In-Utero Endoscopic Correction of Spina Bifida
Neural Tube DefectsSpina Bifida1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of performing fetoscopic surgical correction of fetal spina bifida. Two surgical approaches will be utilized: the percutaneous technique versus the laparotomy/uterine exteriorization technique.

Cryopreserved Human Umbilical Cord as a Meningeal Patch in Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Repair
Spina Bifida; FetusMyelomeningocele1 moreThe objective is to test the efficacy of a laparotomy-assisted fetoscopic surgical approach to cover spina bifida spinal cord developmental defects using cryopreserved human umbilical cords (NEOX Cord 1K®) as a meningeal and skin patch.

Cellular Therapy for In Utero Repair of Myelomeningocele - The CuRe Trial
MyelomeningoceleSpina bifida, or myelomeningocele (MMC), is a disorder where the lower part of the spinal cord of the fetus is exposed, meaning there is no bone or skin covering it. This is dangerous because the spinal cord contains cells which control one's ability to move their legs and walk, and also to be able to urinate and have bowel movements normally. One of the current treatments for fetal MMC is to perform a surgery on the fetus before it is born which has many names including in utero surgery, prenatal surgery, or fetal surgery. This is a surgery that occurs inside the uterus (the womb) where the surgeon closes the opening in your fetus' back to cover the exposed spinal cord. Researchers have found that adding stem cells to the repair is effective in improving the ability of animals with MMC to walk, and that the stem cells are safe in animal studies. These stem cells are thought to protect the cells in the spinal cord that control movement and developmental outcomes. This study is being performed to look at the safety and effectiveness of stem cells on the fetus's exposed spinal cord during prenatal surgery.

Extended Criteria For Fetal Myelomeningocele Repair
ObesityMyelomeningocele3 moreThe purpose of this study is to offer pre-natal Myelomeningocele (MMC) repair surgery to pregnant women with one of the former surgery exclusion factors A BMI of 35-40 kg/m2 Diabetes; patients will require good glycemic control History a previous preterm birth, as long as it was followed by a full term birth Structural abnormality in the fetus; abnormality must be minor, not increasing the risk of prematurity. For example cleft lip and palate, minor ventricular septal defect, pyelectasis. Maternal Rh alloimmunization. Must have a low level of anti-red blood cell antibody that is not associated with fetal disease, specifically anti-E < 1:4 or anti-M. Or alloimmunization with negative fetal red blood cell antigen status determined by amniocentesis. We will be extending the Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMs) criteria by including these factors. Prenatal clinical and outcome information will be collected; safety and efficacy will be evaluated

In Utero Fetoscopic Repair Program for Sacral Myelomeningoceles and Mye-LDM
Sacral MyelomeningoceleNeural Tube Defects1 moreThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the feasibility and the maternal, fetal and postnatal outcomes of sacral myelomeningocele (MMC) and Myelic Limited Dorsal Myeloschisis (MyeLDM) fetoscopic repair at Trousseau Hospital (Paris, France).

Laparotomy Versus Percutaneous Endoscopic Correction of Myelomeningocele
Neural Tube DefectsSpina Bifida2 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a fetoscopic surgical technique for antenatal correction of fetal myelomeningocele. Two surgical approaches will be utilized. The percutaneous approach will be offered to participants with a posterior placenta. The laparotomy/uterine exteriorization approach will be offered to participants regardless of placental location.

Fetal Endoscopic Surgery for Spina Bifida
Neural Tube DefectsSpina Bifida9 moreThis study aims to assess the feasibility to perform a fetoscopic prenatal repair of an open neural tube defect, and secondly to assess the maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes.

Incontinence and Quality of Life in Children With Spina Bifida
Spina BifidaMyelomeningoceleThis study aims to develop an innovative, interactive tool for joint use by spina bifida patients and their urologists to identify patients interested in addressing their urinary and fecal incontinence and establish continence goal(s) they would like to achieve. To date, no such tool exists for use by spina bifida patients or urologists. This represents a major paradigm shift in the urologic care of pediatric SB patients. It will give children and families a voice in setting their personal goals for urinary and fecal incontinence, rather than relying on physicians' traditional clinical targets (e.g., absence of urinary incontinence, 4-hour dry interval). These traditional views fail to reflect the full patient experience of their ailment by underestimating symptoms and prioritizing only the most severe. This study represents the first time that such a process will be formalized before initiating urological therapy in children with SB (Aim 2). Additionally, this tool may help rule out interventions with a low chance of achieving desired goals and allow for a recalibration of unrealistic goals. The app will be useful for any child, regardless of urinary and fecal incontinence treatment history or underlying bladder pathology, as it will help describe personalized clinical treatment goals based on urinary incontinence, a characteristic all these patients share. This study will also capture the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) impact of urinary and fecal incontinence improvement regardless of the treatment, whether behavioral, medical or surgical, many of which are available to patients regardless of age. A systematic therapeutic goal-setting tool will help in bringing precision medicine to the SB population.

Fetoscopic NEOX Cord 1K® Spina Bifida Repair
Spina BifidaMyelomeningocele1 moreTo fetoscopically use cryopreserved human umbilical cord allografts, named NEOX Cord 1K®, as a spinal cord cover of spina bifida defects. This procedure will be performed to create a watertight seal covering over the spinal cord in order to decrease the incidence rates of postnatal morbidities. For larger skin defects, NEOX Cord 1K® may be used as a skin cover.

Ready, Set, Go! A Physical Fitness Intervention for Children With Mobility Challenges
Cerebral PalsyMyelomeningocele3 moreBarriers to keeping and maintaining fitness as a young person with a disability exist across many domains of access to community locations such as fitness centers, so looking outside of these establishments may be necessary to advance fitness. This study is aimed at piloting a program that would address some of these barriers by hosting a modified after school running program with an underserved population in an accessible way. There is a second option to participate outside of school.