Home-based Neuromodulation to Target Depression And Memory Symptoms in Older Adults
Major Depressive DisorderAlzheimer Disease4 moreThis project aims to explore the feasibility and effects of a symptom-specific, brain-circuit-based, home-based neuromodulation therapy for addressing mood and memory symptoms in older adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) in the context of dementia.

Non-invasive Brain Stimulation for Cognitive and Motor Dysfunction in Dementia
DementiaMemory Loss3 moreThis project aims to examine the efficacy of remote, caregiver-led tES/brain stimulation intervention targeted to improve memory, mobility, and executive functioning among older adults with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia.

Effects of Multidomain Training of Health With Aging (Train-Old)
SarcopeniaMemory Loss3 moreThe current study aims to determine the effect of a multidomain intervention (physical fitness, motivational and cognitive training) on body composition, sarcopenia, cardiovascular health, physical fitness, functional capacity, quality of life, frailty, emotional state and cognitive status in elderly participants, through a randomized controlled trial, to determine its suitability and recommend it as a preventive and health strategy for community-dwelling older adults.

Diminishing Accelerated Long-term Forgetting in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Mild Cognitive ImpairmentMemory Impairment1 moreThis study is designed as a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized parallel-group study that will be completed at the clinical research facility at St. James' Hospital and at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. A total of 100 amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) patients will receive a (real or control) non-invasive transcutaneous electrical stimulation procedure. Patients will be assigned to one of four groups. One group will receive active stimulation, while the three groups will be control groups. One groups will be receive sham stimulation (inactive control), while a second group will receive active stimulation and local anesthesia and a third group will stimulate a different nerve (active control; same sensation different nerve). The investigators will include three control groups to verify that the effect is real and location specific and cannot be associated to a sensation effect. The investigators have opted to use a parallel-group design as it is unclear what the carry-over effect and/or wash-out period will be for stimulation. To eliminate subjective bias, all patients and the investigator testing the endpoint measures will be blinded to the type of intervention. The primary outcome, i.e. memory recall, will be determined by a word association task recorded immediately after stimulation, 7 days after stimulation, and 28 days after stimulation. The secondary outcomes is neurophysiological changes determined by resting state EEG, which will be assessed immediately before and after stimulation in the first session. The investigators will conduct this study as follows: Screening aMCI patients. Randomly assigning aMCI patients to one of the four groups. Administering one session active stimulation (n = 25) or control (n = 25 in each of three control group) stimulation paired with a word-association task; administered by research assistant. Behavioral assessments after each of the three blocks of studying the word associations and neural measures immediately after the last session of Behavioral assessments (T0). Behavioral assessments at seven (T1) and 28 (T2) days after stimulation.

Creating Physical Objects With 3D Printers to Stimulate Reminiscing for Memory Loss [2 R44 AG049548-02A1]...
DementiaIn 2013 an estimated 5 million people age 65 and older had Alzheimer's disease. Longer life spans and aging baby boomers will cause this number to grow rapidly. More than 50% of residents in assisted living and nursing homes have some form of dementia or cognitive impairment and the number is increasing every day. As a form of person-centered, non-pharmacological dementia care, Reminiscence Therapy (RT) holds considerable promise. Improvements in mood, quality of life, social interaction, cognition, memory and a reduction in caregiver stress have been noted. This project will develop an operational model for identifying and producing 3D personal objects using 3D printing technology, and deploying them for use in RT. The research also will evaluate the effectiveness of using 3D-printed objects in RT compared to other types of memory stimuli. This novel approach to the "personalization" of reminiscence therapy will result in better social and mental health outcomes for individuals with dementia.

Treatment of Memory Disorders in Gulf War Illness With High Definition Transcranial Direct Cortical...
Memory DisordersWord Finding DifficultyA debilitating and common symptom in Gulf War Illnesses (GWI) is the inability to retrieve words. This affects one's conversations, ability to fluidly exchange information verbally and retrieve information from memory. The investigators have discovered 3 brain regions - the PreSupplementary Motor Area (preSMA), caudate nucleus, and the thalamus - that are essential for word retrieval. They have also detected abnormal EEG signals related to these regions in GWI patients who have problems retrieving words. The investigators have used their model of verbal retrieval to design a noninvasive, nonpharmacological treatment that uses High Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD tDCS). Using HD tDCS, they deliver small amounts of electric current to areas of the head to stimulate specific brain regions. The objective is to determine if delivery of HD tDCS over the preSMA will improve performance in GWI veterans with a verbal retrieval deficit. The investigators will administer pre-treatment tests of verbal retrieval measures while recording brain electrical activity. They will then administer 10 sessions of HD tDCS over the preSMA (20 minutes a session) in half the veterans. The other half will go through the same procedures, except the current will not be turned on (called the sham condition). The investigators will then compare performance between the "active" and sham group and assess if the treatment had a significant effect on performing verbal retrieval tasks and if there is a change in the ERP markers to account for how the treatment worked. If the treatment is found to be effective it will be offered to those in the sham group at the study's end. The investigators predict this treatment regimen will lead to positive effects on a person's daily functions, especially improved conversational abilities, with few, if any, side effects. They hope to outline the standard procedures for physicians to perform the treatment by creating a manual on how to apply the treatment in a clinical setting so that it will be quickly available to use in multiple sites if the proposed study demonstrates that it is efficacious. This treatment can be made widely available for Warrior Transition Units, military clinics, and VA medical centers. In addition, if successful, this could potentially lead to development of other targets of stimulation to improve other cognitive deficits in GWI, and help alleviate verbal fluency deficits associated with other disorders.

Treatment for Speech and Language in Primary Progressive Aphasia
Primary Progressive AphasiaSemantic Dementia7 morePrimary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a progressive neurological disorder that causes a gradual decline in communication ability as a result of selective neurodegeneration of speech and language networks in the brain. PPA is a devastating condition affecting adults as young as their 40's or 50's, depriving them of the ability to communicate and function in society. There has been significant progress in discovering the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie PPA and in identifying its clinical phenotypes. With these advances, we are poised to investigate behavioral treatments that are grounded in modern cognitive and neuroanatomical concepts. Research documenting the efficacy of speech-language treatment for PPA is emerging, but limited. Systematic research is needed to establish best clinical practices in this unique patient population for whom pharmacological treatment remains elusive. The long-term objectives of this project are to provide evidence-based treatment methods addressing the speech and language deficits in PPA and to determine the neural predictors of responsiveness to intervention. The study has three main goals that build on the findings of our previous work: 1) to examine the utility of treatments designed to facilitate significant, generalized and lasting improvement of speech-language function in PPA, 2) to determine whether treatment alters the trajectory of decline in PPA by comparing performance on primary outcome measures in treated versus untreated participants after a one-year interval, and 3) to identify imaging predictors (gray matter, white matter, and functional connectivity measures) of responsiveness to behavioral intervention in individuals with PPA. In order to accomplish these aims, we will enroll 60 individuals with PPA, who will undergo a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation and neuroimaging. Subsequently, participants will be enrolled in treatment designed to promote lasting and generalized improvement of communicative function in core speech-language domains. Participants will be followed for up to one-year post-treatment in order to determine long-term effects of rehabilitation, and their performance will be compared with a historical cohort of untreated PPA patients. This ambitious study and the necessary recruitment will be possible due to an ongoing collaboration with the UCSF Memory and Aging Center, a leading institution in the field of PPA research. The study will broaden the evidence base supporting the efficacy of speech-language intervention in PPA and will provide novel evidence regarding neural predictors of treatment outcomes, with the potential to inform clinical decision-making and improve clinical care for individuals with this debilitating disorder.

Investigating the Cognitive Source of Visual Working Memory Impairment in Schizophrenia
Memory Deficits Schizophrenia Neurostimulator; ComplicationsThe investigators plan to investigate the effect of enhancement on visual working memory (VWM) in patients of chronic schizophrenia and determine the predictive factors of effective treatment.

Amygdala Memory Enhancement
Brain DiseasesEpilepsy4 moreThe objective is to understand how amygdala activation affects other medial temporal lobe structures to prioritize long-term memories. The project is relevant to disorders of memory and to disorders involving affect and memory, including traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Network-targeted Theta-burst Stimulation for Episodic Memory Improvement in Mild Cognitive Impairment...
Cognitive DysfunctionMemory Disorders in Old AgeThe purpose of this study is to see if stimulation of the brain can improve memory. The investigators will use a device called transcranial magnetic stimulation that can stimulate and activate a specific part of the brain that is important for memory. The study will enroll MCI subjects who will be randomly assigned to receive active or sham brain stimulation. 'Blinded' or 'sham-controlled' means that the subject will not know whether the treatment they receive is the active treatment or the non-active stimulation. In the 'sham' condition, the stimulator will turn on but will not actually be stimulating the target brain region.