tDCS Effects on Chronic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainChronic PainBack School (BS) is a behavioural intervention designed to treat and prevent chronic low back pain. Up to date clinical research studies have shown that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is able to decrease the intensity and duration of pain modulating the activity of brain areas involved in the circuits that regulate pain and facilitating the mechanisms inhibitors descendants of pain control. The aim of this study is to test the feasibility of combining tDCS with a behavioural intervention (i.e. BS) in subjects with chronic low back pain.

Exercise Protocol for Pilots With Back Pain.
Low Back PainIt is known that the low back pain can cause discomfort and deconcentration during the flight, requests for abstention of flight, fear in the aviators about the future in case of illness and economic damages to the country. However, there are few studies about the incidence, prevalence or risk factors associated with low back pain in Brazilian air force pilots. Also, the literature lacks further randomized controlled studies about interventions, leaving a huge field to be explored in future research. Objectives: This study to analyze the chronic effects of an exercise protocol on lumbar pain in Brazilian Air Force pilots. Materials and methods: The study is a blind and randomized clinical trial, in which a protocol of strength and lumbar resistance exercises will be tested. The volunteers will be: 20 fighter instructors with intermittent low back pain. Such volunteers will be recruited in a non-probabilistic manner for convenience. Moreover, they will be randomly distributed through www.randomization.com to form two groups with 10 members each: experimental group (EG), where they will participate in an exercise program three times a week for 8 weeks; and the control group (CG), in which they will receive explanation and handbook demonstration of the same exercises (Appendix 1) - after 8 weeks of intervention and after being reevaluated. The study will be performed at the city of Natal/ Rio Grande do Norte. The evaluation will consist of an evaluation form with personal data, anthropometric data, occupational information, health history, physical exercise pattern and pain information, quantified by Visual Analog Pain Scale. In addition, the Oswestry questionnaire will be administered to assess lumbar function and the Nordic Questionnaire to assess musculoskeletal changes. Also, will be done: postural evaluation, using a postural evaluation software (SAPO); assessment of lumbar range of motion, using an IPHONE app called iHandy Level; Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the spine; dynamometry to measure the trunk extension force, flexion with rotation and lateral bridge, using the manual dynamometer Lafayette® - model 01165, USA; and resistance test of trunk stabilizing muscles. Magnetic resonance imaging will be done at the Onofre Lopes University Hospital. The project will be submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte through the national interface "Plataforma Brasil". The study will also be registered on the international clinical trial platform, ClinicalTrials.gov. Data analysis: The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software will be used in the analysis. The normality of data distribution and the homogeneity of the variances will be verified by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) and Levine tests, respectively. If there is a normal distribution, the descriptive statistics will be performed through means and standard deviations. Significance level adopted: 5% (P <0.05). The paired t test was used for the comparisons between the measurements obtained in the pre and post 2 month evaluations, and for the comparison between the groups (CG and EG), the unpaired t test. If the data do not present a normal distribution, the Friedman test will be used for comparisons of the measures of the evaluations in each group and the Kruskal-Wallis test for comparisons between the groups (CG and EG).

Burst Spinal Cord Stimulation for Neuropathic Pain.
Peripheral Neuropathic PainRadiculopathy1 moreThis study will evaluate the effect of Burst spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in the treatment of painful radiculopathy in lower extremity(ies) with or without lower back pain. It is a multicenter double-blinded "n-of-1" RCT with repeated two-week periods of Burst SCS or sham in randomised order.

Pain Neuroscience Education for Acute and Sub-Acute Low Back Pain
Low Back PainPain3 moreTo determine if Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) would result in positive clinical changes in patients presenting with acute or sub-acute low back pain (LBP).

The Effectiveness of Telerehabilitation Modalities in Physical Therapy in the Management of Chronic...
Low Back PainLow back pain (LBP), a common disorder, causes disability, functional decline and high health care costs. Patient care programs include specific exercises for promoting function and improving health. Self-practice and adherence to treatment are important for treatment success and better outcomes. Telerehabilitation (TR) might improve patient symptoms, compliance to treatment and reduce patient symptoms, however, its effectiveness in treating LBP, still needs further investigation. The overall aim of this study will be to examine the effectiveness of combining telerehabilitation within physical therapy treatments for patients with LBP

A Trial Comparing Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment to Manual Therapy
Chronic Lower Back PainMechanical diagnosis and treatment (MDT) and Manual Therapy (MT) have both demonstrated efficacy in the management of CLBP. The use of a Point of Care (POC) design in this study will allow for comparison of these two treatment modalities in a clinical setting. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of recruiting, enrolling and collecting outcome data on CLBP patients utilizing the POC methodology.

Personalized Back Rx Exercise Program as a Treatment for Discogenic Low Back Pain
Low Back PainThe prevalence and disability associated with discogenic low back pain are significant, and there is a general lack of widely accepted conservative treatments for the condition. A majority of previous studies that have assessed the efficacy of self-directed exercise-based rehabilitation programs did not include comprehensive metrics to confirm whether participants actually participated in the exercises prescribed. In this pilot study, the investigators hope to determine whether proxies of compliance with a daily, self-directed rehabilitation program for discogenic low back pain are correlated with participant-reported improvements in pain and function. The feasibility of a mobile interface designed to help patients with chronic low back pain track the daily management of their conditions will also be evaluated.

Effects of Self-Stretching Posture and Segmental Stabilization in Patients With Chronic Low Back...
Low Back PainBackground: Low back pain is a major problem for public health that affects about 60-85% of the population at some point in life. Approximately 10-40% of individuals with low back pain develop the chronic form. International guidelines consider three groups of treatment options for low back pain: medication, invasive and conservative treatments in which conservative approach is the most recommended. The European Guidelines for Management of Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain recommends that supervised exercise programs should be used as front-line treatment for chronic low back pain, such as stabilization exercises, conventional stretching and other active exercise, but there is no consensus on literature on the most effective form of treatment. However, there is limited evidence about the effects of a global stretching intervention using self-stretching postures for chronic low back pain. Objectives: The aim of this research is to compare the effects of an active global stretching program (GSP) using self-management of posture versus stabilization exercises on pain intensity and disability for patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. Methods: This study is a randomized controlled three arm clinical trial with examiner blinding. A sample of 100 patients with chronic non-specific low back pain will be randomly assigned to two treatment groups (GSP or Stabilization Exercises). The eligibility criteria will be 18 and 50 years, pain in the last three months and/or pain in at least half of the days in the past six months, pain located between T12 and the gluteal folds, pain intensity greater than or equal to three, and score greater than 14% on Oswestry Disability Index. Patients will be assessed in baseline, immediately after treatment and after one and three-months follow-up. Sessions will be provided weekly for eight weeks by a single therapist lasting 40 minutes. The primary outcomes will be pain intensity and low back pain related disability and the secondary outcomes will be fear avoidance, global perceived effect of treatment and muscle flexibility. All statistical analysis will be conducted following principles of intention to treat, and the treatment effects will be calculated using linear mixed models.

Electrical Stimulation for the Treatment of Back Pain Using Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS)
Back PainLow Back PainThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of electrical stimulation (low levels of electricity) on low back pain. This study involves the SPRINT Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) system. The System delivers mild electrical stimulation to the nerves in the low back. The System includes up to four small wires (called "Leads") that are placed through the skin into the muscles in the low back. The wires attach to device(s) worn on the body that deliver stimulation (called Stimulators).

A Prospective Pilot Study Investigating the Impact of ThermaCare on Flexibility, Muscle Relaxation...
Low Back PainThe objective of this Investigator Initiated study is to evaluate the effectiveness of ThermaCare HeatWraps in improving flexibility and low back muscle relaxation, and in participants experiencing pain, reducing pain during movement. This study is an intervention trial on two discrete subject samples; (1) people with recent back pain, and (2) people who regularly play sport. ViMove wearable sensors provide precise objective measurements of low back muscle activity and movement in real time and can capture a patient's reporting of pain during movement. Outcomes will be assessed through standard ViMove protocols in conjunction with multiple validated measures of pain, perception of change, and function.