Safety and Efficacy Study of Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Bipolar Depression
Bipolar DepressionThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of H1-Coil deep brain rTMS in subjects with bipolar depression, taking mood stabilizers and previously unsuccessfully treated with antidepressant medications.

Algorithm Guided Treatment Strategies for Bipolar Depression
Bipolar DisorderThe purpose of the AGTs-BD study is to compare the treatment outcome and safety profiles between different mood stabilizers combination treatments in the patients with bipolar disorders, currently suffered from depression episode.

Social Cognition in Longstanding Psychosis
SchizophreniaSchizoaffective Disorder3 moreIn the current study, the investigators propose to measure the five domains of social cognition identified by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) as relevant to individuals with psychosis (i.e., theory of mind, attribution style, emotion recognition, social perception, and social knowledge). The investigators will also explore the association between different domains of social cognition and outcomes relevant to psychotic disorder (e.g., symptomatology, social functioning, and vocational functioning).

Comparative Efficacy and Acceptability of Antimanic Drugs in Acute Mania
Bipolar DisorderBackground: Bipolar disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses affecting 1%-4% of the population, and one of the leading causes of worldwide disability. Mania is a condition of excessively elevated mood, characterizes bipolar disorder, and usually is a main cause of hospitalization. Mood stabilisers and antipsychotic drugs have long been the maintenance treatment of acute mania with and without psychotic symptoms. Though clinical trails have been demonstrated that these drugs are individually more effective than placebo in the relatively long term (e.g 4, 8 weeks). However, in the pragmatic practice, patient at acute mania urgently want to see the effectiveness, and psychiatrist under great pressure and are in great need to evaluate the very short-term effectiveness (e.g one week). If the first attempted antimanic drug fails, psychiatrist need the evidence that which medication should be to added on or switch to. Objectives: one main aim is to rank the short-term ( e.g.one and two week) effectiveness and acceptability of the common anti-mania drugs, including Lithium, Valproate, Oxcarbazepine, Quetiapine, Olanzapine, or Ziprasidone. Secondary aim is to investigate which medication to add on for non-responders or switch to. Methods: The study setting: it is expected that 120 subjects with a diagnose of DSM-IV bipolar I disorder will be recruited from Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital, the earliest psychiatric hospital in the history of China established by Dr.J. G. Kerr in 1898. Design:This study is a randomized, controlled trial. Participants with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, manic or mixed episode will be randomly assigned to a treatment of Lithium, Valproate, Oxcarbazepine, Quetiapine, Olanzapine, or Ziprasidone. In the following conditions, participants will take another antimanic drug as a combination medication: 1) those who have a reduction in YMRS scores less than 25% after one week of treatment; 2) those who have a reduction in YMRS scores less than 50% after two weeks of treatment; or 3) those who have a increase in YMRS more than 30% at day 4. An antipsychotic (Quetiapine, Olanzapine, and Ziprasidone) will be added on for those who use lithium, Valproate or Oxcarbazepine as a first attempted medication; while Lithium, Valproate, or Oxcarbazepine will be added on for those who use an antipsychotic as a first attempted medication. Those participants who are recognized as non-response/partial response to two combined medications after 6 weeks of treatment will switch to Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy (MECT). Measures: Primary outcome measures are change scores on the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and dropout rates. Secondary outcome measures include Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) Scale, Global Assessment Scale (GAS), Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS), and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Response criteria: <25% reduction in YMRS scores or >=4 scores of CGI is defined as non-response. 25-49% reduction in YMRS scores from baseline as well as <=3 scores of Clinical General Impression (CGI) is recognized as partial response.>= 50% reduction in YMRS as well as 1 (very much improved) or 2 scores (much improved) of CGI is recognized as response. Remission is defined as a YMRS score <=12 and CGI score equal to 1 or 2.

Comparison of Two Forms of Oxcarbazepine for the Treatment of Bipolar Depression
Bipolar DepressionTreatment Effectiveness1 moreConsenting subjects with Bipolar depression will remain under the care of their local (psychiatric) care provider and be randomized to a six week course of one of two forms of oxcarbazepine (extended release or immediate release. Study outcomes will be assessed based on outcome measures administered to the subject at home by a computer simulated rater. Local care providers will receive "pre-assessment" reports ahead of each clinical visit, rate the Clinical Global Impression for Severity, and evaluate adverse effects. The primary outcome variable is "treatment effectiveness" operationally defined as the response rate X the completion rate.

Guidance Model of Standardized Treatment of Antidepressants in Bipolar Disorder
the Use of Antidepressants in Patients With Bipolar DepressionThe bipolar depression patients of 18-55 years old were recruited. At the time of enrollment, the demographic, symptomatic, neuropsychological, neurobiological and genetic data was collected. After the completion of the baseline assessment and examination, the patients were given lithium carbonate or lithium carbonate combined with SSRI antidepressant treatment. Clinical evaluation was performed at 2 and 8 weeks after treatment, including the therapeutic efficacy and adverse drug reactions, and monitoring of serum lithium concentration. The patients further receive the fMRI scans after treatment for 8 weeks. Through above work, this study aimed to provide some guidance for the use of antidepressants in patients with bipolar depression.

Combination of Dextromethorphan and Memantine in Treating Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder IIThis is a research clinical trial of double-blind, stratified randomized, parallel group, two-centre study. It will be conducted in a total of 250~300 male and female subjects from the Department of Psychiatry at National Cheng Kung University Hospital. Eligible subjects will be psychiatric out- and in-patients, aged between 18~65 years old, who have psychiatric evaluation with clinically suspected of having bipolar II disorder and fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The add-on double-blind study treatment with dextromethorphan/place will commence at randomization for while patients continue open-label valproate. Subjects will be enrolled for 12 weeks double-blind add-on treatment and randomly assigned to (1) 30mg dextromethorphan+valproate, (2) 5mg memantine+valproate, (3) dextromethorphan+memantine+valproate or (4) placebo+valproate. Concomitant benzodiazepine medication (preferably up to 8mg lorazepam) may be used for daytime sedation, agitation or insomnia during the study. For the consideration of the less influence to immune-system, resperidone 1-3mg/daily and fluoxetine maximum 20mg/daily will be chose. We will measure the treatment response and side effect to clarify the curative effect of DM and memantine add-on therapy to valproate in the treatment of bipolar disorders. This study is being performed to investigate the possibly significant beneficial effects on the subtypes of bipolar disorders psychopathology.

tDCS(Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation) Efficacy in Bipolar Depression : RCT Study
tDCSThe purpose of this study is to determine whether transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is effective and safe in the treatment Bipolar depression. Randomized, double-blind Controlled Clinical Trial. Subjects Adults (between 19 and 65 years of age) with Bipolar depression who meet the inclusion criteria and who agree to participate in the study Will recruit from clinical referrals. Active tDCS Anode - left DLPFC Cathode - right DLPFC Electric current is 2mA - Current is applied for 30 min Sham tDCS Same assembly is used Current is applied for 1 min Both groups 30~42 stimulation sessions on consecutive days. Baseline(visit 1), 2 week(visit 2), 4 week(visit 3), 6 week(visit 4), and 12 week(visit 5) Check compliance with mobile application(MINDD-CONNECT) connections.

A Trial of Functional Remediation in Patients With Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderIn the last decade several evidences show that cognitive impairment is a major feature of bipolar disorder (BD), that is strongly associated with patients' functional outcome. The most affected cognitive domains in BD are attention, memory and executive functions. BD represents a mental illness of considerable therapeutic complexity and the fight against cognitive and functional deterioration have contributed to increase the interest in the development of specific therapeutic strategies.There is the need of new non-pharmacological interventions in BD in order to improve not only affective symptoms, but also cognitive dysfunctions, with the final goal to achieve full functional recovery. The present study is focused on Functional Remediation (FR), a novel group intervention created by the Bipolar Disorder Unit of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and designed specifically for bipolar patients, based on a neuro-cognitive-behavioural approach. It involves neurocognitive and psychoeducation techniques (21 weekly sessions). The present study aims to assess FR efficacy in improving cognitive deficits and psychosocial functioning in a sample of euthymic patients with BD, compared to standard treatment (TAU). This is a randomized and rater-blind trial, involving 54 adult out-patients diagnosed with BD I or II (DSM-5 criteria) and clinically stable for at least two months. Patients will be assessed at baseline, post-treatment and 6-months follow-up, on validated cognitive, clinical and functional rating scales. The main result expected is that patients receiving FR will show better cognitive and psychosocial performance, further confirming the preliminary evidence on the utility of FR as an element of standard care for BD patients.

Efficacy of Adjunctive Tianeptine in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression
Bipolar DisorderOne of the main challenges in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder (BD) is to achieve better functioning outcomes after syndromal recovery. Even treatment-responsive patients, who remain symptomatically well for extended periods of time, frequently demonstrate sub-threshold symptoms and continuing psychosocial morbidity and cognitive impairment. The cognitive impairment that persists during interepisode periods stands out as a major correlate of functional impairment, and may be a core aspect of the BD pathophysiology. In this context, tianeptine stands out as a therapeutic agent with unique properties, which match most of the conditions found in BD. This is an enriched maintenance study of the use of tianeptine as an adjunctive therapy in bipolar depression. All participants will receive tianeptine in an open label manner for a period of two months, following which they will be assigned randomly to the treatment with tianeptine or placebo in a double-blind fashion for six months. All patients will remain on treatment as usual for the duration of the trial. Along with clinical response, the investigators will prospectively evaluate the improvement in working and declarative memory, two cognitive prefrontal- and hippocampus-dependent processes, respectively, and the effects of tianeptine on serum BDNF levels.