Maternal Lateral Tilt and Cardiac Output in Caesarean Section
Hypotension Drug-InducedBackground: Left uterine displacement (LUD) has been questioned as an effective strategy to prevent aortocaval compression after spinal anesthesia (SA) for cesarean delivery (CD). The investigators tested if LUD has a significant impact on cardiac output (CO) in patients undergoing CD under SA during continuous non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring. Methods: Forty-six patients were included in the final analysis. The investigators considered 4 timepoints of 5 minutes each: T1=baseline with LUD; T2=baseline without LUD; T3=after SA with LUD; T4=after SA without LUD. LUD was then repositioned for CD. Primary outcome was to test if CO decreased from T3 to T4. We also compared CO between T1 and T2 and other hemodynamic variables: mean, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (respectively MAP, SAP and DAP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), stroke volume variation (SVV), pulse pressure variation (PPV), contractility (dP/dt), dynamic arterial elastance (Eadyn) at the different timepoints. Data on fetal Apgar scores and umbilical arterial and venous pH were collecte

Intraoperative Hypotension and Post-anesthesia Care Unit Recovery
Post-induction HypotensionPost Anesthesia Recovery2 moreThe underlying causative mechanism that leads to intraoperative hypotension (IOH) may vary depending on the stage of anesthesia and surgery, which determines different IOH types. Naturally, the incidence and severity of IOH types will differ, as will the incidence and severity of postoperative complications.

Position and Predictive Factors of Hypotension in Prone Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
HypotensionUrolithiasisThis study was designed to investigate the effect of position and predictive factors on hypotension in patients performing percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Patients aged >18 years and ASA I-III who underwent general or regional anaesthesia were included in the study. Percutaneous access was performed in all patients with fluoroscopy in the prone position.

Preoperative Ultrasound Guided Evaluation of SVC-CI and IVC -CI as Predictors of Hypotension After...
Total Fluid Volume DecreasedPatients undergoing major Oncosurgeries are fluid deficit due to preoperative fasting , inadequate intake due to disease hence prone to development of hypotension after induction of general anaesthesia owing to vasodilatory effects of anesthetic induction agents. Investigators plan study to measure ultrasound guided Superior Vena Cava and Inferior Vena Cava collapsibility Index as predictors of hypotension after induction of General anaesthesia.

Peripheral Perfusion Index (PPI) as Monitor During Deliberate Hypotensive Anesthesia
Monitoring During Deliberate Hypotensive AnesthesiaHypotensive anesthesia is effective in reducing the intraoperative blood loss. The risk of hypoperfusion of vital organs continues to be a concern. An adequate monitoring of tissue perfusion and oxygenation is crucial issue. Peripheral Perfusion Index (PPI) as a noninvasive new monitoring, can reflect the peripheral perfusion dynamics. This study is designed to explore the behaviour and trend of PPI during nitroglycerine induced deliberate hypotensive anesthesia in adult patients undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS).

Norepinephrine Versus Ephedrine in Treatment of Hypotension During Spinal Anesthesia for Caesarean...
HypotensionVasopressors2 moreProspective, randomized study, including full term parturients scheduled for caesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia was performed in sitting position with a 25 G spinal needle and all patients received 15 ml/kg of crystalloid intravenously during the spinal block. Baseline hemodynamics: heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were recorded before spinal anesthesia and intraoperatively. Postspinal hypotension, defined as decrease of Systolic blood pressure>20% from the baseline value, was managed using Ephedrine increments 6 mg/3min in patients of GE group or by 5 mcg Norepinephrine/3min for the patients of GN group. Intraoperative hemodynamic data of the 2 groups were compared.

Transthoracic Echocardiography of Inferior Vena Cava Before Spinal Anesthesia Can Predict Hypotension...
Spinal Anesthetic ToxicityInferior Vena Cava Abnormality1 moreStudy Protocol: Outcome Measurements Primary Outcome The main outcome will be the preoperative performance of the dIVCmax/IVCCI ratio to foresee the incidence of hypotension after spinal anesthesia in a greater extent to that of the established IVCCI measurements. Secondary Outcomes To identify other echocardiographic or clinical measurements that can predict an intraoperative spinal-induced haemodynamic instability. Sample Size Calculation A pilot study of 20 patients revealed a detected area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0,91 for dIVCmax/IVCCI and for dIVCmax 0,82 with rank correlation between the two assays being 0.87 in both positive and negative cases. Based on this result, a sample of 56 patients will achieve 80% power to detect significant difference (at a level 0.05) between dIVCmax/IVCCI and dIVCmax. Potential Benefits of the Study The results of this study will allow us to determine which clinical or US-measurement can yield better performance so as a preoperative prediction of spinal-induced hypotension can be achieved; that way these measurements can permit and guide a targeted preoperative fluid challenges prior to the implementation of spinal anesthesia Potential Side Effects of the Study Participation in this protocol will not put patients at higher risk for complications since we do not perform any intervention (either pharmacological or surgical) There will be no occupational risks to researchers or assistants. Proposed Timetable According to the exclusion criteria and taking into account the number of cases performed in our department per monthly basis, it should take us approximately 6 months to recruit 60 patients.

Dawn Simulation and Postural Hypotension
Orthostatic HypotensionOne of the most physiologically demanding things that older people do every day is to get up in the morning. After spending a night laying flat, where the blood distributes evenly across the body, when they stand in the morning (and the blood rushes to their feet), their cardiovascular system may not be able to compensate and maintain blood flow to the brain. This phenomenon is known as orthostatic or postural hypotension. The investigators have found in a group of young individuals that use of a dawn-simulation light that gradually wakes the brain is able to increase cardiovascular tone prior to arising. The goal of this experiment is to determine whether this dawn simulation light is able to increase cardiovascular tone in older adults such that they would have reduced or absent postural hypotension when they awaken in the morning. This would greatly reduce the risks of falls and their associated morbidities in older adults.

Effects of Water and Glucose Drinks on Cardiovascular Function in Subjects With and Without Postprandial...
Autonomic Nervous System DiseasesBaroreflex Failure2 moreTo determine whether the changes in blood pressure (BP) which occur following meals in normal people and patients who have substantial falls in BP after a meal postprandial hypotension (PPH)) are associated with changes in cardiac function. Eligible subjects who have been previously diagnosed with PPH will report to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, on two occasions, following an overnight fast. Subjects will be cannulated and have a BP cuff placed around their upper arm. Following this, subjects will ingest either a drink containing 75 grams of glucose and 150mg of a C13 Acetate (which is metabolised and excreted in the breath, enabling noninvasive measurements of gastric emptying), made up to 300mL water, or on the other study day, 300mL water alone. The order of the study days will be randomised. Following the drink, for 3 hours, measurements will be taken at regular intervals of BP, heart rate, breath samples (on the study day with the Acetate only), blood samples (for measurement of blood glucose and gut hormones) and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) (for assessment of end systolic and diastolic cardiac volume, cardiac output, cardiac contractility and diastolic function). After the 3 hours of measurements, the cannula will be removed and subjects will be offered lunch prior to leaving the department. Following lunch, on one study day, subjects will have their autonomic nerve function tested noninvasively, using an ECG.

The Pleth Variability Index and Hypotension at Caesarean Under Spinal.
Caesarean SectionDuring a caesarean section the blood pressure is usually measured every few minutes and it may fall too quickly to be detected in a timely fashion by this intermittent means. The monitor the Masimo Rainbow SET® (MRS) uses a peg attached to a finger to detect (amongst other things) the flow of blood through it. One of the measures it takes is called the Pleth Variability Index (PVI) which (unlike standard blood pressure measurement) it measures continuously. The investigators would like to try the MRS on patients to see if the PVI can be used to predict falls in blood pressure.