Ranibizumab Plus Indomethacin
Macular EdemaTo evaluate whether indomethacin eyedrops plus intravitreal ranibizumab (IVR) provides additional benefit over IVR monotherapy for treatment of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in age-related macular degeneration.
Ranibizumab "Treat and Extend" in Diabetic Macular Edma
Diabetic Macular EdemaThis study is designed to explore a more individualized treatment regime based on achievement of disease stability to define a personal optimal treatment interval with ranibizumab in patients with visual impairment due to diabetic macular edema.
20- Versus 23- Gauge System for Pars Plana Vitrectomy
Diabetic RetinopathyMacular Edema2 moreThe aim of the present study is to compare the functional and clinical differences and advantages between a standard operating system and a newly developed even smaller system for pars plana vitrectomy. The present study may work out the possible advantages and disadvantages between the routinely used 20-gauge vitrectomy system and the newly developed 23-gauge device.
IVI Aflibercept Before and After Phaco in DME.
Diabetic Macular EdemaTo study whether or not cataract surgery should be deferred until treating the co-existing diabetic macular edema (DME) using intravitreal (IVI) anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF).
Describing Patient With DME, Their Patient Journey and Disease Progression
Diabetic Macular EdemaThis study aims to characterize patients with diabetic macular edema (DME), their progression, the treatment received and associate the functional and physiological outcomes related to the treatment.
Efficacy and Safety of Dexamethasone Nanoparticles Eye Drops in Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetic Macular EdemaAnti-inflammatory or anti-angiogenic drugs play an ever- increasing role in the treatment of diabetic macular edema (DME). The drug delivery systems, such as injections of corticosteroid and or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibodies into the vitreous cavity or slow release drug capsules surgically implanted in the eyes run the risk of surgical complications including infections, hemorrhages and cataracts and place a huge demand on eye care resources significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular events and death. A non-invasive drug delivery platform with steroid eye drops, reaching the back of the eye to treat DME and other retinal diseases would circumvent most of these problems. A novel drug delivery platform is required for ocular therapy. Oculis ehf. has developed a drug delivery platform, which is based on cyclodextrin nanoparticles that dissolve in the tear fluid to form water-soluble drug/cyclodextrin complex nanoparticles. Animal and initial clinical testing has shown the potential for this technology to increase the drug concentration in the eye tissues including the retina and therefore treat retinal diseases like DME.
Predicting Diabetic Retinopathy From Risk Factor Data and Digital Retinal Images
Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic Macular EdemaThe objective of this study is to compare the results of a deep learning approach to diabetic retinopathy assessment with results from (1) an in-person examination with an ophthalmologist, and (2) the assessments of optometrists involved in a teleretinal screening program.
Study of the Intravitreal Plasma Kallikrein Inhibitor, KVD001, in Subjects With Center-involving...
Diabetic Macular EdemaThis is a clinical study where patients with diabetes and a vision threatening eye condition called "Diabetic Macular Edema" receive four injections into the eye at monthly intervals. The patients will already have tried the standard of care without complete success. The patients will be randomized to receive either a high dose, a low dose or a sham control treatment. The study will evaluate whether the new treatment improves vision and whether it changes the underlying course of the disease in the eye.
Trial of Switching Between Intravitreal Bevacizumab (Avastin®)& Intravitreal Dexamethasone (Ozurdex™)...
DiabetesDiabetic Macular Oedema2 moreThe specific aim of the study is to test the following hypothesis: That switching between treatments from bevacizumab to Ozurdex or vice versa in eyes with diabetic macular oedema with no or incomplete response from one therapy is beneficial.
Aflibercept With and Without Micropulse Laser in Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetic Macular Edemaprospective study evaluating the impact of subthreshold micropulsed laser on the number of Aflibercept injections when used as an adjuvant therapy in eyes with diabetic macular edema.