Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Patients With Acute Low Back Pain...
Low Back PainIntroduction: Low back pain is one of the most common complaints in doctors' offices, and acute low back pain is characterized by episodes of pain with less than three weeks duration. The transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), based on the gate control theory of pain proposed by Melzack and Wall in 1965, has been used as an adjunctive therapy in the control of back pain, being a non-invasive, low cost, safe and easy to apply. No studies were found regarding the effectiveness of TENS in acute low back pain. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of TENS in pain management of patients with acute low back pain. Material and Methods: A randomized clinical trial, double-blinded and placebo-controlled. Patients were selected in the clinics of Federal de University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) according to the following criteria: acute low back pain, both genders, aged between 18 and 65 years, pain between 4 and 8cm in pain numeric scale (PNS) and who agreed to participate in the study. After signing the informed consent patients were randomly allocated into one of the groups: TENS group (TG) or Placebo Group (PG). In TG was applied conventional TENS with frequency and intensity variation (FIV) effect, frequency of 100 hertz, a pulse width of 60μs and intensity adjusted according to the individual baseline for each patient without causing muscular contraction. The electrodes were arranged in a cross shape in the paravertebral region (levels T12-L1 and L5 - S1). In PG the same procedures were adopted, but did not occur electrical stimulus. Patients were informed that they could or could not feel electric shocks. Treatment consisted of 10 sessions (2x / week / 5 weeks), with each session lasting 30 '. Assessments were made at the following times: T0 (baseline), T1 to T10 (the beginning and end of each session), T11 (after the last session), T30 (30 days after the last session) and T60 (60 days after the last session). Assessment tools: PNS for pain, short-form 36 (SF-36), Roland-Morris, self-assessment of improvement ("Likert" scale) and drug consumption (daily).

Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain Through an Adapted Exercise Program
Low Back PainObjective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a adapted exercise program and general exercise recommendations compared with only general exercise recommendations for the management of chronic back pain among the workers of BSH (Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte), a manufacturing company.

Low Level Laser Therapy in the Dorsal Root Ganglion in the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain
PainLow Back Pain3 moreChronic axial low back pain is a public health problem and has a high socioeconomic impact. The dorsal ganglion of the second spinal nerve (GDL2) is a cluster of neuronal bodies responsible for sensory afferent inputs from more than 80% of the lumbar region. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is proven effective to help relieve pain. Thus, the aim of this project is to determine the effect of LLLT on GDL2 when applied to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic axial low back pain. Methodology: 45 patients will be randomized into three groups: laser, radiofrequency and local anesthetic. The patient will be positioned in a prone horizontal position under anesthetic monitoring. The intervertebral foramen between the second and third lumbar vertebrae will be accessed by percutaneous puncture guided by fluoroscopy. In the local anesthetic group, injection of 1 ml lidocaine without vasoconstrictor will be applied in the tubes G20, 150 mm long and 5 mm active tip in contact with the target. In the radiofrequency group, neuromodulation will be held for 300 seconds at 42oC. In the laser group, the laser Photon III® (DCM) will be applied through optic fiber crossing G18 cannulas, during 84 seconds. The pain score will be assessed by visual analog scale. Temperature will be measured and aspirate periganglionic sample, trans-operatively, to study Interleucins-1β and TNF-alpha assessed by ELISA and genetic evaluation trough RNA seek, RNA isolation and ATP quantification. The data will be evaluated for normality and subjected to appropriate statistical analysis, in order to seek representation, as same as the level of significance of the studied samples.

Gua Sha for Chronic Low Back Pain in Elderly
Back PainThe purpose of the study is to investigate whether Gua sha is an effective modality for relieving chronic low back pain specifically in the aged population by comparing the baseline measures of pain intensity, self-perceived disability, back range of motion, back local muscle stiffness, depression, sleeping quality, quality of life, biomarkers measurement, and analgesic intake on days 1 and 7 after a single session of Gua sha treatment. In addition, the investigators are going to compare between Gua sha and hot pack treatments for the above parameters.

Walking Away From Back Pain, One Step at a Time
Low Back PainThis study will investigate if a 12-week, individually-tailored walking program, using pedometers will be a more clinically and cost-effective option for the management of chronic low back pain than standardized advice and education.

Chronic Low Back Pain Randomized Controlled Trial
Chronic Low Back PainChronic low back pain is a common condition that can negatively impact quality of life and that lacks highly effective treatment options. The YMCA developed different iterations of a stretching exercise program as a community based treatment for low back pain from 1974-2004. Though anecdotally successful, the YMCA stretching exercise program(s) was not scientifically evaluated for efficacy and became obsolete. The purpose of the study is to test the efficacy of a previously popular YMCA stretching exercise program(s) for back pain. The stretching exercise program that will be studied is a collection of all the resources available for the YMCA stretching exercise program(s). The most recent criteria from a National Institutes of Health sponsored Task Force to study chronic low back pain were applied to this study.

Sensorimotor Training in Low-back Pain Rehabilitation
Low Back PainThis study evaluates the effects of additional sensorimotor training (proprioceptive postural training, PPT) to conventional therapy in the treatment of chronic low-back pain. Half of the participants will receive instructed treadmill training as an active comparator against PPT. All participants receive conventional physiotherapy as prescribed by their treating medical doctors. It is expected that the PPT group will improve in postural control, proprioceptive, as well as pain and function outcomes to a significantly greater extent than the active control group.

Kinesio Taping on Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThis study propose analyze the effects of Kinesio Taping® in chronic nonspecific low back pain. All the subjects will be submitted to an evaluation of the painful sensation, functional performance, trunk range of motion and neuromuscular performance at three different times.

Medial Branch Blocks vs. Intra-articular Injections: Randomized, Controlled Study
Lumbar Facet Joint PainLow Back PainBackground: Facet interventions are the second most commonly performed procedure in pain clinics throughout the U.S, including in the military. Currently, there is no clear consensus regarding whether intra-articular (IA) blocks or medial branch blocks (facet joint nerve; MBB) are the best way to diagnose and treat facetogenic pain, or even whether or not to perform diagnostic/ prognostic blocks. Hypothesis: IA blocks will provide better relief than MBB, but MBB may better select patients for radiofrequency denervation. Purpose: Objective 1: Determine which "prognostic" block is the best predictor for RF denervation outcome; Objective 2: To determine whether adding steroids to IA or MBB may provide intermediate or long-term benefit to a subset of individuals. Research Design: Randomized, comparative-effectiveness study Methodology /Technical Approach: A total of 225 patients with non-radicular chronic low back pain (LBP) with suspected facetogenic etiology will be randomized in a 2:2:1 ratio to one of 3 groups: Group 1 will receive IA blocks with steroids and LA Group 2 will receive MBB with steroids and LA Group 3 will receive MBB with only saline Those individuals who obtain significant (≥ 50% in groups 1 and 2,3) but temporary (< 1-month) relief will undergo radiofrequency (RF) denervation at their 1-month follow-up. In group 3, those patients who do not experience pain relief at 1-month will undergo RF denervation regardless of the pain relief they experience (as many practitioners in the military and civilian practices do without diagnostic blocks).1-3 Participants in Groups 1 and 2 who experience prolonged relief from their diagnostic/ therapeutic blocks with LA and steroids will not undergo RF denervation until their pain returns. Those individuals who experience prolonged relief lasting > 6 months will be given the option of repeating the diagnostic/ therapeutic block. In Groups 1, 2 and 3 patients who experience prolonged relief from the diagnostic blocks, follow-up visits will be at 1-month, 3-months and 6-months after the block, or until their pain relief wears off. In those who undergo denervation based on a positive block, follow-ups will be performed 1, 3 and 6-months after the denervation provided they continue to experience significant (> 50%) relief at each follow-up. Those individuals who fail to experience significant relief after denervation will be unblinded and exit the study per protocol.

Enhanced Implementation of Low Back Pain Guidelines in General Practice
Low Back PainThe aim of this study is to evaluate whether an enhanced strategy of implementation of the new guideline will lower the number of patients getting referred to secondary care spine centres compared to a normal implementation strategy.