Safety & Tolerability of Hypertonic Saline Administration Via Intraosseous Access
StrokeIntracranial Hypotension1 moreHypertonic saline is used to treat elevated intracranial pressure. Intraosseous vascular access has been used to administer fluids and medications. This study combines these to administer 3% hypertonic saline via IO.

Study of Pulse Pressure During Tilttable and Erigo® in Adult Patients With Acquired Brain Injury...
Brain InjuriesHypotension2 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine if the pulse pressure changes are different whether patients are training in a traditional tilt table as compared to a robotic assisted tilt table, which induces leg movement.

Hydrocortisone Treatment In Systemic Low Blood Pressure During Hypothermia in Asphyxiated Newborns...
Hypoxic-Ischemic EncephalopathyAsphyxiaThis is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, single center study to compare low dose hydrocortisone vs placebo in systemic low blood pressure during hypothermia treatment in asphyxiated newborns. Patients will be allocated to one of the treatment arms (hydrocortisone or placebo) while receiving conventional inotropic therapy as needed. The hypothesis is that cooled asphyxiated neonates develop relative adrenal insufficiency that may contribute to hypotension and lower efficacy of inotropic therapy in this patient population. Thus, the investigators are planning to measure initial serum cortisol levels and investigate the cardiovascular effects of low dose hydrocortisone supplementation besides conventional inotropic therapy in a placebo-controlled fashion.

Different Approaches to Maternal Hypotension During Cesarean Section
PregnancyCesarean Section2 moreThe aim of this study is to compare two different therapeutic approaches to blood pressure reduction: pharmacological vs. non-pharmacological. The setting is that of patients undergoing scheduled Cesarean section under spinal anesthesia and suffering from aorta-caval compression syndrome, which causes a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Early Blood Pressure Management in Extremely Premature Infants
InfantNewborn8 moreThis trial tests the feasibility of enrolling 60 extremely preterm infants in a randomized, double-blinded study of blood pressure management within 12 months. Eligible infants will receive an infusion drug (dopamine or a dextrose placebo) and a syringe drug (hydrocortisone or a normal saline placebo). Enrolled infants will be randomized to receive one of the following drug pairs: dopamine and hydrocortisone dopamine and normal saline dextrose and hydrocortisone dextrose and normal saline. In addition to the intervention above, the NRN is conducting a 6-month time-limited prospective observational study of all infants born at an NRN center between 23 and 26 weeks gestational age. All clinical decisions made for these babies will be at the discretion of the attending neonatologist/infant care team according to standard practice at each institution. Data on blood pressure management in the first 24 postnatal hours collected for each infant.

Up-Down Determination of the ED90 of Metaraminol to Treat Hypotension During Cesarean Section
HypotensionThe purpose of this study is to find the best dose of metaraminol to be used in patients during elective cesarean sections.

Safety and Efficacy of L-NAME and Midodrine to Increase MAP
Orthostatic HypotensionSpinal Cord InjuryAfter a spinal cord injury the brain is no longer completely in control of the body below the level of injury. This affects many organs and systems in the body, we are interested in understanding how a spinal cord injury affects blood pressure and blood flow to the brain. We are going to study blood pressure while the person is seated in a wheelchair before and after we give the subject medications which should increase blood pressure in a laboratory setting and over the course of a normal day in persons with spinal cord injury.

Exteriorized Versus In Situ Uterine Repair at Cesarean Delivery
VomitingNausea3 moreThis study was undertaken to compare the two techniques (exteriorized vs in situ) of uterine repair with respect to patient comfort, hemodynamic changes, surgical time and blood loss, in patients undergoing elective CD under a strictly standardized spinal anesthetic. We hypothesized that in situ uterine repair would be more comfortable for the patients.

A Study for Patients With Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension
HypotensionOrthostaticWe are seeking male and female patients to voluntarily take part in a clinical research study. Patients must be aged 18 or older and diagnosed with symptomatic orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure while in the upright position) due to Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, pure autonomic failure or autonomic neuropathies (i.e. neurogenic orthostatic hypotension). Symptoms of low blood pressure include dizziness, lightheadedness, changes in vision and generalized weakness upon standing. The main effect of the drug being studied is to increase blood pressure in the upright position so symptoms will decrease. The purpose of this clinical study is to further assess the clinical benefit of midodrine hydrochloride (ProAmatine®), an approved treatment for orthostatic hypotension. During the course of the study, participants will receive either ProAmatine® or a placebo. Assessments will be made using questionnaires that measure symptom and activity levels. Blood pressure in the lying down and standing positions will be measured at each visit.

Dose Response to the Norepinephrine Precursor Droxidopa in Hypotensive Individuals With Spinal Cord...
HypotensionOrthostatic2 moreThe goal of this study is to determine the efficacy of the drug Droxidopa (Northera) in increasing blood pressure in subject with hypotension, low blood pressure, which is classified as blood pressure less than 110/70 in males and 100/70 in females. The first aim is to determine the proportion of subject with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) who have a normotensive response to Droxidopa. The second is to determine the proportion of subject with SCI who express a hypertensive response to Droxidopa. A Normal blood pressure ranges from 111-139 in males and 101-139 in females and a hypertensive blood pressure is anything higher than 140 in males and females. The study would take place in James J. Peters VA Medical Center (JJPVAMC) and The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) in Manhattan, New York.