Association Between Confocal Laser Endomicroscopic (CLE) Features and Gastric Mucosal Microbiome...
Mucosal MicrobiomeH.Pylori2 moreThere might be a correlation between gastric mucosal microbiome and mucosal pattern visualized by confocal laser endomicroscope.
The Value of Black Spots in Diagnosing Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia by Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy...
Gastric Intestinal MetaplasiaThe study aims to: Explore the properties of mesenchymal black spots, and to determine the value of mesenchymal black spots in diagnosing gastric intestinal metaplasia by confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE). Evaluate the incidences of gastric intraepithelial neoplasia and gastric cancer in patients with gastric mesenchymal black spot during CLE imaging.
The Learning Curve of Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) Images Interpretation in...
Gastric Intestinal MetaplasiaThe Learning Curve of Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE) images interpretation in Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia (GIM) Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the learning curve of pCLE images interpretation in GIM. Research design: Blinded review of pCLE images for the diagnosis of GIM Sample size: Five beginner endoscopists will be assigned in this study to read approximately 80 videoclips Data analysis: ROC curve is analyzed by SPSS version 16. Expected Benefit and Clinical Application Information on the learning curve for GIM interpretation from pCLE images in order to develop early gastric cancer detection
Aceto-whitening in the Assessment of Gastrointestinal Neoplasia
Barrett EsophagusBarrett Metaplasia2 moreAcetic acid chromoendoscopy is an established standard technique used to detect dysplasia within the gastrointestinal tract. Acetic acid spray helps to identify neoplasia by highlighting the surface pattern, highlighting the vascular pattern and by a process known as the aceto-whitening reaction, where tissues take acetic acid and turn white for a brief period and then slowly revert back to a normal colour. The neoplastic surface and vascular pattern are all very well described, and have played a big role in the recognition of early cancer. The aceto-whitening reaction is well described but the differential in timing between neoplastic and non-neoplastic areas is not well understood. The investigators aim to establish the differential in the timing of the disappearance of the aceto-whitening reaction between healthy tissue, dysplastic tissue, intramucosal cancer and invasive cancer after acetic acid dye spray in the oesophagus and colon. By understanding this better, the investigators may be able to predict with greater accuracy whether a highlighted abnormal area is cancer or high grade dysplasia, or whether it is low grade dysplasia or inflammation, which has significant prognostic implications for the patient. The investigators hypothesize that the differential in the timing of the disappearance of the aceto-whitening reaction between normal and abnormal tissue could help in the detection of gastrointestinal neoplasia.
Mucosal Microbiome in Human Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia and Duodenal Tissue.
Mucosal MicrobiomeGastric Intestinal Metaplasia1 moreTo investigate the mucosal microbiome in human gastric intestinal etaplasia and duodenal tissue.
The Efficacy of Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in Staging OLGIM
Probe-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopythe Operative Link on Gastric Intestinal MetaplasiaGastric intestinal metaplasia (GIM) is an important premalignant lesion for gastric cancer. Precisely surveillance of patients with GIM may result in early detection and improved prognosis. Though important, it is not necessary to recommend surveillance endoscopy for all patients with GIM, since the progression rate to gastric cancer within 10 years is only 1.8% in those patients.
The Predictive Scores for Gastric Cancer in Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia (GIM) Patient: a Recommendation...
Gastric Intestinal MetaplasiaThe predictive scores for gastric cancer in gastric intestinal metaplasia(GIM) patient: a recommendation for Thai population. Objective: To evaluate major risk factors for gastric cancer in gastric intestinal metaplasia(GIM) patient in order to propose the appropriate recommendation for Thai people. Research Design: Single center, retrospective-cohort study.
The Role of Narrow-Band Imaging Endoscopy in Diagnosing Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia
DyspepsiaThe purpose of this study is to determine if endoscope with NBI(narrow banding imaging)can detect intestinal metaplasia( consider pre malignant condition) and use a targeting biopsy in case of suspected intestinal metaplasia
Prognosis and Risk Factors of Gastric Cancer in Patients With Intestinal Metaplasia
Stomach CancerThis prospective cohort study aims to assess the incidence of gastric cancer in patients with intestinal metaplasia in body of stomach or angular incisure. As secondary objectives, among the patients included in the cohort, the study will: assess the incidence of low grade dysplasia, assess the incidence of high grade dysplasia in patients with low grade dysplasia, identify risk factors of progression to dysplasia and gastric cancer.