Premedication With Atenolol Versus Metoprolol for Controlled Hypotensive Anesthesia During Nasal...
Hypotension Drug-InducedObjectives: To compare the safety and efficacy of oral atenolol versus oral metoprolol as a premedication for controlled hypotensive anesthesia during nasal surgeries. Background: Mucosal bleeding is the most frequent complication with nasal surgeries, as it interferes with the optimal visualization of the intranasal anatomy, increases operation time, and consequently increases blood loss. There are several pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques for the appropriate control of intraoperative bleeding. Patients and Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, phase four, comparative clinical trial; carried out on 60 patients, who were candidates for nasal surgeries under general anesthesia at our hospital. Patients were randomly allocated into two equal groups; group A, received oral atenolol, and group M, received oral metoprolol.

The Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measurement Effect on the Hypotension
Hypotension During SurgeryAround 300 million surgical operations are performed globally, and of these, 40 to 50 million are performed in the USA. The perioperative period is characterized by hemodynamic instability and, most importantly, hypotension. Intraoperative hypotension is frequent, and the incidence ranges between 5% and 99% during non-cardiac surgery, depending on the definition. The aim of the study is determined as the relationship between two different time intervals of measurements and time spent hypotensive under harm thresholds in non-cardiac surgery in adults having non-cardiac surgery. Secondarily, it will be determined if more frequent non-invasive blood pressure measurement use decreases postoperative acute kidney injury. Exploratory, it will be evaluated if more frequent non-invasive blood pressure use causes pain or nerve injury in the arms or not.

The Effect of Intraoperative Hypotension on Postoperative Cognitive Functions in Cesarean Section...
Postoperative Cognitive DysfunctionThe aim of the study is to see whether the hypotension that develops during spinal anesthesia in cesarean section patients causes a decrease in the postoperative cognitive functions of the patient. If the results show a decrease in functions due to the effect of hypotension, it will be necessary to carry out aggressive prevention/treatment of hypotension in cesarean section patients.

Controlling Orthostatic Hypotension in People With Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury CervicalHypotension1 moreA common therapeutic intervention after spinal cord injury (SCI) is prolonged standing in a standing frame. For people with SCI, standing for 40 minutes or more, three to four times weekly improves several health-related issues including well-being, circulation, skin integrity, reflex activity, bowel and bladder function, digestion, sleep, pain, and fatigue. However, a person who experiences orthostatic hypotension (OH)-defined as a decrease of 20mm hg in systolic blood pressure or a decrease of 10mm hg in diastolic pressure within 3 minutes of standing from a sitting or supine position-secondary to SCI may not tolerate positioning in a standing frame, thus resulting in a loss of access to these health benefits. OH is common for people with SCI. It results from central nervous system dysregulation causing pooling of blood in the lower extremities that can lead to dizziness, light-headedness, blurred vision, weakness, fatigue, nausea, palpitations, headache, and/or syncope. Although an array of physical and pharmacologic interventions are available to people in the general population for managing OH, few such interventions have been evaluated for use by people with SCI, especially when the level of injury is C5 or above. One possible intervention that may be effective for people with OH secondary to SCI is functional electrical stimulation (FES) because its application results in a dose-dependent increase in blood pressure. An unanswered question is whether the placement of FES electrodes on various parts of the body has differential effects. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate blood pressure responses among people with OH secondary to cervical SCI when receiving FES intervention involving the placement of electrodes in three different positions as well as when receiving no FES intervention during tilt table sessions. The selected positions for electrode placement are: (a) the calves, (b) the quads and abdominals, and (c) the quads, abdominals, and calves. The researchers hypothesize that FES intervention, regardless of placement, will result in better control of OH than no FES intervention and that no significant blood pressure difference will occur across the three FES placements.

Norepinephrine Addition in Spinal Anesthesia of Caesarean Section
Hypotension Drug-InducedThe objective is to compare efficacy of prophylactic norepinephrine bolus versus Infusion in prevention of hypotension which occurs frequently after spinal anesthesia for caesarean section. The authors hypothesize that prophylactic norepinephrine bolus is as effective as infusion in Prevention of hypotension after spinal anesthesia in caesarean section

Intramuscular Ephedrine in the Prevention of Hypotension in Patients Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia...
EphedrineIntramuscular2 moreSubarachnoid anesthesia is an alternative and usually the first choice for many surgical procedures. It is a simple and safe procedure, however it can present complications such as hypotension and bradycardia. In this sense, ephedrine, an alpha and beta agonist agent, commonly used as rescue therapy for these events, is also potentially useful for prophylaxis of this unwanted effect and for less hemodynamic variation when preventively administered via the intramuscular route. Two groups will be divided: intramuscular ephedrine (0.5 mg/kg) and placebo. The variables analyzed and compared will be the incidence of hypotension and bradycardia, variation in mean and systolic blood pressure, heart rate, in addition to side effects. The main objective is to verify if the use of intramuscular ephedrine prior to spinal block is able to reduce the incidence of hypotension.

The Safety of Etomidate - Propofol Mixture vs Propofol in Total Intravenous Anesthesia During Abdominal...
EtomidateHypotensionThe purpose of this study is to access the safety of etomidate - propofol mixture vs propofol in total intravenous anesthesia during abdominal surgery.

HPI Algorithm for the Prevention of IOH During Spinal Surgery [HPIFPIOH]
Intraoperative HypotensionThe aim of this study is to investigate the hypothesis that the use of the Hypotension Prediction Index algorithm (HPI) can reduce intraoperative hypotension (IOH) in adult patients undergoing spinal surgery in the prone position under general anesthesia, as well as to explore its effect on in-hospital postoperative morbidity and mortality.

Epinephrine in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Dose-Effect Trial
HypotensionThe use of peri-arrest bolus epinephrine (PBE) has emerged as a rescue strategy for life-threatening hypotension in pediatric intensive care units (ICU) despite scant published data supporting its use in this setting. As optimal dosing of PBE in this population is unclear, we aim to determine if an initial dose of 0.5 mcg/kg versus 1.0 mcg/kg yields differences in hemodynamic outcomes. The EPI Dose Study is a single-center, prospective, randomized, double-blind, dose-effect trial measuring systolic blood pressure (SBP) before and after PBE is given. We hypothesize that the 1.0 mcg/kg group will have more robust increases in SBP.

Therapeutic Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Noradrenaline in the Prevention of Hypotension Related...
Cardiac DisorderHypotensionArterial hypotension during general anaesthesia (GA) is a serious event. While hypotension can occur during surgery, it usually occurs following induction of GA (i.e. following the injection of drugs to enable intubation). This is due to the injection of large doses of anaesthetic drugs with a vasodilatory effect over a short period of time to induce a deep sleep to allow intubation to take place for artificial ventilation. The prevention of hypotension during surgery has been extensively studied. In contrast, the prevention of hypotension following GA induction has been the subject of only two randomised studies in the ICU and three non-randomised studies in the OR with small numbers of patients. The level of evidence for the use of noradrenaline in the operating theatre remains low. The hypothesis of the study is that noradrenaline initiated during preoxygenation can reduce the incidence of hypotension during induction of general anaesthesia.