Abdominal Compression in Orthostatic Hypotension
Autonomic FailureOrthostatic HypotensionThe purpose of this study is to assess if abdominal binders that use pull strings to adjust compression (non-elastic) are more effective than standard elastic abdominal binders in attenuating neurogenic orthostatic hypotension.

Intravenous AII for the Treatment of Severe Hypotension in High Output Shock: A Pilot Study
Septic ShockThe investigators propose a dose finding study to determine the feasibility of Angiotensin II (AII) to increase mean arterial pressure in high-output shock. If AII can be shown to increase mean arterial pressure, this could lead to future pharmacologic development based on the AII hormonal pathway. The investigators propose a 20 patient, randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded study in the treatment of high-output shock. Patients with high-output shock and a cardiovascular SOFA (sequential organ failure score) score of > 4 will be eligible. In addition, patients must already be receiving cardiac output monitoring and have a cardiac index > 2.4 L/min/ 1.73 m2. Patients will be randomized to intravenous AII or saline in a blinded fashion. There will be 10 patients in each arm. This is a safety and dose finding feasibility study. The investigators are starting with a small cohort consistent with similar types of studies. The investigators estimate that ten patients in each arm will generate a basis for determining if there is sufficient signal for AII to improve blood pressure at the doses outlined. The primary endpoint in the study will be the effect of AII on the standing dose of norepinephrine which is required to maintain a MAP of 65 mmHg. Secondary endpoints will be the effect of AII on urine output, serum lactate, and creatinine clearance. 30 day post dose mortality will also be assessed. Subjects discharged prior to day 30 will be contacted by telephone for this assessment.

Effect of Tadalafil (Cialis) on the Cardiovascular System of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Males
HypotensionSpinal Cord InjuryTo address the effect of tadalafil (Cialis) on the cardiovascular system of men with complete spinal cord injury at T-6 and above. The hypothesis is that tadalafil will cause significant hypotension in people with tetraplegia.

Effect of Intradialytic Electrical Muscle Stimulation and Passive Leg Mobilisation on Blood Pressure...
HypotensionHypothesis: Intradialytic blood pressure and dialysis efficacy (in terms of urea removal) improve under electrical muscle stimulation or passive leg movement on a treadmill.

Evaluation of Potential for Orthostatic Hypotension in Elderly Hypertensives
HypertensionThis is a multi-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, 2-session crossover study to evaluate the incidence of orthostatic hypotension in elderly hypertensive subjects following co-administration of carvedilol CR and lisinopril.

Increasing Dose Safety Study of Hemospan in Orthopedic Surgery Patients
HypotensionHypoxiaThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and possible effectiveness of Hemospan solution in patients undergoing elective orthopedic surgery who receive spinal anesthesia.

Avoiding Postinduction Hypotension: the Clinical ZERO-HYPOTENSION Proof-of-concept Study
HypotensionAnesthesia1 moreIn this clinical proof-of-concept study, the aim is to investigate the efficacy of a hypotension avoidance strategy to prevent post-induction hypotension. Specifically, it will be investigate how much postinduction hypotension occurs when using a hypotension avoidance strategy - combining continuous intraarterial blood pressure monitoring, careful administration of anesthetic drugs, and continuous administration of norepinephrine to treat hypotension - in high-risk patients having elective non-cardiac surgery.

Different Crystalloid Coload Volumes on the 90% ED of Norepinephrine
Adverse EffectThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different crystalloid coload volumes on the 90% effective dose of prophylactic norepinephrine infusions for preventing postspinal anesthesia hypotension during cesarean section.

Assessment of the Mechanism of Non-cardiac Syncope
SyncopeSyncope4 moreIdentifying the mechanism of non-cardiac syncope is the essential prerequisite for an effective personalized therapy. Aim of this multicentre, prospective, cross-sectional, observational study is to assess effectiveness and diagnostic yield of a two-step standardized assessment which consists of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and of tilt-table Short Cardiovascular Autonomic Function Battery (SCAFB) which consists in carotid sinus massage (CSM), limited to patients ≥40-year-old, standing test, and head-up tilt test (HUT) performed one after the other in an uninterrupted sequence as a single procedure on a tilt table

Effect of Verdiperstat on Microglial Activation in Well-characterized MSA Patients
Multiple System AtrophyMultiple System Atrophy4 moreThis study will comprise of two phases, an observational phase and a treatment phase. In the observational phase the specific aims are: 1. To determine the presence and regional distribution of microglial activation, as assessed by 18F-PBR06 PET, in subjects with MSA as compared to healthy controls, at baseline and at 6-9 months' follow-up. 2. To assess the relationship between microglial activation and clinical progression at baseline and follow-up. In the treatment phase the specific aims of the study are: The specific aims of the study are: To assess whether verdiperstat (BHV-3241) reduces 18F-PBR06 PET signal, and thus microglial activation and inflammation, in well-characterized MSA patients. To assess the relationship between PET changes and clinical progression at baseline and follow-up in patients treated with verdiperstat. To assess the relationship between PET changes and volumetric brain MRI at baseline and follow-up in patients treated with verdiperstat. Currently there is no known disease modifying therapy for MSA. Recently, the drug verdiperstat (BHV-3241) has appeared in the investigational arena specifically for the indication of Multiple System Atrophy. Verdiperstat (BHV-3241) is currently being used in a phase 3 active drug trial at Massachusetts Hospital. Verdiperstat (BHV-3241) is known to target Myeloperoxidase, an enzyme implicated in neuroinflammation, a major driver in disease pathogenesis. Our previous study (IRB protocol #2016P002373) demonstrated that applying TSPO (translator protein) PET imaging enabled us to track changes in neuroinflammation and thus provide a viable biomarker for disease progression. In this pilot study, the investigators aim to assess the effect of an investigational drug, verdiperstat (BHV-3241) on microglial activation in MSA patients using [F-18]PBR06 and to link it with clinical and morphometric MRI brain changes following treatment.