Effectiveness of a Physical Activity and Diet Program in Patients With Psychotic Disorder (CapiCor)...
Schizophrenic DisordersSchizoaffective Disorders1 moreThe aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention based on a program of physical activity and diet coordinated between primary care teams (PCT) and Mental Health Centres (MHC) to modify the weekly physical activity (PA) amount, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference in patients with severe mental disorder diagnoses. To assess changes in cardiovascular risk, quality of life and lifestyles, secondarily. Methods: A randomized clinical trial with a control group, of one year of follow-up, carried out in four MHC Barcelona and Santa Coloma, and PCT of reference. The investigators studied patients aged 18 - 65 years old, diagnosed with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder, with antipsychotic medication and a low level of PA. 240 patients will be selected in each group (difference to be detected in the BMI:> 1.89 kg/m2; common SD: 6.2, 30% loss). Intervention: group educational PA program (basically walking) of 24 sessions over 12 weeks, and diet (8 sessions in the first 8 weeks) by nurses and specialists in PA. Key measurements: level of PA (IPAQ questionnaire), physical examinations: BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, cardiovascular risk, quality of life (SF-36), smoking habits, dietary habits (PREDIMED questionnaire), analytical parameters: cholesterol , triglycerides, blood glucose. Evaluations will be masked and conducted at 0, 3, 6 and 12 months. Analysis of variance for repeated measures to adjust for differences attributable to the effect of the intervention for potential confounders: pharmacological treatment, care level of intervention and mental state.

Health Promotion and Fitness for Younger and Older Adults With SMI
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder1 moreThe goal of this project, which has not changed, is to improve the health and fitness of persons with serious mental illness (SMI) using an innovative model: In SHAPE Lifestyles. Participants are randomly assigned to the In SHAPE program or Health Club Membership and Education only. The three specific aims of this study are to: To compare the treatment groups with respect to improvement in physical fitness outcomes, including: (a) health behaviors (engagement in exercise and diet changes); and (b) indicators of physical fitness. To compare the treatment groups with respect to improvements in mental health outcomes, including negative symptoms, depression, and self-efficacy. To explore differences in the treatment groups with respect to psychosocial functioning, health status, and acute service use, and the effects of selected demographic, clinical, and health behavior variables on primary outcomes.

Ultrabrief Right Unilateral and Brief Pulse Bitemporal Electroconvulsive Therapy
DepressionDepressive Disorder3 moreTo evaluate the equivalent efficacy of ultrabrief pulsewidth right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy versus bitemporal brief pulse electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of depression and to evaluate the cognitive effects of ultrabrief right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy versus bitemporal brief pulse electroconvulsive therapy.

Evaluation of the In SHAPE Fitness Intervention for Adults With Serious Mental Illness
SchizophreniaBipolar Disorder2 moreFew studies targeting obesity in serious mental illness have reported clinically significant risk reduction, and non have been replicated in community settings or demonstrated sustained outcomes after intervention withdrawal. The researchers sought to replicate positive health outcomes demonstrated in a previous randomized effectiveness study of the In SHAPE program across urban community mental health organizations serving an ethnically diverse population.

Psychosis: Early Detection, Intervention and Prevention
Prodromal SchizophreniaPsychotic Disorders2 moreThe primary aim of this application is to conduct a randomized, controlled clinical trial of a specialized mental health service delivery system specifically developed for prodromal psychotic disorders. The intervention is Family-aided Assertive Community Treatment (FACT). The goal of the treatment is prevention of psychosis and disability. This study will assess experimentally the clinical effectiveness of this new type of mental health service. Other domains of outcome include cognitive dysfunction and functional disability.

Physical Co-morbidity, Poor Health Behaviour and Health Promotion in Verona Patients With Functional...
Psychotic DisordersBipolar DisordersThe study evaluates the efficacy of health promotion strategies on diet and physical activity in patients with psychosis. Half of the participants will receive an intervention protocol based on education and behavioural change, while half will not receive it.

Inositol for Comorbid Anxiety in Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderAnxiety Disorders1 moreThis is an open trial that seeks to determine the safety and tolerability of using inositol for children and adolescents with bipolar disorder and comorbid anxiety disorders with an exploration of efficacy and dose-response.

Safety And Efficacy Of Ziprasidone In Children And Adolescents With Bipolar I Disorder (Manic Or...
Bipolar DisorderThe purpose of this study is to determine if flexibly-dosed ziprasidone is safe and effective for the treatment of children and adolescents (ages 10-17) with Bipolar l Disorder (Manic or Mixed).

A Glutamate Transporter GLT1, in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderThis study examines if Ceftriaxone, an antibiotic, will improve symptoms of depression in Bipolar Disorder. Purpose: This study will examine whether the drug ceftriaxone can help patients with bipolar depression during short-term treatment of symptoms such as depressed mood, psychomotor retardation (slowed down thinking and movements), and problems with sleep. Recent studies suggest that abnormalities in the brain levels of the chemical glutamate may be involved in causing depression. Ceftriaxone increases a protein in the brain called GLT1, which is responsible for regulating brain levels of glutamate. People between 18 and 65 years of age with bipolar disorder who are currently in a depressive episode of at least 4 weeks but no longer than 12 months duration may be eligible for this study. Participants are admitted to the NIH Clinical Center for about 10 weeks. During the first 1 to 2 weeks, they are evaluated and tapered off any antidepressant or mood stabilizers they have been taking. They remain free of all medication for 2 weeks and are then randomly assigned to take either ceftriaxone or placebo for 6 weeks. The study drugs are given intravenously (through a vein) every day. To minimize discomfort, patients are given a PICC line - a tube that is inserted in a vein in the arm and remains there for the duration of drug treatment. This prevents the need for repeated intravenous injections. Patients have a physical examination at the beginning and at the end of the study and two electrocardiograms (ECG) during the study. They are evaluated periodically with a series of psychiatric rating scales to determine the effects of the study drug on mood and thinking and they have periodic blood tests to assess their health status. In addition, patients are asked to undergo a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) twice during the study to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord). The CSF is examined to try to understand how brain chemicals are related to depression and to the effects of ceftriaxone. A local anesthetic is given and a needle is inserted in the space between the bones in the lower back where the CSF circulates below the spinal cord. A small amount of fluid is collected through the needle. This test is optional. At the end of the study patients are offered free treatment for up to 3 months with standard medications for bipolar depression and a referral to a community physician for long-term treatment will be made.

RU-486 in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression
Bipolar DepressionBipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent illness which involves episodes of mania and depression. It is believed that disturbance of the stress hormone system (the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal or HPA axis) may cause thinking and memory problems and make the depressive symptoms worse in bipolar disorder. Early studies have shown that mifepristone may have antidepressant effects (may improve the symptoms of depression) and may also maintain or enhance cognition (memory and thinking functions). The purpose of this study is to determine the potential therapeutic efficacy (usefulness) of mifepristone in bipolar depression by assessing the effects of the medication on depressive symptoms and on cognition. This will be done by questionnaires and thinking tests. This study will also try to clarify the functional changes that accompany bipolar disorder by analyzing saliva samples (assessing the stress response by measuring the levels of 2 stress hormones: cortisol and DHEA).