. Secondary outcome measure included the speed of pain-relief. The number of samples in the experimental group and the control group ratio of 1 : 1 , is expected to total effective sample number is 60 . Experimental group will receive a six-week "Electronic Acupuncture Shoes" treatment and a week back to the clinic three times , subject to a total of 18 treatments , each course of about one hour . Subjects will take NSAID placebo in the first week of the course of treatment . After the second week of NSAID placebo on disabled. Control subjects will also accept the six- week treatment , control subjects will be equally back to the clinic three times a week , each group will be given to the subject of one hour each shoe pseudo electrotherapy treatment group and control group run by entering from the test day in the first week of the course , each taking ibuprofen 400mg, taken three times a day , the second week after the NSAID drugs on disabled.