Functional Assessment of Patients With Acute Bipolar Depression After 8 Months of Follow-up
Bipolar DisorderBipolar DepressionThis study aims to study prospectively for 8 months a sample of bipolar patients with acute depressive episode in order to identify that factors associated with functional impairment, with especial attention to the presence of subsyndromal symptoms beyond the acute phase.

Pharmacogenomics of Mood Stabilizer Response in Bipolar Disorder (PGBD)
Bipolar Affective DisorderThis is a prospective pharmacogenomics study of mood stabilizer response. The goal of this work is to identify genes associated with good response of patients with bipolar disorder to two commonly used mood stabilizing agents, lithium and valproate.

An Epidemiological Registry Study to Evaluate Clinical Practice Treatment in Patients With Bipolar...
Bipolar DisorderThe aim of this study is to describe the treatment pattern and patient characteristics in real life setting in patients with Bipolar disorder treated with Seroquel XR and/or Seroquel IR in Sweden.

Parents With Bipolar Disorder: Relationship of Adaptation to Own Illness With Risk Perception and...
Bipolar DisorderBackground: Bipolar disorder is a common mood disorder that affects 1% to 2% of the population. Individuals with bipolar disorder tend to have periods of mania that are characterized by extra energy, very poor judgment or unrealistic beliefs about their thoughts and abilities, and an inability to complete thoughts and tasks; as well as major depressive episodes. The range and frequency of symptoms in affected individuals can vary greatly. Most individuals have cyclical symptoms and spend more time in a normal mood state than in an overtly symptomatic state. Relatives of individuals with bipolar disorder have an increased risk for bipolar disorder and other mood disorders. Currently, risk assessment for recurrence of a mood disorder is based on family and medical histories; genetic testing has not proved particularly useful to date for assessing risks of a mood disorder. Despite its prevalence, there is limited research on coping with bipolar illness. No published studies have examined adaptation to living with bipolar disorder or risk for bipolar disorder. More specifically, though a positive family history is the most important known risk factor for bipolar disorder, there are no published studies about response to the threat of future illness onset in children, risk modification efforts undertaken by affected parents, or coping with the risk for illness in children. Objectives: To examine parents appraisals of the impact and cause of bipolar disorder, and the association with their perceived risk for bipolar illness in their child and how they cope with their perception of risk to their child. To assess whether parents adaptation to their own illness is associated with coping with perceived risk to their child. To describe parents coping strategies related to perceived risk in their children. Eligibility: - Men and women at least 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and who have at least one biological child (30 years of age or younger). Participants must be a primary caregiver for their children. Design: Participants in this study will take an online survey and answer questions about disease perceptions, coping strategies, and adapting to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, addressing issues such as the following: Assessing the threat of bipolar disorder and coping with one s own illness. Optimism/pessimism of the individual coping with the illness. Perception of risk to a child, and coping with the perceived risk. Data from this study will not be shared with the participants/respondents.

Subjective Well Being of Patients Receiving Atypical Antipsychotics as Monotherapy or Cotherapy...
Bipolar DisorderCross - Sectional study requiring one visit at the investigators office for the data collection. Target Group: Patients that suffer from Bipolar Disorder Type 1. YMRS - HAMILTON and GAF scales are going to be used to assess the clinical outcome. The findings are going to be based on the different scores reported by Specialists (before the patients started to use as a therapy atypical antipsychotics / at the time that the visit actually takes place for the cause of the study.) We predefine the time period that the patient should be using atypical antipsychotics at minimum (2 months). The first 9 consecutive patients that visit the Specialist and meet the entry criteria and signs the ICF will be recruited in the study.

Predictors of Recurrence in Bipolar Disorder in Spain
Bipolar DisorderObservational, prospective (1 year follow up), multicenter, non-interventional open label study in order to assess the factors that predict onset of mood disorders episodes (depression, mania, hypomania and mixed) in stabilized patients with bipolar disorder I or II in Spain. Other objectives are to describe the clinical course of illness in a cohort of patients with TB I or II: duration, severity, polarity and seasonality to describe clinical and functional situation of patients during the different phases, evaluating prognostic meaning of subsyndromal symptoms to evaluate the economical impact on health service of these patients (hospitalization, primary care, treatments…). Target population is ambulatory bipolar I and II patients, clinically stabilized for at least the two months prior to recruitment and who had at least one acute episode (depressive, manic, hypomanic or mixed) within the year prior to recruitment. The primary endpoint is the onset of mood disorders episodes (depression, mania, hypomania and mixed) during the follow-up period and evaluation of which factors predict onset of mood episodes

Functional and Neurochemical Brain Changes in First-episode Bipolar Mania
Bipolar DisorderThe purpose of this study is to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine brain structure, function and chemistry in people with bipolar disorder who are being treated with either quetiapine or lithium. Both of these medicines are FDA-approved to treat mania in adults and lithium is also FDA approved in children; quetiapine is commonly used in children with mania, but is not FDA approved for this indication in this age group.

White Matter in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder: A DTI Study
Bipolar DisorderFourteen subjects with bipolar disorder and 14 matching healthy controls, aged 6-13, will receive a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan on a 3 Tesla scanner. They will also have a clinical interview, including the KSADS-PL. All subjects must be right-handed.

Bipolar Disorder in Epilepsy
EpilepsyBipolar DisorderThe purpose of this study is to find out how often major mood swings occur in patients treated in a specialty epilepsy center.

Neuroimaging Studies of the Treatment of Bipolar Depression With Citalopram
Bipolar DepressionRegional metabolic changes associated with response to 6 weeks of citalopram treatment, using 18-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography imaging, will be characterized (FDG PET).