Colloid Preload Versus Colloid Coload During Cesarean Deliveries
Anesthesia; Adverse EffectSpinal and Epidural1 moreThe investigators aimed to compare the methods colloid preloading and colloid coloading in terms of the incidence of maternal hypotension and impacts on neonatal outcomes. The second aim while planning the present study is to identify the method of the lowest adverse event for mother and infant and the simplest approach for the clinician.

Preventive Effect of Leg Wrapping Combined With Trendelenburg Position on Hypotension Induced by...
HypotensionPropofolAlthough propofol is widely used as an induction agent for a general anesthesia, it can induce a profound hypotension, which leads to the hypo-perfusion of end organs and eventually increases morbidities. Theoretically, applying Trendelenburg position (head down and leg up position) increases cardiac preloads and cardiac outputs. However, in past researches, changing to Trendelenburg position alone is not enough and does not prevent propofol induced hypotension. Previous studies proved that leg wrapping effectively prevent hypotension after neuraxial anesthesia during Cesarean section. The leg wrapping prevents hypotension by increasing vascular resistance of lower extremities. The investigators made a hypothesis that applying both Trendelenburg position and leg wrapping prevent propofol induced hypotension more effectively than either applying Trendelenburg position only or taking no preventive measures.

Anesthesia-induced Hypotension and Fluid Responsiveness
Hypotension on InductionThe purpose of this study is to find out which of the variables related to fluid responsiveness (e. g., perfusion index [PI], pleth variability index [PVI], pulse oximetry plethysmographic variance [ΔPOP]) can best predict hypotension during induction of anesthesia.

Influence of Preload Dependence on the Effect of Phenylephrine on Cardiac Output
HypotensionThe perioperative hemodynamic management aims to ensure organ perfusion pressure and an oxygen arterial transport adapted to oxygen consumption. Phenylephrine is the α-adrenergic agonist widely used during anesthesia for arterial pressure control. Several questions on phenylephrine global and regional hemodynamics effects remain unresolved. The investigators assume that Phenylephrine may decrease cardiac output by increasing the afterload, while most likely could also make an increase or a stability of cardiac output by action on the venous return. The investigators propose an observational study assessing the influence of preload dependence, defined by the values of pulse pressure variation, on the effect of phenylephrine on cardiac output, measured beat by beat by esophageal Doppler. The aim of the investigators work is to improve the understanding of phenylephrine action, a daily use therapeutic action, to improve the patients care.

Effects of Different Kinds, Different Doses of 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists on Prevention of Hypotension...
HypotensionShivering2 moreThe purpose of this study is to estimate effects of different kinds, different dose of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists on prevention of hypotension after spinal anesthesia

ET50 With Fentanyl for Post Caesarean Section Spinal Hypotension
HypotensionPregnancyHypotension is extremely common after induction of spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery. Anesthetic blockade of the sympathetic outflow of the spinal cord causes vasodilation, and is one cause of this hypotension. The higher the spread of the blockade will result in a higher incidence of hypotension. Injected hyperbaric medication has about 15 minutes to spread within the intrathecal space before it will be taken up by the nerve roots. The time that a patient remains in one position after medication injection will affect the spread of the resultant anesthetic block. A patient who is left sitting for a longer period of time after injection of hyperbaric medication will have a lower level of block than someone who is placed supine immediately. In this study, the investigators wish to use up down sequential analysis to determine the time period a patient should remain seated after intrathecal injection of hyperbaric bupivacaine and fentanyl that will result in a 50% rate of hypotension.

Fluid Responsiveness Prediction at the Bedside
HypotensionShockThe purpose of this study is to verify the accuracy and applicability of predictors of fluid administration efficacy in hypotensive critically ill patients.

A Study of Blood Pressure and Blood Supply to the Brain in Persons With a Spinal Cord Injury.
Orthostatic HypotensionSpinal Cord InjuriesThe purpose of this study is to determine how blood pressure and blood flow are controlled during head-up tilt in a semi-upright position. In this investigation we are studying blood pressure and blood flow to the brain, with and without a medication which lowers blood pressure (Vasotec). We will determine how persons with a spinal cord injury are able to maintain blood flow to the brain (not get dizzy) as they assume a more upright position and their blood pressure decreases.

Measurement of Hemodynamic Responses to Lower Body Negative Pressure
Hypotension and ShockThis study will be collecting data on participants undergoing lower body negative pressure (LBNP) to simulate progressive blood loss. The goal of the study is to collect data to allow for development of an algorithm with machine learning to predict blood pressure responses to hypovolemia by analyzing the arterial waveforms collected during LBNP.

Hemodynamic Monitoring in Obstetrics
HypotensionSpinal anesthesia has long been considered the first choice technique in caesarean section, but although it is a reliable and safe procedure, it is in some cases associated with undesirable effects. Maternal hypotension after sub-arachnoid anesthesia is a reduction in systolic blood pressure below 100 mmHg or a decrease of 20% compared to baseline values. According to some authors, maternal hypotension occurs up to 80% in women undergoing caesarean section after spinal anesthesia. In order to reduce the incidence of maternal hypotension, some measures can be taken: a reduction of aorto-caval compression by manual displacement of the uterus on the left; hemodynamic monitoring; administration of fluids; optimization of the dosage of the local anesthetic; use of vasopressors. The main objective of the study is to investigate, through the use of a continuous non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring system (Clearsight® - Edwards Lifesciences), the incidence of hypotension in pregnant women at risk undergoing spinal anesthesia due to elective cesarean section.