Integrated Molecular and Clinical Profiling to Optimize Outcome Prediction in Splenic Marginal Zone...
Splenic Marginal Zone LymphomaThe study aims at developing and validating an integrated clinico-molecular model for an accurate survival prognostication in newly diagnosed SMZL. Already existing and coded tumor biological material and health-related personal data will be retrospectively collected. Mutation analysis will be performed by targeted deep next generation sequencing of tumor genomic DNA. Deletion of 7q will be assessed by FISH on nuclei isolated from tumor tissues. Immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and mutation status will be analyzed on tumor genomic DNA by PCR and Sanger sequencing. The methylation status of target genes will be assessed by methylation specific PCR on tumor genomic DNA. The adjusted association between exposure variables and OS will be estimated by Cox regression. This approach will provide the covariates independently associated with OS that will be utilized in the development of a hierarchical molecular model to predict OS. The hierarchical order of relevance in predicting OS among covariates will be established by recursive partitioning analysis. An amalgamation algorithm will be used to merge terminal nodes showing homogenous OS. The discrimination capacity of the model will be assessed by calculating the c-index. Relative survival analysis will be used to provide a measure of the excess mortality experienced by patient's subgroups stratified according to the developed hierarchical molecular models, irrespective of whether the excess mortality is directly or indirectly attributable to the disease. The model developed in the training set will be tested in the validation sets and the model performance (c-index) in the validation set will be compared with that in the training set.

Prognostic Study of Gastric MALT Lymphoma After Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori
Gastric Low-grade MALT Lymphoma With Helicobacter Pylori PositiveTo survey the grade of gastric MALT lymphoma after eradication of Helicobacter pylori

Assessment of the V600E Mutation in the B-RAF Gene in Chronic Lymphoproliferative Disease
Hairy Cell LeukemiaSplenic Marginal Zone LymphomaThe presence of a specific mutation in the gene known as B-RAF has been found in patients who have Hairy Cell Leukemia. In this study this specific mutation known as V600E will be ascertained in peripheral blood samples of patients who have this disease and in a group of patients who have a similar chronic lymphoproliferative conditions such as splenic marginal lymphoma. The finding of this specific mutation will help to verify or exclude the diagnosis of Hairy Cell Leukemia and determine whether patients are in remission.

Blood Immunophenotyping in Staging of Indolent B-cell Lymphomas V1.0
Follicular Lymphoma (FL)Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)1 moreTo determine whether peripheral blood flow cytometry can reduce or replace invasive bone marrow examinations in patients with slow growing lymphomas.

Prospective Study of Frontline H Pylori Eradication in the Treatment of Early-stage Extragastric...
Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue LymphomaGastric low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (MALToma) is associated with Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection, and around 70% of these tumors can be cured by HP eradication therapy (HPE). However, the role of antibiotics in the frontline treatment of extragastric MALToma remains unclear. In addition to anecdotal case reports showing histologic regression of extragastric MALTomas after antibiotics, our explorative study found that frontline HPE (clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and omeprazole) resulted in complete remission (CR) in this subgroup patients (2 salivary gland, 1 lung, 1 colon, and 4 ocular adnexal MALToma [OAML]). Interestingly, two patients with OAML who do not respond to Chlamydia psittaci (CP) eradication using doxycycline achieved CR after HPE. These findings suggest that bacterial infections, including HP, may be involved in the lymphomagenesis of these extragastric MALTomas. Our preliminary results also revealed that 5 (23.8%) of 21 HP-negative gastric MALToma patients achieved CR after HPE, indicating that antibiotics may also have ability to eradicate non-HP bacteria. Based on our preliminary findings and the indolent biologic behavior of MALToma, it is reasonable to use frontline HPE in the treatment of early-stage low-grade extragastric MALToma.

Marginal Zone Lymphoma Cohort in Korea
LymphomaB-Cell1 moreMarginal zone lymphoma is a rare of subtype of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Because of its rarity, prospective clinical trial is difficult to conduct. Therefore we want to make prospective MZL patients' cohort for several observation study

Lymphoma in the Orbit
Ocular Adnexal Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue LymphomaImaging techniques have considerably improved over the last decades and ocular adnexal lymphomas (OALs) nowadays can be detected. As major advances in immunophenotyping and molecular diagnostics in histology have been achieved offering an accurate diagnosis, the investigators would like to introduce that surgical biopsy of an orbital lymphoma becomes crucial for the possibility of a correct diagnosis and proper treatment. As radiotherapy accomplished great preciseness as well and OALs respond excellently to radiation, this therapy should be the treatment of choice in local defined lymphomas instead of blind treatment with steroids. Radiation results in great local control rates of 85% to 100% Trial with surgical intervention

B-cell Chronic Lymphoid Malignancies Markers
Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaMarginal Zone Lymphoma4 moreLymphoid chronic B-cell malignancies are frequent pathologies that affect adults, with a very variable prognosis and treatment (some of them can remain untreated). The diagnosis of these malignancies relies on the study of the morphology of tumoral cells and the expression by these cells of several markers, mainly via a technical approach called flow cytometry. Because the markers currently used remain imperfect, additional ones are needed for an accurate diagnosis that affect both prognosis and treatment. In addition, because numerous markers are used at the diagnosis, there is a need of tools that synthetize the multi-dimensional structure of the data obtained. The primary purpose of this study is to detect new markers that can be of help for the diagnosis of Marginal Zone Lymphoma and other B-cell chronic lymphoid malignancies. The secondary purpose of this study is to obtain a statistical algorithm that allow a good prediction of the different sub-types of chronic B-cell malignancies mainly using the results of flow cytometry.