CO2 Rebreathing in nOH: A Proof-of-Concept Pilot Study
Neurogenic Orthostatic HypotensionAutonomic FailureNeurogenic orthostatic hypotension (nOH) is a chronic condition associated with increased cardiovascular risk and reduced quality of life. On standing, patients with nOH experience a large reduction in blood pressure (BP; at least ≥20/10mmHg, but often much more), which is often accompanied by debilitating symptoms and syncope. A previous study (unpublished) showed that hypercapnia significantly increases standing BP in patients with nOH. Human bodies naturally produce and exhale CO2. Rebreathe devices offer a simple, cost-effective technology to increase arterial CO2. In brief, rebreathe devices work by capturing expired CO2, which is then re-inhaled. The net effect is a transient increase in CO2. A CO2 rebreathing device may offer a novel hemodynamic therapy for patients with nOH. This is a pilot, proof-of-concept study to evaluate a CO2 rebreather to improve blood pressure and orthostatic tolerance in patients with nOH. The hypothesis is that a rebreather will increase CO2 sufficiently enough to improve BP in patients with nOH. Male and female patients (n=28) will be asked to complete two randomized 70° head-up tilt (HUT) tests breathing either room air or using a CO2 rebreather. Hemodynamics (BP, heart rate, stroke volume, brain blood flow) and orthostatic symptoms will be assessed throughout. Breath-by-breath data will include O2, CO2, respiration rate and tidal volume. The primary outcome measure will be the magnitude of the BP response (ΔBP = HUT - Supine) during Room Air vs. Hypercapnia. The primary outcome will be compared between room air and hypercapnia using a paired t-test.

Effect of Gui-Lu-Er-Xian-Jiao-Wan on Intradialytic Hypotension
Intradialytic HypotensionIntradialytic hypotension (IDH), a common complication during hemodialysis (HD) could increase patients' morbidity and mortality. Previous studies considered that some Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) plays a complementary role in reducing the frequency of IDH. This trial is aimed to investigate the effect of Gui-Lu-Er-Xian-Jiao-Wan (GLEXJW) in patients with intradialytic hypotension.

A Novel Device for the Treatment of Postural Hypotension - a Signal of Effectiveness Study.
Orthostatic HypotensionThe goal of this clinical trial is to test a novel medical device (ISO-101) in patients diagnosied with orthostatic hypotension. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: to determine whether the ISO-101 device demonstrates a signal of efficacy in people with OH and whether it is worthy of further clinical evaluation. Assess the safety and performance of the ISO-101 device in patients with orthostatic hypotension. Participants will use the device under controlled conditions and have the following parameters measured before and after standing up: blood pressure markers of peripheal vascular resistence sympathetic nervous system activity measure before and after standing up

Goal-directed Fluid Therapy During Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Free Flap Breast Reconstruction...
Hypotension During SurgeryAdequate free flap perfusion during Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) flap breast reconstruction surgery requires maintaining blood pressure above 100 mmHg and avoiding excessive fluid administration. This study aims to determine whether the use of a measurement of preload dependency (Pulse Pressure Variation = PPV), can guide fluid therapy and if it decreases the risk of flap oedema. For this purpose, two fluid management strategies will be compared: Static intraoperative fluid management: Administration of crystalloid fluids is limited to 5ml/kg/h Dynamic intraoperative fluid management: Crystalloid fluids are only administered if PPV exceeds 12% The purpose of this study is to compare the static and dynamic (= targeted) fluid strategy and to evaluate the effect on flap oedema and flap perfusion.

Effect of EEG-guided General Anesthesia on Cumulative Dose of Norepinephrine
HypotensionIntraoperative hypotension is common in patients having non-cardiac surgery under general anesthesia and is associated with major postoperative complications including myocardial injury, AKI, and death. Intraoperative hypotension is also common in patients having vascular surgery. To treat intraoperative hypotension, vasopressors - such as norepinephrine - and fluids are used. However, high-dose vasopressor and excessive fluid therapy are also associated with postoperative complications. The depth of general anesthesia may be a modifiable cause of intraoperative hypotension. Deep levels of general anesthesia may cause cardiovascular depression with intraoperative hypotension and higher vasopressor requirements. Optimal depth of general anesthesia is defined as a state in which the patient is at low risk of recall of intraoperative events while maintaining blood pressure stability with minimal intervention. Depth of anesthesia can be confirmed using clinical signs, the concentration of inhaled or intravenous anesthetics, or neuromonitoring such as processed electroencephalography (pEEG). pEEG presents an opportunity to monitor changes in human brain electrical activity and to help estimating the patients' level of (un)consciousness and the optimal depth of anesthesia. EEG-guided general anesthesia may thus decrease norepinephrine doses needed to treat intraoperative hypotension in patients having surgery.

Association of Intraoperative Blood Pressure Excursions Below Cerebral Autoregulatory Boundaries...
Intraoperative Arterial HypotensionThe aim of study is to investigate the clinical relevance of blood pressure (BP) excursions below cerebral autoregulatory boundaries in major noncardiac surgery. The study seeks to establish a precedent for a personalized definition of intraoperative arterial hypotension based on non-invasive tissue oxygenation measurements. The feasibility of NIRS-based autoregulation monitoring in major noncardiac surgery and the prognostic relevance of BP excursions below the NIRS-derived lower limit of autoregulation (LLA) with regard to both short- and long-term major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) will be investigated.

Essential Hypotension and Allostasis Registry
Blood PressureDepression17 moreThe essential arterial hypotension and allostasis registry is a prospective, observational research that has the purpose of demonstrating that essential blood pressure (BP) disorders and the associated comorbidities are a result of the inappropriate allostatic response to daily life stress. This required a functioning brain orchestrating the evaluation of the threat and choosing the response, this is a mind-mediated phenomenon. If the response is excessive it contributes to high BP, if deficient to low BP, and the BP itself will identify the allostatic pattern, which in turn will play an important role in the development of the comorbidities. To do so, consecutive patients of any age and gender that visit a cardiologist's office in Medellin, Colombia, are recruited. Individuals are classified according to their arterial BP and allostasis and follow them in time to see what kind of diseases develops the most (including BP) in the follow up according to the categorization of the characteristic chosen and after adjustment for confounder's variables. In addition, stress events with their date are registered. HYPOTHESIS The causes of the diseases are multifactorial. Physical, biochemical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of development dynamically interact to shape the health development process. A person´s health depends on their: Biological and physiologic systems External and internal environment (a) physical, b) internal behavioural and arousal state as registered by the brain. Their interaction. The allostatic mechanisms to the internal and external stressors (allostatic load) involves a network composed by: Functional systems; mediated by: The Autonomic Nervous System The endocrine system The immune system Structural changes: whenever the internal and/or external stressors are long lasting and/or strength enough, they may induce changes in: Epigenetic, endophenotypes, polyphenism. Plasticity The interaction between a) and b). The network response do not affect exclusively the BP, propitiating the development of comorbidities, which may prompt strategies for prevention, recognition and ultimately, treatment. The allostatic model defines health as a state of responsiveness. The concept of psycho-biotype: The allostasis is the result of both: biological (allostasis) and psychological (psychostasis) abilities. It is proposed that both components behave in similar direction and magnitude. Immune disorders may be associated with the development of cancer. High BP population has a higher sympathetic and lower vagal tone, this has been associated with a decrease in the immune´s system function. Resources and energy depletion: Terms like weathering have been used to describe how exposures to different allostatic loads gradually scrape away at the protective coating that keeps people healthy. It is postulated that High BP individuals have more resources and energy.

Hypotension Prediction Index vs Norepinephrine Infusion for Prevention of Spinal Hypotension for...
Hypotension During SurgeryHypotension Drug-InducedThe goal of this randomized controlled trial is to compare for non inferiority for fetal wellbeing Hypotension Prediction Index - Guided Therapy and Continuous Norepinephrine Infusion in in the Prevention of Spinal Anesthesia-Induced Hypotension for Cesarean Delivery. The main question it aims to answer are: • are fetal arterial base excess comparable with the two treatments? Participants will undergo continuous noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring with advanced Hypotension Prediction Index Researchers will compare with patients receiving continuous norepinephrine infusion and standard blood pressure monitoring with arm cuff.

Early Initiated Vasopressor Therapy in the Emergency Department
ShockShock7 moreThe goal of this pragmatic, multi-center, superiority, randomized clinical trial is to compare early treatment with peripheral (through a vein) infused noradrenaline (a natural hormone that increases blood pressure) with fluid only therapy in patients with hypotensive and shock in the Danish Emergency Departments (ED). The main questions it aims to answer are: If early initiated noradrenaline in non-bleeding hypotensive patients presenting in the ED can Improve time to shock control. Reduce the need for ICU admittance. Decrease mortality. Participants will be included by the clinical staff and treated urgently with either noradrenaline or usual treatment during their Emergency Department stay. After completion of the treatment in the Emergency Department, patient data will be extracted from the bed-side measurements, electronic health records and national registers. Patients will be contacted by the research staff 1 year after study inclusion to answer brief questions about their daily physical function and ability to care for themselves. Researchers will compare with patients receiving fluid therapy only, as this is the usual standard of care in Danish Emergency Departments.

Prevention or Treatment of Arterial Hypotension and Oxygen Cerebral Saturation During Major Abdominal...
Hypotension During SurgeryHemodynamic InstabilityIn this study investigators will explore the association between intraoperative arterial hypotension and cerebral oxygen saturation in patients scheduled for major abdominal surgery. Investigators will assign patients to control or interventional group. In this last group arterial hypotension will be avoided based on a HPI (Hypotension Predictive Index) protocol. In the control group arterial hypotension will be promptly treated according to hemodynamic variables.