How Does Patients' Overall Assessment of Their Health Vary Across and Within Different Disease Groups?...
Hip DiseaseHeart Failure11 moreEQ-5D is one of the most commonly employed patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures. It is included in many of the Swedish National Quality Registers (NQRs). EQ-5D health states are usually summarized using 'values' obtained from healthy members of the general public. However an alternative - which remains to be studied in detail - is the potential to use patients' self-reported overall health on the visual analogue scale as a means of capturing experience-based values. The overall aim of this project is to increase knowledge on the potential applicability of EQ VAS as a health state valuation method through assessment of its variability across and within patient groups and compared with that of the general population in Sweden. Data on nearly 700,000 patients from 12 NQRs covering a variety of diseases/conditions and from the general population will be analysed. Longitudinal studies of PROs among different patient groups will be conducted at baseline/first visit and 1-year follow-up. Descriptive analyses comparing EQ-5D health states and observed self-assessed EQ VAS within and across registers will be performed. Comparisons of the change in health state and observed EQ VAS values over one year will also be made. Regression models will be used to assess whether EQ-5D dimensions predict observed EQ VAS values to investigate patient value sets in each NQR. These will be compared across the patient groups and with the existing Swedish experience-based VAS and time trade-off (TTO) value sets obtained from the general population. This research project will provide information on the variation among different patient groups in terms of self-reported health status through EQ VAS and comparison with the general population. Knowledge on the relative importance of different dimensions of the EQ-5D to different patient groups as well as the general population will be gained in this project. The possibility of getting value sets based on patients' self-reported EQ VAS values and their comparison with value sets from experience-based general population studies will be discussed.

A Descriptive Study on Patients With Bipolar Disorder in Rwanda
Mental DisorderBipolar DisorderThe aim is to provide a comprehensive assessment regarding the service provision and the accessibility to intensive mental health care in Rwanda

Reward and Punishment Sensitivity in Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder (BD) represents a chronic mood disorder and one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Complexity of its clinical presentations leads to delayed diagnosis and difficult management in routine clinical settings. Whereas distinguishing BD-I and BD-II main subtypes has a significant relevance for treatment strategy and for outcome, there are currently no clinical determinants of the BD subtype which could be used as early diagnostic predictors. While neurobiological specificity of each BD subtype is still controversial, available evidence suggest different dopaminergic abnormalities in each subtype. Dopaminergic function is involved in decision making and reward processing which may represent useful BD subtype markers. This study aims at assessing decision making during appetitive and punitive reinforcement learning in patients with BD I and BD II subtypes compared to healthy controls

A Non-Interventional Pilot Study to Explore the Role of Gut Flora in Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderBipolar I Disorder5 moreThis study seeks to correlate microbiome sequencing data with information provided by patients and their medical records.

The Third Survey of Prescription Pattern of Psychotropic Drugs in China
PrescriptionThe investigators aimed to examine the psychotropic prescription pattern in China.

Evaluation of Generalization Paradigm Patterns Among Different Psychiatric Disorders
MDDBipolar Disorder3 moreLearning includes the ability to generalize to new situations and respond to similar, yet not identical stimuli. In previous work, focused on stimulus generalization in healthy volunteers, tones that were negatively reinforced induce wider generalization curves than tones that were positively reinforced, and these in turn induce wider curves than neutral memory (Schechtman et al, 2010). The current study aimed to evaluate those patterns in different clinical disorders (including Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, MDD, Anxiety disorders (Panic and GAD) and PTSD, and healthy subjects that would be used as a control), with consideration whether those patterns are unique to any specific disorder or state. The generalization patterns evaluation would conduct twice though enable to compare the stability of those patterns during the course of the illness (i.e during remission compared to acute state). The basic paradigm based on conditioning of a tone (sound) with unpleasant noise, and extinction of that conditioning afterword. During the 60 minutes of evaluation, the capability to discriminate between the original tone and similar but not identical tones, and the tendency to categorize similar tones as identical to the original tone. A neutral tone without conditioning will be used as reference. The clinical diagnosis will conduct by a senior psychiatrist, and the state would be evaluated using standard questionnaires

Brain Imaging and Computer Games in Children With Either Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, Anxiety or Healthy...
Bipolar DisorderAttention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity3 moreThe purpose of this research is to learn more about how children with mental health problems, including bipolar disorder (BD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), differ from children without these problems. The investigators want to understand how these 4 groups of children differ in brain activity, function, and structure.

The Gut Microbiota of Bipolar and Depression
Bipolar DisorderMajor Depressive DisorderBackground: The gut microbiome is emerging as an important factor in regulating mental health yet it remains unclear what the target should be for psychiatric treatment. Investigators aim at elucidating the complement of the gut microbiome community for individuals with Major Depressive disorder (MDD) and Bipolar disorder (BD) relative to controls, and test for relationships with symptoms. Methods: Investigators prospect to recruit subjects including patients and controls amount to 240. All subjects will be collected for blood and stool samples,assessed by clinical scales. Finally, analyzing the correlation among the metabolon in blood, microbiota in stool and clinical scales to obtain the possible interaction between diseases and gut microbiota.

Design and Methods of the Mood Disorder Cohort Research Consortium (MDCRC) Study
Mood DisordersBipolar Disorder1 moreThe Mood Disorder Cohort Research Consortium (MDCRC) study is designed as a naturalistic observational prospective cohort study for early-onset mood disorders (major depressive disorders, bipolar disorders type 1 and 2) in South Korea.

Illness Representations in Patients With Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar DisorderBipolar disorder is a serious and chronic illness representing a major health problem with high mortality rates. According to the self-regulation model , patients had some representations of their illness which are cognitive and emotional. Cognitive representations include the set of beliefs built around the illness, its consequences and treatment. Emotional representations are negative emotions generated by the presence of the illness. According to Leventhal et al. (1997), representations are linked to information extracts by patients from society, relatives, experiences. This model has been particularly studied in the context of somatic disorders, but Baines & Wittkowski (2013) shown that it may also be relevant in patients with mental disorders. In bipolar disorders, first results show that illness representations are related to relapses and to medication adherence. That's why, we think that this relevant to improve knowledges of the psychological processes that accompany the experience of bipolar disorders. To assess illness representation, we will use both qualitative and quantitative tools. These results could have direct application to clinical practice in psychosocial interventions.