Effect of tDCS Combined With Pharmacological Treatments for Bipolar Mania
Manic EpisodeThe goal of this clinical trial is to conduct a randomized double-blind controlled trial to explore the efficacy and safety of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the treatment of manic episode (ME) and analyzes the brain functional connectivity to construct the therapeutic effect prediction model of tDCS for ME. The main questions it aims to answer are: A randomized double-blind controlled trial is conducted to clarify the efficacy and safety of tDCS combined with pharmacological treatments in the ME. A therapeutic effect prediction model of tDCS for ME by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy to evaluate brain function. Participants will be receive: clinical data interview and clinical symptom assessment. the functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to analysis brain functional connectivity. tDCS stimulation, which was performed once a day sessions of active or sham anodal tDCS to the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and Cathode to the left OFC (2 mA, 20 minutes, 10 sessions). In the active group, current stimulations were gradually ramped up to 2 mA (in 30 seconds) intensity for 20 minutes, once a day, for 10 days. For sham stimulation, the procedure was identical, except that the current was gradually ramped up to 2mA and rapidly down to zero (in 30 seconds), thus leading to the same initial sensations of tDCS.

EPI-MINN: Targeting Cognition and Motivation - National
PsychosisPsychosis Nos/Other9 moreThe purpose of this study is to perform a practice-based research project designed to assess whether cognition and motivated behavior in early psychosis can be addressed as key treatment goals within real-world settings by using a 12-week mobile intervention program. Participants who are receiving care at coordinated specialty care (CSC) early psychosis clinics across the United States will be recruited to participate in this study. A qualifying CSC program will provide comprehensive clinical services such as psychotherapy, medication management, psychoeducation, and work or education support. This study will be conducted remotely, and participants can participate at home with their own electronic devices. The aim of this study is to investigate a well-defined 12-week mobile intervention program specifically designed to target cognitive functioning and motivated behavior for individuals with early psychosis. Participants will complete a screening interview which will include diagnosis and symptom ratings, neurocognitive assessment, and self-reports of symptoms, behavior, and functioning. Then participants will be randomized to receive the 12-week mobile intervention, or an active control of treatment as usual. The investigators will test for differences in the clinical trajectories after training, and at two follow up appointments at 6 and 12 months post-training.

The Efficacy of a Transdiagnostic Sleep and Circadian Intervention for Patients With Mental Disorders...
DepressionBipolar Affective Disorder1 moreThe aim of this study is to examine the effect of a non-pharmacological transdiagnostic sleep intervention as add on to standard treatment for bipolar disorder, depression and attention deficit disorder. Our hypothesis is that the intervention will reduce the severity of the sleep problem and increase sleep quality compared to a control group receiving sleep hygiene education.

Culturally Adapted Psychoeducation for Bipolar Disorder in a Low-resource Setting: A Randomized...
Bipolar DisorderStudy objectives: To determine the effectiveness of the CaPE intervention compared to treatment as usual (TAU) in reducing the time to recurrence for people with bipolar disorder (BD) I/II, currently in remission in Pakistan To determine the impact of the CaPE intervention compared to TAU on clinical outcomes, quality of life and functioning; and To estimate the cost-effectiveness of CaPE in a low-resource setting (i.e., Pakistan) (if the RCT confirms the effectiveness of CaPE in BD. Study design and setting: This will be a multi-centre, assessor blind, individual, parallel-arm randomized controlled trial (RCT) with Pakistani patients with BD. Sample Size: The study aims to recruit a total of N=300 participants in total.

Exercise-based Program for Rehabilitation of Veterans With Severe Mental Illness
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective1 moreThis is a hybrid1, effectiveness-implementation study of yoga-based exercises (YE) as an adjunctive tool for rehabilitation among persons with Severe Mental Illness (SMI). The two-arm randomized controlled trial will compare the efficacy of YE compared to the Wellness Lifestyle Program (WLP). Primary outcomes of the study will be self-report and performance-based measures of community functioning, defined in the investigators study as social, leisure, employment, and life skills functioning in the community. Secondary outcomes will include cognition and physical fitness measures.

BezafibrateTreatment for Bipolar Depression: A Proof of Concept Study
Bipolar DisorderDepressive EpisodeWe propose to test the hypothesis that bezafibrate, a pan-PPAR agonist, may be effective and safe for bipolar depression with the following specific aims: Aim #1. Proof-of-Concept Safety and Tolerability Aim: To assess the safety and tolerability of bezafibrate added to anti-manic medication for bipolar depression, especially with regard to worsening manic symptoms and suicidal ideation. We will conduct a phase IIa, 8-week, open pilot trial of bezafibrate added to FDA-approved anti-manic medication in 30 participants with bipolar depression. We will monitor changes in manic symptoms (Young Mania Rating Scale), suicidal ideation, cognitive functioning specifically in attention and verbal memory, and treatment emergent adverse events (SAFTEE). We will also monitor changes in the Framingham Cardiovascular Risk Score. Aim #2. Preliminary Assessment of Efficacy: To assess the antidepressant efficacy of bezafibrate added to anti-manic medication for acute bipolar I major depressive episodes. Hypothesis: The bezafibrate group will have a statistically significant decrease in the Montgomery Asberg Rating Scale (MADRS) Scores over 8 weeks. The results of this proof-of concept phase IIa study will help us to plan a placebo-controlled randomized trial. In summary, we propose an 8-week, proof-of-concept open pilot trial of an adjunctive pan-PPAR agonist, bezafibrate, for 30 patients with an acute bipolar I major depressive episode. The study may have a profound impact on the development of a novel treatment consistent with the mitochondrial dysregulation hypothesis of bipolar disorder and, to the best of our knowledge, will be the first proof-of-concept trial to assess a pan-PPAR agonist for bipolar disorder.

Multi-factor Model Constraction for Early Warning and Diagnosis of MDD
Major Depressive DisorderBipolar Disorder1 moreCurrent research on the pathogenesis of depression shows that imbalanced inflammatory factors are closely related to Major Depressive Disorder(MDD). As reported, physical exercise, Ω-3 fatty acids, and sulforaphane can be complementary therapies for moderate-to-severe depression. In addition, imaging studies have found changes in the structure and functional connectivity of the brain. Therefore, this study intends to collect clinical and biological information from patients with depression and healthy controls to establish a multi-factor model for early warning and diagnosis of major depressive disorder

A Novel Peer-Delivered Recovery-Focused Suicide Prevention Intervention for Veterans With Serious...
Psychotic DisordersBipolar Disorders3 moreSuicide is a major public health concern, particularly among Veterans with serious mental illness (SMI, i.e., psychotic disorders or bipolar disorders). Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a well-established evidence-based practice for those with SMI that centers on identifying warning signs of mental illness, developing wellness tools for functional independence, planning for day-to-day effective living within one's community, and building an action plan to create a valued life worth living. This proposed study will refine and pilot SUicide Prevention by Peers Offering Recovery Tactics (SUPPORT), a novel integrated recovery program that is an adaptation of peer-delivered WRAP for Veterans with SMI. In SUPPORT, a Peer Specialist leads a Veteran at increased risk for suicide through recovery planning that is tailored to the Veteran's suicidal experiences with cognitive learning strategies to enhance safety plan recall and improve functioning.

Study of the Effectiveness of Valbenazine on Patient- and Clinician-Reported Outcomes in Participants...
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder3 moreThis study will evaluate the effectiveness of valbenazine on patient- and clinician-reported outcomes assessing health-related quality of life, functioning, and treatment effect in participants with tardive dyskinesia (TD) who are receiving valbenazine for up to 24 weeks.

Transcranial Photobiomodulation for Executive Function in Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderTranscranial light therapy, or transcranial photobiomodulation (tPBM), is a treatment that stimulates the brain by applying near-infrared light to the forehead. Transcranial light therapy has been found to promote brain metabolism, which may help improve executive function in people with bipolar disorder. The research team proposes a novel approach to treating bipolar disorder by using transcranial light therapy.