
Active clinical trials for "Hypotension"

Results 181-190 of 875

Ability of Hypotension Prediction Index to Predict Hypotension Events in Thoracic Surgery

Perioperative/Postoperative Complications

Investigators design this prospective observational study to exam the ability of hypotension prediction index in predicting intraoperative hypotension events in each phase of thoracic surgery

Recruiting5 enrollment criteria

Preoperative Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Right Common Femoral Vein Diameter for Predicting...

Spinal Anesthesia-induced Hypotension

In this study we will determine the ability of preoperative ultrasonographic evaluation of the right common femoral vein diameter to predict spinal anesthesia-induced hypotension in elderly patients.

Recruiting8 enrollment criteria

Analysis of Influencing Factors of Hypotension in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Dialysis


Hypotension (IDH) during dialysis is a common complication in hemodialysis, and the incidence is 20-50% in hemodialysis patients, the proportion of diabetic patients with IDH is 26.7%, which is much higher than that of non-diabetic patients. Currently, there are few studies on the influencing factors and related thresholds of IDH in diabetic patients.A total of 180 eligible patients were selected from Beijing Friendship Hospital, Beijing Nuclear Industry Hospital, Beijing Daxing District People's Hospital, Beijing Zhongneng Jian Hospital. General data of patients were collected. Dialysis prescription Blood pressure biochemical parameters and cardiac color ultrasound parameters were divided into IDH group and non-IDH group according to the incidence of IDH during dialysis Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of IDH, and ROC curve was used to explore the threshold of related factors.

Recruiting2 enrollment criteria

Non-invasive Assessment to Predict Tolerance to Fluid Removal on Intermittent Kidney Replacement...

Acute Kidney InjuryChronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 on Dialysis3 more

This prospective cohort study aim to investigate the ability of multiple types of assessments including 1) the modified Venous Excess Ultrasound (VExUS) assessment, 2) non-invasive estimation of absolute blood volume (ABV), and 3) change in carotid Doppler at the start of IKRT to predict IDHE in acutely ill hospitalized patients. The secondary aim will be to determine whether each modality improves the prediction of IHDE compared to the evaluation of the attending physician and whether they also predict cerebral hypoxia during IKRT measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Finally, detailed hemodynamic data including relative blood volume monitoring, tissue oximetry, and other parameters will be collected continuously during IKRT sessions enabling exploratory analyses aimed at identifying hemodynamic phenotypes related to IDHE during IKRT.

Recruiting7 enrollment criteria

The Effect of Remimazolam and Dexmedetomidine on the Incidence of Hypotension During Spinal Anesthesia...

RemimazolamSpinal Anesthesia

The goal of this clinical trial is to compare the effect of remimazolam and dexmedetomidine on the incidence of hypotension during spinal anesthesia in adult patients.

Not yet recruiting6 enrollment criteria

Prevention of Intradialytic Hypotension by Inhibiting Bradykinin B2 Receptor

Intradialytic Hypotension

Currently, there is no medication available to adequately treat patients undergoing hemodialysis who are suffering from intradialytic hypotension (IDH). Medical interventions such as Trendelenburg positioning, saline bolus administration, reduction of ultrafiltration rate, interruption of the hemodialysis, and other medical treatments are the methods of choice to treat the hypotensive condition of these patients and thus to maintain the systolic blood pressure. Patients suffering from IDH have a higher reported mortality rate due to the given stress on their cardiovascular system. New treatments, therefore, would give clinicians an additional alternative to current existing approaches and might help patients to maintain their blood pressure during hemodialysis. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of icatibant in the prevention of systolic blood pressure (SBP) drop in patients on hemodialysis suffering from recurrent IDH episodes during hemodialysis.

Not yet recruiting22 enrollment criteria

Improved Hemodynamic Tolerance of Intermittent Hemodialysis Sessions in Intensive Care Unite Using...

Intradialytic Hypotension

During intermittent hemodialysis (IHD), the occurrence of intradialytic hemodynamic instability (IHI) is frequent in ICU and impacted morbidity and mortality. Bicarbonate dialysate buffer improves hemodynamic tolerance compared to acetate dialysate buffer. However, bicarbonate dialysate buffer still contains a lower concentration of acetate, which could contribute to hemodynamic instability. Recently, citrate-based dialysate in bicarbonate hemodialysis instead of acetate have been proposed. They have the appropriate authorizations for routine use. The aim of this study is to compare acetate- vs citrate-based dialysate in terms of hemodynamic tolerance and effectiveness.

Not yet recruiting13 enrollment criteria

Acute Hip Fracture and Spinal Anaesthesia Injection Time

HypotensionHip Fractures1 more

The systemic effects of spinal anesthesia is not fully known. Our aim of this study is to assess whether there is a difference in hemodynamic effects if the spinal dose is given fast (15s) or slow (90s) in elderly patients with acute hip fracture (AHF). Ninety (n=90) patients with AHF planned for surgery within 72h at our hospital will be enrolled in the study and randomly devided into two groups. The patients will receive one predetermined dose of spinal anesthesia followed by an advanced minimally-invasive hemodynamic monitoring through an arterial line using FloTrac-system. The hemodynamic parameters will be conducted 10 minutes prior to the spinal anaesthesia and 30 minutes after the spinal block is given. Hypotension was defined as a fall in MAP > 30 % or a MAP <65mmHg.

Not yet recruiting9 enrollment criteria

Bolus Versus Continuous Remimazolam for Anesthetic Induction

Hypotension on Induction

Remimazolam is a newly introduced intravenous anesthetic, with rapid onset and offset. Although it is known to cause less hemodynamic instability, the incidence hypotension is the one of the most frequent adverse events with its use. For anesthetic induction, remimazolam can be used either as bolus dose or as continuous infusion. This study is aimed to investigate the incidence of hypotension after anesthetic induction with bolus (0.14-0.33 mg/kg) or continuous (12 mg/kg/hr) remimazolam administration.

Not yet recruiting12 enrollment criteria

Hypotension After Anesthetic Induction With Remimazolam in Elderly


Even though remimazolam is known to be safely administered without hemodynamic instability, hypotension is the one of the common side effects of remimazolam. Because elderly patients are susceptible to hypotension due to old age, multimodality, and multiple medications, hypotension can be harmful in elderly patients. Remimazolam can be administered either bolus or continuous for anesthetic induction. In our study the investigators aimed to compare the incidence of hypotension after anesthetic induction using remimazolam by bolus injection and continuous infusion in elderly patients.

Not yet recruiting14 enrollment criteria

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