Feasibility of Mindfulness Meditation for Adults 65+ With Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainThis pilot feasibility experimental study is designed as a randomized wait-list controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for CLBP. A sample of 37 older adults 65 years of age and older will be recruited from a chronic pain clinic, posted flyers, and newspaper advertisements over a 6-month period. Eligibility will be determined by self-report from a checklist reviewed with potential participants over the phone (see appendix for checklist). Pre-intervention study participants will be consented and study measures obtained. After consent and baseline measures, participants will be randomized in blocks of six using a simple randomization process with no stratification using a table of random numbers. After randomization, participants in the intervention group will receive the intervention of eight weekly 90-minute mindfulness meditation sessions. Instead of waiting until all 37 participants have been recruited into the study to do the intervention, the intervention will be done on a rolling basis. This means there will be a minimum of 6 participants per intervention group, with the possibility of three separate intervention groups. If recruitment goes better than expected, then we will offer the intervention to all 18 participants at one time. Controls will not receive any intervention during this time. Immediately post-intervention the measures will be administered again to participants and wait-list controls. Once the intervention is complete and participants and wait-list controls have completed post-intervention measures the mindfulness meditation program will be offered to the wait-list controls. We will try to combine the wait-list controls into one eight-week program. 3 months after the intervention is completed, participants will be asked to complete the measures a third time and any mindfulness meditation they continue to do at home will be quantified. The primary hypotheses are: We expect to be able to recruit 37 eligible individuals with CLBP into the study within a six-month period. We expect participants randomized to the mindfulness meditation intervention to meet an adherence standard of attending 75% of the 8 weekly 90-minute sessions. We expect mindfulness meditation will result in a moderate effect size difference (0.5) between the intervention participants and wait-list control participants on outcome measures of pain, mood, physical function, attention, and QOL.

Efficacy and Safety of Lymphdiaral Basistropfen (HDC) in the Treatment of Chronic Low-back Pain...
Low Back PainTo evaluate superiority of HDC in comparison to placebo in the treatment of chronic low-back pain in relation to pain, functional impairment, quality of life, and state of health during a 15-week treatment period.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Interferential Currents in Chronic Low Back Pain...
Chronic Low Back PainThe purpose of this study was to compare the effects of the TENS and IFC in patients with non specific chronic low back pain.

Pilot Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Lidoderm Patch in the Treatment of Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainPatients with moderate to severe chronic Low Back Pain (LBP) despite current analgesic treatment participated in a Phase IV clinical trial to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of the lidocaine patch 5% compared to placebo in treating moderate to severe chronic LBP.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-Based Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back PainThe proposed study will test how well an innovative method, interactive voice response (IVR), can be used for delivering an treatment for chronic low back pain. The use of IVR will improve the accessibility of treatment to Veterans. IVR is a computerized interface that allows patients to use their telephone to: 1) obtain pre-recorded didactic information, 2) report data regarding pain-related symptoms and adherence to pain coping skill practice, and 3) receive personalized therapist feedback. Although CBT has been shown to be effective in reducing pain intensity, traditional CBT requires patients to make frequent office visits. The use of IVR will allow Veterans to access CBT from their home via a touch-tone telephone, thereby allowing them to access treatment at their convenience without travel to the VA for an outpatient appointment. Veterans with chronic low back pain will be randomized in equal numbers to receive either standard CBT or IVR-based CBT. Veterans in both conditions will receive 10 session of treatment designed to help them manage their chronic pain using pain coping skills. The primary outcome measure will be pain intensity.

Open-Label Extension to Evaluate the Long-Term Safety, Tolerability and Analgesic Efficacy
CancersPain1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of oxymorphone ER as an analgesic in cancer and lower back pain subjects having chronic moderate to severe pain.

Safety and Performance Study of the CAdiscTM-L Lumbar Spinal Disc Replacement Device For CE Marking...
Chronic Low Back PainLumbar Degenerative Disc DiseaseThe purpose of this European Union (EU) study to evaluate the safety and performance of the CAdiscTM-L Lumbar Spinal Disc Replacement Device in the surgical replacement of the lumbar intervertebral discs (L3 to S1) for patients requiring surgical intervention for total lumbar disc replacement for the treatment of debilitating, chronic low back pain.

Chronic Low Back Pain and Primary Health Care
Low Back PainKentucky ranks 2nd in disability among states, with chronic low back pain (CLBP) as a major disability, especially in the investigators rural areas. Kentucky and U.S. health care providers need alternative and effective treatments. Following NCCAM strategic research recommendations, this study will investigate health services outcomes of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies in an existing primary care practice-based research network (PBRN). The Patients with CLBP are often willing to try therapeutic options outside the conventional medical spectrum. Massage and relaxation therapies have demonstrated fairly good efficacy in controlled trials but their effectiveness in the "real world" of primary care is only beginning to be evaluated. The long-term goal of the proposed project builds on the foundation of these two established therapies to improve treatment of chronic low back pain (CLBP) in primary care practices. Two alternative (CAM) therapies, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and clinical massage therapy (CMT), will be studied. The short-term objectives of the proposed project are to: (1) examine outcomes of CAM for patients with CLBP referred from primary care practices, and (2) better understand physician decision-making to recommend CAM therapy for CLBP. Specific Aim 1 will evaluate improvement in health-related outcomes for patients with CLBP when referred to PMR or CMT from primary care. Specific Aim 2 will explore selected factors in primary care physicians' decisions to recommend CAM therapy to these patients. The proposed study is unique in that it addresses "real life" clinical situations and decision-making in both urban and rural clinical practices within an existing PBRN. Should such CAM referral prove successful for ameliorating CLBP, it would provide relatively low cost, non-addictive treatment options for inclusion in the repertoire of primary care physicians.

A Randomized, Equivalence Trial of Percutaneous Lumbar Adhesiolysis and Caudal Epidural Steroid...
Low Back PainThe purpose of this study is to: evaluate the effectiveness of percutaneous epidural adhesiolysis in managing chronic low back and/or lower extremity pain in patients without post lumbar surgery syndrome or spinal stenosis and compare with fluoroscopically directed caudal epidural steroid injections. evaluate and compare the adverse event profile in all groups.

Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Treatment
Low Back PainThis study compares three treatments for low back pain that started during pregnancy. The study hypothesizes that exercise, spinal manipulation, and a mind-body technique called neuroemotional technique (NET) equally affect pain intensity and disability associated with pregnancy-related low back pain. The study also hypothesizes that pain intensity and disability levels do not influence maternal heart rate variability (a measure of stress) and intrauterine attachment (a measure of relationship quality). Ten women will additionally provide blood and salivary oxytocin samples during pregnancy and periodically for three months after birth. These women and their babies will also be videotaped playing for 5 minutes at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months postpartum.