Evaluation of Immune Response Against Human Papillomavirus (HPV)in Patients With Metastatic Cancer...
Metastatic Anal Canal CancerHuman PapillomavirusComplete response is a rare event in metastatic anal cancer in the case of unresectable recurrence after radiochemotherapy. In the University Hospital Center of Besançon, 8 patients with metastatic anal cancer were treated between 2005 and 2008 by 6 cycles of chemotherapy including taxane: DCF (Docetaxel, Cisplatin and 5-Fluorouracil. In more than 90% of cases, anal cancers are related to Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection, that is the case of this patients for which HPV16 (human papillomavirus type 16) genotype was identified within the tumor samples. The hypothesis is that an anti-HPV response immune could be generated by chemotherapy with DCF and contributed to the elimination of the tumour cells and to the increase of complete responses. The aim to this study is to analyze immune response against HPV in this patients in complete response.

Cognitive Outcome After Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Patients With Brain Metastases (CAR-Study A)...
Neoplasm MetastasesStereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is increasingly applied in patients with brain metastases (BM) and is expected to have less adverse effects on cognitive functioning than Whole Brain Radiation Therapy (WBRT). Because cognitive functions are essential for daily functioning, and may affect therapy compliance and quality of life in general, a full understanding of cognitive functioning in patients with BM after SRS is essential. CAR-Study A is a prospective study to evaluate cognitive functioning in patients with 1-10 BM accepted for treatment with Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS).

A Trial to Strengthen Existential Resiliency Among Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer
Breast NeoplasmsNeoplasm MetastasisThe investigators group has piloted a 6-week psycho-educational program, Growing Resiliency And CouragE with Cancer™ (GRACE), that bring together a variety of strategies and experiences from an inter-professional perspective to mitigate distress among patients with an advanced cancer diagnosis. GRACE is a six-session, empirically anchored intervention emphasizing a Logotherapy (Existential Therapy) and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy approach involving psycho-education and process-oriented experiences. The curriculum includes themes illustrated via PowerPoint slides with semi-structured delivery, video presentations, a variety of mindfulness meditation practices, and selected readings that serve to reflect and capture the theme for the week of the curriculum.

Prognostic Factors and Oncological Outcomes in Laparoscopic Liver Resection for CRLM
Colorectal CancerLiver Metastases1 moreLaparoscopic liver resection (LLR) has gained acceptance as an effective treatment for colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) in selected patients, providing similar oncologic outcomes compared to open liver resection (OLR). A single-center retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database was performed. The primary aim of this study was to determine prognostic factors for the survival outcomes associated with LLR for CRLM.

Gene Expression Profiling of Metastatic Breast Cancer Predict the Therapeutic Response to Chemotherapy...
Breast NeoplasmsNeoplasm MetastasisThe investigators want to develop a gene expression profile the for prediction the chemotherapeutic response of patients with metastatic breast cancer.

Risk Factors for Skeletal Related Events in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Bisphosphonates for...
Bone MetastasesBreast CancerBone is the most common site of distant breast cancer recurrence, and 65-75% of women with advanced breast cancer will develop bone metastases during the course of their disease. The most pressing problem in management of bony metastases today, is the inability to reliably identify patients at high risk for skeletal related events (SREs) (such as bone fractures, surgery/radiotherapy for pain or prevention of fractures, high calcium levels, and spinal cord compression) despite the standard use of bone medication (bisphosphonates). Using the latest innovations both in imaging and blood tests, this novel pilot project will develop a risk model for predicting bone metastases, which will be able to identify patients who would most benefit from novel treatments, such as the multikinase inhibitor Zactima and the Src inhibitor, AZD0530. Given that approximately 1/3 of patients with metastatic breast cancer and bony disease will sustain an SRE despite use of a bisphosphonate, there is an urgent unmet need in this large population to introduce effective bone protective agents.

Use of DwI-MR to Predict Chemotherapy Response of Liver Metastases and Hepatocarcinoma
Liver MetastasesHepatocarcinomaOne of the most recent and interesting field of diagnostic imaging is diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DW-MRI). Various studies evaluated the application of DW-MRI to diffuse liver disease and focal liver lesions providing controversial results, probably due to the difficult reproducibility of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements. It is conceivable that a wide inter/intra-individual variability actually exists in the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)-values, and that each apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)-value presents an higher reliability in measuring the temporal changes of water diffusion within the same individual (longitudinal-evaluation), than in characterizing tissues between different patients (transverse-evaluation). For these reasons, some previous studies assessed the application of DW-MRI in predicting the chemotherapy (CHT) outcome in liver metastases. The rationale of these studies was the overt biochemical changes shown by the neoplastic cells after CHT and the sensitivity of DW-MRI in the identification of such changes. The same authors noticed that the metastatic lesions with the lowest ADC-values present also the best outcome after CHT. Moreover, these studies suggest that it could be possible to assess if each single patient will respond (R) or not (NR) to the CHT through liver DW-MRI performed from 3 days to 3 weeks after the beginning of CHT.

Evaluation of Metabolic Activity of Liver Metastases by FDG-PET Scanning
Colorectal NeoplasmsThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of primary tumor resection on the metabolic activity of metastases in patients with a colorectal primary tumor and synchronous liver metastases by positron emission tomography (PET) with 2-deoxy-2-fluoro[18F]-D-glucose (FDG-PET) scanning.

Quality of Life and Liver Metastases
Colorectal Liver MetastasesQuality of LifeAn increasing aggressiveness in the surgical approach of colorectal liver metastases is observed. This seems only justified when, besides prolongation of survival, also the health status of patients is considered. The aim of this prospective study is to investigate the impact of surgery on health-related quality of life in this specific patient population operated for colorectal liver metastases.Furthermore, as the indications for hepatic resection are broadened and patients with more extensive liver disease are operated on, the chance of non operable disease at laparotomy will increase. The effects of such an event on HRQol are also studied.

Biopsies of Cancer Patients for Tumor Molecular Characterization
CancerMetastatic CancerIn this research study, we are looking at performing a repeat biopsy of patients' tumors, even though they have already been diagnosed with cancer. The tumor tissue obtained from the biopsy will be studied to see what it looks like at the molecular (genetic) level. By conducting this study, we hope to learn more about how cancers work, why cancers respond to certain treatments, and how they become resistant to certain treatments. We also hope to demonstrate that biopsies like this can be performed safely in large numbers of patients. The research done on the tumor samples may help us identify which patients in the future are most likely to respond to new cancer therapies.