Validation of Noninvasive Blood Pressure Device
HealthyHypertension1 moreThis is a prospective, nonrandomized multi-center study for the investigation of noninvasive sphygmomanometers. The purpose of the study is to validate the clinical performance of the Masimo noninvasive blood pressure device compared to reference auscultatory measurements.

Ondansetron in the Prevention of Hypotension in Patients Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia
HypotensionOndansetron, a potent 5-HT 3 receptor antagonist commonly used as an antiemetic. The main objective of the present study is to verify the hypothesis that blocking type 3 serotonin receptors with intravenous ondansetron reduces the incidence of spinal anesthesia-induced hypotension

T.V Challenge to Predict Early Post- Operative Acute Kidney Injury and Intra-operative Hypotension...
Tidel Volume Challenge TestThe purpose of study is to verify the predictability of TV Chalange test during laparoscopic abdominal surgery for early postoperative AKI and intra-operative hypotension. .

Perioperative Hypotension in Gynaecologic Oncologic Surgery: HPI-ClearSight Versus Arterial Waveform...
HypotensionHemodynamic Instability1 moreBackground Intraoperative hypotension is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) is an advancement of the arterial waveform analysis to predict intraoperative hypotension minutes before episodes occur enabling preventive treatments. This study will test the hypothesis that a hemodynamic treatment protocol based on HPI working with non-invasive ClearSight system reduces intraoperative hypotension when compared to standard goal directed therapy (GDT) in patients undergoing gynaecologic oncologic surgery. Methods A retrospective analysis of 68 adult consecutive patients undergoing gynaecologic oncologic surgery with non-invasive arterial pressure monitoring using either index guidance (HPI) or classic ClearSight system waveform analysis depending on availability (ClearSight, n = 36; HPI, n = 32) will be conducted. A hemodynamic GDT protocol was applied in both groups. The primary endpoint will be the incidence and duration of hypotensive events defined as MAP <65 mmHg evaluated by time-weighted average of hypotension.

Comparison of Hypotension During Spinal Anaesthesia for C-section
HypotensionCesarean Section1 moreMaternal hypotension during C section has been reported due to aortocaval compression (ACC) by full term uterus in supine position. This study aimed at reporting the effect of left tilt on maternal hemodynamics.

Hemodynamic Effects During Land vs Water Exercise for Older Adults With Orthostatic Hypotension...
Orthostatic HypotensionThe purpose of the study is to understand how blood pressure, heart rate, and symptoms of low blood pressure (such as dizziness or nausea) are affected by positional changes and exercise when on land or in the water for people who tend to experience orthostatic hypotension.

The Ability of the Change in Positional Perfusion Index in Predicting Post-spinal Anesthesia Hypotension...
Obstetric Anesthesia ProblemsOur study aims to investigate the value of postural perfusion index changes as a non-invasive method to predict hypotension following spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery.

Spinal Anesthesia Related Hypotension in SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pregnant Patients
HypotensionRegional Anesthesia Morbidity1 moreSince the onset of COVID-19, recommendations suggest the use of neuraxial anesthesia, if possible, over general anesthesia for cesarian section to avoid the risks of aerosolization associated with tracheal intubation and extubation. But the safety of performing spinal anesthesia is unclear especially for post spinal hypotension, during the presence of active infection with COVID-19. Since at the beginning of the pandemic a few studies reported significant hypotension during epidural anesthesia in COVID-19 pregnant women, there was a controversial discussion about the safety of regional anesthesia was started. In this study we aimed to find if spinal anesthesia is safely recommended anesthesia type for COVID-19 obstetric patients. 249 patients with PCR confirmed COVID-19 for cesarean section undergoing spinal anesthesia in Ankara City Hospital, Ankara assessed in this retrospective study to find if the hypotension is the risk factor for the COVID-19 patients.

Assessment of Ultrasonographic Measurement of Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index in Prediction...
Fluid HypovolemiaCerebrospinalAdministration of intravascular fluids is one of the methods to prevent SA-induced hypotension, but empirical intraoperative volume repletion carries the risk of fluid overload during elective surgery. Over fluid resuscitation is associated with organ dysfunction and higher mortality rate , thus, to avoid ineffective or even harmful intravascular volume expansion, it is important to have tools to predict hypotension and fluid responsiveness.

Detecting Hypotension By Continuous Non-invasive Arterial Pressure Monitoring
HypotensionThe purpose of this study is to determine whether continuous non-invasive arterial pressure (CNAP) monitoring is beneficial to maintain maternal hemodynamic stability and improve the outcomes of maternal and fetal comparing with intermittent oscillometric non-invasive arterial pressure (NIAP)measurement during spinal anaesthesia for cesarean section .