Clinical and Basic Researches Related to ZhenQi Buxue Oral Liquid in Treating Menstrual Disorders...
Menstrual DisordersThis study is a national multicenter prospective, randomized, controlled trial, which evaluates Zhenqi Buxue Oral Liquid,Progesterone Capsules and the addition of Zhenqi Buxue Oral Liquid to Progesterone Capsules in the treatment of menstrual disorders in adults women. One third of participanta will receive Zhenqi Buxue Oral Liquid, one third of participanta will receive Progesterone Capsules, and the another third will receive Zhenqi Buxue Oral Liquid and Progesterone Capsules in combination.

Examination of Menstruation Symptoms in Women Who Exercise Regularly.
Menstrual ProblemThe aim of this study is to contribute to the determination of the relationship between exercise and menstrual symptoms and to create an alternative for non-pharmacological coping methods with menstrual symptoms.

Feasibility and Safety of Fasting in Fertility Treatment
Sub FertilityFemale7 moreThis exploratory study investigates fasting as a potential supportive therapy in infertility treatment for women suffering from infertility

The Effect of Menstrual Cycle on the Results of Treadmill Exercise Test With High Sensitive Cardiac...
Menstrual Cycle DisorderExercise Induced IschemiaFalse positive results are commonly observed in women after exercise treadmill test (ETT). The effects of menstrual periodic changes on the results of exercise treadmill test in premenopausal women have not been clearly defined. Primary purpose of the study is to investigate the biological causes of false positive test results in the treadmill exercise test in premenopausal women. Estrogen is known to have direct vasodilatory effects on coronary arteries. Early and late follicular phases of the menstrual cycle are characterized by low and high estrogen levels, respectively. The Early Follicular Phase starts on the first day of the menstrual cycle and ends when oestradiol begins to increase. It is characterised by increasing LH and FSH and constant low levels of oestradiol. The late follicular phase starts with the increase in oestradiol and ends at its preovulatory peak. The hypothesis of the study is that ETT results will change at the early and late follicular phases in premenstrual women. Premenopausal women between the ages of 18-40, who apply to the cardiology outpatient clinics of Göztepe City Hospital with typical/atypical chest pain, and an indication for ETT will be included in the study. ETT will be performed in the early and late follicular phases of the menstrual cycle, separately.

Women's Menstruation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Menstrual IrregularityStress Related Disorder3 moreThe COVID-19 crisis has rapidly become the most significant public health crisis of our times. It has particularly impacted healthcare workers (HCW) due to the over-whelming of healthcare resources, as well as a critical absence of protective equipment and risk to their own health as well as the risk of exposure to their family. All these factors have likely resulted in significant levels of stress, anxiety, and affection of the general health

The Effect of HPV Vaccine on Menstrual Cycle in Women of Reproductive Age
Menstrual DisorderPremature Ovarian FailureCervical cancer is one of the most common cancer in women, making it the fourth largest cause of female cancer mortality worldwide. High-risk HPV types (hrHPV) continuous infection is the main cause of the premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix. The most effective primary prevention of cervical cancer is administration HPV vaccines. There are three prophylactic HPV vaccines including bivalent HPV (2vHPV), quadrivalent HPV vaccine (4vHPV),9-valent HPV vaccine (9vHPV) currently. With the widespread of HPV vaccination, the cases related to abnormal menstrual cycle or menstrual irregularities has gradually increased in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, also the number of reports and studies were increasing. We designed this study to evaluate the statistical association of HPV vaccine and changes in menstrual cycle or menstrual irregularities、amenorrhea. And detect the signal of premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) and related events of three HPV vaccines, and to provide evidence for the safety of HPV vaccines based on the data mining and signal detection method. The research data was obtained from prospective self- developed questionnaire. Before-after study was applied in this study, investigators collect the menstrual cycle data of subjects by the questionnaire and qualitatively interview were taken. The control group is before vaccination, HPV vaccination is Intervention group.

Missed Period Pill Study
Menstrual RegulationMenstrual IrregularityThe Missed Period Pill Study is a prospective observational study among people who decide to use misoprostol alone for menstrual regulation.

Platelet Rich Plasma for Uterine Scar
Cesarean Section ComplicationsUterine Bleeding2 moreWhen vessel wall injury occurs, platelets become activated, releasing more than 30 bioactive proteins, many of which have a fundamental role in hemostasis, inflammation and ultimate wound healing. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a modification of fibrin glue made from autologous blood, is being used to deliver growth factors in high concentration to sites requiring wound healing. PRP is obtained from a sample of patients' blood drawn at the time of treatment. As the rate of cesarean deliveries has been rising, long-term adverse sequelae due to uterine scar defects have been increasing. PRP might be a simple preventive treatment that potentially can reduce morbidity following cesarean deliveries.

Hormonal Influences on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesContraception1 moreOf the 1.8 million U.S. women with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), over half of those who are premenopausal suffer from cyclical menstrual-related IBD symptoms, regardless of how well their disease is controlled. Despite the significant impact that cyclical IBD symptoms have on quality of life, evidence about how to alleviate these symptoms is lacking. In other chronic conditions which are hormonally influenced, such as epilepsy, hormonal contraception may be used to favorably impact disease-related symptoms associated with menses and improve quality of life. Long acting reversible contraception, including the etonogestrel (ENG) contraceptive implant and levonorgestrel (LNG) intrauterine device (IUD), are the most effective contraceptive options with excellent safety profiles and are highly desired if access barriers are removed, thus ideal for study in this population. In our previous cross-sectional study, 47% of the levonorgestrel (LNG) IUD users reported improvement in their cyclical IBD symptoms, but ENG implant use was uncommon and prospective data on the effect of either the IUD or implant on symptoms remain lacking. In order to design a future comparative effectiveness trial on the effect of the ENG implant and LNG IUD on menstrual-related IBD symptoms, the investigators propose this pilot randomized controlled trial with a participant-preference arm to define a feasible study design and recruitment plan, determine metrics to differentiate between non-menstrual and menstrual-related IBD symptoms, and explore the potential role of use of inflammatory markers in future trials. The investigators will recruit participants from the University of Utah IBD Center and clinics and through social media ads. Total study commitment will be ~8 months which includes two spontaneous menstrual cycles prior to contraceptive initiation and then six months of follow-up. Study activities will include daily and weekly text message surveys, as well as blood draws and fecal samples for inflammatory markers commonly used for IBD management. Our aims include: (1) To determine acceptability of randomization to the ENG contraceptive implant or 52mg-LNG IUD and in those who decline, acceptability of participation in a participant-preference arm, (2) To obtain estimates of means and standard deviations in established IBD symptom scales (Harvey Bradshaw and partial Mayo) and IBD quality of life measures across the phases of two menstrual cycles and then for 6 months after contraceptive method initiation, and (3) To obtain preliminary estimates of inflammatory marker variation across menstrual phases and pre- and post- contraceptive initiation. This pilot will inform a future trial design and this line of inquiry will allow for an adjuvant approach for IBD symptom management that is sex-specific and addresses both concerns for hormonal triggers and the need for highly-effective contraception for those who desire it.

An Investigation of Premama Balance and Its Effects on Hormonal Imbalances
PMSMenstrual Discomfort3 moreAn investigation of the dietary supplement marketed as "Premama Balance" on markers of subjective wellbeing in trial participants such as common symptoms of PMS and menstrual symptoms, as well as its effects on aiding in returning to their perceived regular/normal menstrual cycle.