Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Non-Diabetic Population to Compliment Signos Mobile Health...
Weight LossMetabolic Syndrome4 moreMetabolic syndrome and resulting downstream health effects remains a growing health concern. In published trials, the use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) assists behavioral changes efforts, leading to improved adherence and results from diet and exercise changes in individuals with obesity, pre-diabetes and diabetes. Mobile health (mHealth) platforms provide satisfactory, easy-to-use tools that help participants in the pursuit of weight change goals. We hypothesize that the use of CGM data and targeted coaching and nutrition education will assist with weight optimization goals in the general (non-diabetic) population using the Signos mHealth platform, with associated health benefits.

Feasibility of a Home Exercise Program to Manage Post-transplant Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic SyndromePost-transplant metabolic syndrome (PTMS) affects about 50% liver transplant (OLT) and 25% lung transplant (LTx) recipients at 12-18 months post-transplant. PTMS (comprised of glucose intolerance, obesity, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension) has been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity and long-term survival. Exercise studies in the early post-transplant period have shown some benefits on PTMS risk factors with facility-based training, but it remains unclear if exercise can be sustained in the home environment with sufficient adherence or training intensity to impact PTMS beyond the early post-transplant period. Objectives: 1) To evaluate the feasibility of a three-month individualized, virtual home-based exercise training program in OLT and LTx recipients starting at 1 year post-transplant. 2) To assess estimates of intervention efficacy on elements of PTMS, insulin resistance, exercise self-efficacy, and health related quality of life (HRQL). Methods: 20 OLT and 20 LTx recipients with 2 or more PTMS risk factors at 12-18 months post-transplant will be randomized to a home-based exercise program versus usual care. The exercise group will undergo aerobic training 3 to 5 times per week with resistance training at least twice weekly over a 12-week period. Exercises will be demonstrated by a qualified exercise professional during the first visit with weekly phone and video calls to guide exercise progression, ease communication and promote exercise self-efficacy and adherence based on guiding behavioral principles. As secondary measures, PTMS, insulin resistance, body composition (optional), HRQL, and assessment of self-efficacy will be assessed at baseline and 12-weeks.

Vegan Diet, Amla Fruits and Uric Acid
HyperuricemiaDiet2 moreThis is an intervention study aiming to test the effectiveness of a vegan diet, My Plate with low purine choices, and amla fruits on uric acid and other cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with high serum uric acid levels.

The Influence of Probiotic Supplementation on Depressive Symptoms, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress...
Depressive DisorderDepression4 moreThe trial will be a four-arm, parallel group, prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled design that will include 200 participants and will last 20 weeks. The probiotic preparation will contain Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell®-52, Bifidobacterium longum Rosell®-175. We will assess the level of depression, anxiety and stress, quality of life, blood pressure, body mass index and waist circumference, white blood cells count, serum levels of C-reactive protein, HDL cholesterol, triglicerides, fasting glucose, faecal microbiota composition and the level of some faecal microbiota metabolites, as well as inflammation markers and oxidative stress parameters in serum. The trial may establish a safe and easy-to-use treatment option as an adjunct in a subpopulation of depressive patients only partially responsive to pharmacologic treatment.

Promoting Healthy Habits in Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic SyndromeA randomized controlled trial will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Habit Design (HD) approach in a corporate health context over the course of one year in subjects with metabolic syndrome. All subjects will be coached to increase physical activity. Additionally, subjects will choose and be coached to achieve a goal of either increasing fruit and vegetable intake or substituting water for sugar-sweetened beverages. Subjects will be randomly assigned to receive either standard coaching (control condition) or HD-enhanced coaching (experimental condition).

Olive Polyphenols in Cardiovascular Prevention.
Metabolic SyndromeHigh Blood Pressure3 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate whether the use of a commercially available standardized olive extract (Tensiofytol) and a commercially available combination preparation (Cholesfytol NG) by individuals with metabolic syndrome Leads to a clinically relevant reduction of blood pressure on the short term, Leads to a clinically relevant reduction of cholesterol levels, especially LDL, Leads to a change in oxidative stress biomarkers. Participants will be stratified by sex and menopausal status before randomization to one of the three treatments for 8 weeks: Tensiofytol: 100 mg oleuropein and 20 mg hydroxytyrosol per day Cholesfytol NG: 2.9 mg monacoline K and 10 mg hydroxytyrosol per day Placebo All treatments have an identical shape and color and should be used in the same way (oral intake; 3 capsules/day during dinner). No dietary instructions are given and participants are asked not to change their dietary habits, nor to start other therapies (medication, supplements, slimming diets, extra physical activity, etc.) during their study period. Standardized questionnaires are used to obtain information on demographics, dietary habits and side effects. At baseline and after 8 weeks, 27 ml blood is drawn for various biological analyses, and blood pressure, BMI and waist circumference are measured.

Light and the Effect on Metabolic Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer DiseaseDiabetes Mellitus1 moreThis study's main hypothesis is that a delivering a tailored lighting intervention (TLI) will provide a successful means for promoting circadian entrainment and treating metabolic disease and inflammation in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD). As such, the proposed studies have the potential to provide important insights into the link between AD/ADRD and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) by identifying the disruption of circadian rhythms as a key component in the metabolic impairment. Preliminary data from ongoing studies demonstrates a beneficial effect of light treatment on sleep and depression. If positive results are observed, the potential also exists to transform the manner in which homes, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes are lighted by delivering a simple, practical, non-pharmacological intervention to promote entrainment, improve sleep, and reduce metabolic disease in AD and mild AD MCI patients. This randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving 60 AD/ADRD patients who live in controlled environments (i.e., assisted living facilities and nursing homes), will investigate whether 8 weeks of exposure to a TLI designed to increase circadian entrainment improves sleep, mood, inflammatory markers, and metabolic control, compared to a control, circadian-inactive light.

Effect of Indian Hepatoprotective Diet in Reversibility of NAFLD
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseMetabolic SyndromeThe modality of lifestyle modification including low calorie diets along with normal protein and moderate physical activity is the safest standard medical treatment for NAFLD in general. There are many benefits of weight loss to the patients with NAFLD. Besides the improvement in the features of metabolic syndrome, weight loss with IHPD would certainly improve the overall vitality and well being of the patients. The results of study will help to delineate a protocolized care for the management of NAFLD with metabolic syndrome thus helping other patients also in the future.

Exercise Effects on Health Status in Patients With Severe Mental Illness
ExerciseMetabolic Syndrome7 morePeople with severe mental disorders have a mortality rate 2 to 3 times higher than that of the general population, largely due to the presence of comorbidities, with a predominance of cardiovascular disease. This population has a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome compared to the healthy population. Several factors are involved. The usual pharmacological treatment in people with severe mental disorder is a risk factor for the development of metabolic syndrome and deterioration of physical condition. This is generally compounded by poor health care, high-calorie diets, a sedentary lifestyle, difficulties in coping with life situations that generate emotional states (anxiety and/or depression) that result in unhealthy lifestyle habits related to food, activity, interpersonal relationships, sleep, consumption habits (tobacco, alcohol and drugs) and other environmental factors. Physical exercise has been proposed as one of the most effective treatments to reverse the negative consequences of low levels of physical activity in this population. However, the mechanism of action of exercise on health status and the optimal "dose" and intensity of exercise to achieve the greatest number of benefits with respect to cardiometabolic health in patients with severe mental disorder are unknown.The study will be carried out at the Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit of Navarra, a center under the Mental Health Management of Osasunbidea, where people between 18 and 65 years of age with a diagnosis of severe mental illness in a situation of clinical stability receive treatment.The sample will be composed of 100 participants from consecutive admissions to the Rehabilitation Unit. The subjects will be randomized into 2 groups; a control group that will receive the usual specialized care and an intervention group, which in addition to receiving the usual rehabilitation treatment, will undergo a 6-week multicomponent physical exercise program performed 2 days per week. The effects of exercise on the inflammatory profile, metabolic parameters, physical condition, cognitive function, vascular function, muscle strength, health-related quality of life, lifestyle habits (diet, activation, sleep, substance use) and mood will be evaluated.

The PIVOT Trial: Project on EHR-Integrated Lifestyle Interventions for Adults Aged Fifty and Older...
CARDIOMETABOLIC CONDITIONSObesity5 moreThis is a multisite clinical trial of healthy lifestyle programs for middle-to-older-aged adults (50 -74 years) to improve their weight and, therefore, reduce risk for chronic disease. This study will investigate whether a proven, self-directed video-based lifestyle program can be significantly enhanced with the assistance of a coach via videoconference or phone to help people as they adopt healthy eating and exercise behaviors. Additionally, the study will examine what factors might explain why some people achieve better outcomes than others. Understanding this can help to tailor the program to an individual for personalized care in the future. Importantly, this study aims to demonstrate how readily a digital lifestyle program, with or without remote coaching, can be seamlessly delivered to patients at home via the patient portal of their electronic health record. This practical use of existing telehealth tools could be a feasible and effective means to offer behavioral treatments during routine medical care.