The STAGE Study for Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderWhen the investigators are caught up in emotions, it is by stepping back (or decentering) that the investigators are able to see the situation from another perspective. Individuals with emotional disorders, however, can have difficulties in being able to do this. Research has shown that improving an individual's ability to step back from their emotions and take perspective is possible and can have beneficial effects on depressive symptomatology (Self Distancing and Perspective Broadening [SDPB] training). The SDPB training package involves two techniques: 1) stepping back from situations using mental imagery (building a mental picture of the situation and changing the distance to it) and, 2) reframing situations using perspective broadening reappraisals (giving new meanings to situations). The training package trains these SDPB techniques using an individual's memories and every day events. The fortnightly training comprises of two one to one sessions and daily homework for a week in between.The SDPB training package is aimed at improving an individual's ability to step back from, and put a new meaning to emotional events that take place in their lives. The prospective pilot study aims to investigate whether the SDPB training package reduces symptomatology and improves these abilities in individuals who experience both depressive and manic episodes (Bipolar Disorder [BD]). BD has a cumulative lifetime prevalence ranging from 1.52% across Europe and is treated with moderate success using Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT). However, 'moderate success' is considerably low compared to other mental health problems and CBT can be time time consuming, expensive, and cognitively demanding (requiring a high level of functioning of one or more cognitive functions). Accordingly, BD may be one of the emotional disorders in greatest need of novel and evidence based treatments.

To Evaluate the Efficiency and Safety of Quetiapine Fumarate in the Treatment of Acute Manic Patients...
Bipolar DisorderThis is an open label, randomised, parallel-group study to compare the efficacy and safety of quetiapine and valproate used as monotherapy in the treatment of mania in patients hospitalised for an acute manic episode. After given of informed consent and undergoing screening procedures, the patients will be randomised into quetiapine or valproate group on Day 1. The efficacy of study treatment on symptoms of mania will be assessed at Day 28. Patients will not permitted to use any psychoactive or antipsychotic medications throughout the study period other than those expressly permitted by the protocol. At each centre, the same individual will administer a specific psychiatric assessment for a patient at all study visits in order to reduce variability in rating scale scoring. Before the initiation of the study, a consistency assessment will be done among the investigators who conduct the scale assessment in each centre.

Safety and Efficacy Study of Lithium in Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderManiaThe purpose of this study is to determine whether Lithium is safe and effective in the treatment of Bipolar I Disorder subjects with symptoms of acute mania.

Far Infrared Radiation Treatment for Bipolar Condition
Bipolar DisorderA preliminary study to determine the possibility of using far infrared radiation for the treatment of the Bipolar Condition

A Placebo Controlled Trial of the Dopamine D-2 Receptor Agonist Ropinirole in Treatment of 60 Patients...
Bipolar DisorderMajor Depressive DisorderWe hypothesize that depressed patients who have not responded to their current antidepressant medication will respond to the addition of ropinirole to their current regimen at a rate better than placebo.

Theta-Burst Stimulation in Major Depressive Episodes With Mixed Characteristics.
Depressive EpisodeDepressive Disorder1 moreThe investigators will perform a double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial of theta-burst stimulation (TBS) in mixed depressive episodes of both bipolar and major depressive disorders. Will be selected 90 patients aged 18-65 years with diagnosis of TB (I or II) or MDD in moderate or severe major depressive episode with mixed features. The primary endpoint of efficacy will be a continuous outcome of change in Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) from baseline to week 3.

Retrain Your Brain in Children/Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder: A Pilot Study
Bipolar DisorderPediatric Bipolar Disorder1 moreThe main aim of this study is to test a new, non-medication computer-based potential treatment for bipolar disorder in children and adolescents. In the study, children and adolescents with bipolar disorder will come to our lab at Bradley Hospital 2-times per week for 8-weeks to "play" a custom computer "game" designed to retrain the brain--to build a skill that my work has shown is impaired in children/adolescents with bipolar disorder. Before and after this 8-week trial, children will have a special magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. This is a test of feasibility--meaning we want to see if the 8-week trial results in brain changes. If it does, we will conduct a second study to see if it improves how bipolar children function--i.e., if it helps their illness.

Brain Ion Homeostasis, Lithium and Bipolar Disorder
HealthyBipolar DisorderIn this project, investigators intend to carry out the first simultaneous, in vivo, imaging study of lithium content and sodium ion homeostasis in the brain of Bipolar Disorder (BPD) patients under Lithium therapy.

Role Functioning Changes NOS
SchizophreniaPsychotic Disorders1 moreDuring this study the investigators will 1) collect measures of social cognition and social functioning in adolescents and young adults who are experiencing early symptoms of a major mental disorder; and 2) evaluate the predictive value and utility of a new role functioning assessment measure for individuals experiencing changes in their lives after an index episode of mental illness. This will happen in the context of providing treatment-as-usual to individuals who arrive seeking help with the early phases of mental illness.

Prevention of Weight Gain and Dyslipidemia by Green Tea in Patients Initiating Therapy With Olanzapine...
Bipolar DisorderSchizophreniaThe purpose of this study is to determine if taking green tea capsules can help prevent weight gain in patients that start therapy with Zyprexa® (olanzapine).