Development of Advanced Double Intravenous Vasopressor Automated (ADIVA) System
HypotensionAnesthesiaMaternal hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean delivery may bring various adverse effects. It is therefore important to closely monitor hypotension during spinal anaesthesia, however current technology does not allow the blood pressure monitoring to respond in timely manner should there be any occurrence of hypotension. The investigators developed an advanced double-intravenous vasopressor automated system (ADIVA) so as to tackle this issue via novel algorithm to control blood pressure more rigorously with more stable haemodynamic profiles.

Pre-epidural SCDs to Prevent Hypotension During Labor
HypotensionLabor ComplicationWhen hypotension is related to epidural placement, this can occur within 15-60 minutes after placement. The purpose of this study is to build upon this preliminary work and to use a randomized controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of SCDs in preventing hypotension among a larger sample of laboring women who receive an epidural analgesia. This study will use a randomized, non-blinded, controlled design with two arms: Arm 1: Patient will receive 1L of LR and have SCDs applied 15 minutes before epidural placement and will be removed 1 hour after epidural placement Arm 2: Patient will receive 1L of LR during and after epidural placement with no use of SCDs

Dual Sympathetic Blocks for Patients Experiencing Sympathetically-Mediated Symptoms From Long COVID...
Post Acute COVID-19 SyndromeLong COVID14 moreThe main purpose of this study is to gather data and assess changes in patient-reported outcomes with the stellate ganglion blocks as treatment for their sympathetically-mediated long COVID symptoms.

Effect of Carotid Ultrasound-guided Fluid Management on Anesthetic-induced Hypotension in Elderly...
Hypotension on InductionThe goal of this clinical trial is to learn about Whether carotid ultrasound guided fluid management can reduce the incidence of hypotension after general anesthesia induction in elderly patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: Whether fluid therapy reduces the incidence of general anaesthesia induced hypotension in elderly patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery. Whether carotid ultrasound can guide fluid management in elderly patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery. Participants will use carotid ultrasound to assess volume status. If volume is insufficient, fluid therapy will be selected until volume is sufficient, anesthesia will be then induced. If volume is sufficient, anesthesia will be directly induced. There is a comparison group: No carotid ultrasound will be used to assess the volume status of the patients, and anesthesia will be directly induced.

Hypotension in the Weaning From Vasopressor Drugs
Septic ShockAlthough there is consensus in the literature on hemodynamic management of septic shock in the resuscitation phase, the best way to conduct the weaning of vasopressor drugs in the stabilization phase remains open. The present study aims to study the incidence of hypotension in the weaning phase of vasopressor drugs- norepinephrine and vasopressin.

Hemodynamic OptimizaTion in Sitting POsition Surgery Trial
Hemodynamic InstabilityBlood Pressure2 moreIntraoperative hypotension (MAP <65 mmHg) in patients undergoing general anesthesia is a notable risk factor for the development of post-operative complications including acute kidney injury (AKI), myocardial injury, stroke and delirium, and is strongly associated with increased mortality. Moreover, the mean and systolic blood pressure values tend to undergo significant fluctuations with different positions assumed by the patient during surgery. Since severe hypotensive phenomena are connected with cerebral hypoperfusion and are associated with negative outcomes, close monitoring of blood pressure is necessary. The primary endpoint of this study is to evaluate the number of hypotensive episodes, their quality and their duration in patients monitored with the oscillometric intermittent noninvasive blood pressure method compared to patients with continuous noninvasive monitoring using ClearSight during orthopedic surgery in sitting position performed under general anesthesia and with interscalene block. The measure of hypotension will be expressed (in mmHg) with the TWA-MAP value (time-weighted average intraoperative MAP) to define the severity and duration of the hypotensive episode. For a subgroup of patients, brain oximetry will be monitored using the ForeSight system to record episodes of cerebral desaturation. Secondary endpoints include: number of severe hypotensive episodes (MAP <60 mmHg or <50 mmHg) recorded; time to event: how long does it take for the medical staff to correct the hypotensive episode (treated according to the planned protocol); quantity of vasopressors and/or fluids used to correct the hypotensive event; incidence of perioperative adverse cardiac events and acute kidney injury. The primary hypothesis is that continuous non-invasive monitoring using ClearSight reduces the incidence of intraoperative hypotensive events (defined by mean arterial pressure below a value of 65 mmHg for more than 1 minute) and the duration of the events themselves, leading to an improvement in patients' outcomes.

Evaluation of Non-Invasive Continuous vs Intermittent BloodPressure Monitors in Maintenance Dialysis...
End Stage Renal DiseaseEnd Stage Renal Disease on Dialysis2 moreProspective, single center, open label, non-randomized, post-market study of the Tablo Hemodialysis System and VitalStream Monitor in participants with End-Stage KidneyDisease undergoing In-Center Hemodialysis.

REmimazolam vs PrOpofol on Intraoperative hypotenSion in Major Noncardiac surgEry
Intraoperative HypotensionIntraoperative hypotension is common during major noncardiac surgery and is associated with adverse postoperative outcomes. Propofol, the most commonly used intravenous anesthetic agent worldwide, is associated with hypotension on induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. Remimazolam is a newly developed short-acting benzodiazepine drug and has been approved for use in procedural sedation and general anesthesia. It was associated with a lower incidence of hypotension during procedural sedation in previous studies. The aim of this study is to tested the primary hypothesis that total intravenous anesthesia with remimazolam reduces the duration and severity of hypotension during major noncardiac surgery compared with total intravenous anesthesia with propofol.

Pragmatic Randomized Trial for Arterial Catheters in the Critical Care Environment
Mechanical Ventilation ComplicationArterial Thrombosis6 moreInvestigators will conduct a pragmatic randomized trial to investigate the non-inferiority of restricted use of invasive arterial lines compared to standard arterial line use.

Hemodynamic Management in Women With SHS
Supine Hypotensive SyndromeSupine hypotensive syndrome often occurs following spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery.In our study we base the regulation and drug administration both on the regular monitor and on a novel monitor which reflects upon the hemodynamic changes. Our aim is to observe whether the outcome of SHS patients with anesthesia management based on hemodynamic figures differs from those based on experience.