Influence of Umbilical Cord Clamping Time in the Newborn
Anemia NeonatalPolycythemia Secondary2 moreThis study compares two umbilical cord clamping times; the early one, up to a minute (ECC) and the late or delayed one, when the cord stop beating (DCC). The additional blood volume delivered to the newborn from the placenta - placental transference - by delaying umbilical cord ligation, increases the contribution of neonatal iron with increased iron stores in the infant, without increasing neonatal morbidity.

Predicting Disease Progression and/or Recurrence in Cancer
Patient Reported Outcome MeasuresColorectal Cancer6 moreThis is a prospective study addressing the challenge of predicting disease progression and/or recurrence in patients diagnosed with metastatic colorectal, pancreatobiliary, or esophagogastric cancer that are receiving anti-cancer therapy.

EXPRESS: EXcePtional RESponSe - Exceptional and Unexpected Response to Targeted Therapies
Metastatic CancersAdult patients with metastatic or locally advanced solid malignancies (including but not limited to breast, cancer, lung adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, renal clear cell cancer, skin cutaneous melanoma), presenting or having presented an exceptional and unexpected response to an antineoplastic targeted therapy.

A Canadian Observational Study in Metastatic Cancer of the Prostate: A Study of ZYTIGA Use in the...
Prostatic NeoplasmsThe purpose of this study is to temporally evaluate the impact of abiraterone acetate (ZYTIGA) therapy on Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) and on clinical outcomes in the chemotherapy-naive metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) population. Safety data, levels of health care resource utilization associated with abiraterone acetate (ZYTIGA) therapy will also be prospectively collected and analyzed.

CIRSE Registry for LifePearl Microspheres
Colorectal CarcinomaNeoplasm MetastasisThe application of transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) using LifePearl Microspheres loaded with Irinotecan in liver-only or liver-dominant metastatic disease in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma will be observed. The registry has the following objectives: map the exact indications that the device is being used for and at which stage in treatment it is being applied to assess observed treatment outcomes in terms of safety and effectiveness as well as trying to determine any predictive response factors

Evaluation of the Ability of CT-based Finite Element Analysis (CTFEA) to Predict Fractures in Patients...
Bone Neoplasm of Hip (Diagnosis)Orthopedic Disorder2 morePatients with metastases to proximal femur, who are evaluated fr the risk of pathologic fracture in order to decide on preventive fixation vs follow-up constitute the study population. The patients will be randomized in two arms. First arm - the decision of treatment will rely on conventional decision algorithm including specialist judgement and Mirels' score. Second arm- the decision on treatment will be supported by CTFEA analysis of bone structure and quantitative simulation-based estimate of fracture risk, in addition to the conventional decision algorithm. Operation rates, pathologic fracture rates and additional secondary outcomes will be compared between the two study arms.

Prophylactic HIPEC for Colorectal Cancers at High Risk of Developing Peritoneal Metastases
Colorectal CancerPeritoneal MetastasesThe study investigators hypothesize that prophylactic HIPEC is feasible and well tolerated in patients with colorectal cancers with high-risk of developing peritoneal recurrence. The aim of the pilot study is to test the feasibility of performing prophylactic HIPEC for colorectal cancer patients at high-risk of developing peritoneal recurrence in our institution, and determine the morbidity associated with such a procedure. Patients with high-risk of developing peritoneal recurrence are defined as patients with tumours involving the serosa and adjacent viscera (i.e. T4 cancers) krukenburg tumours (i.e. ovarian metastases) perforated tumours positive peritoneal fluid cytology minimal synchronous PC (nodules <1cm in the omentum and/or close to the primary tumour). The study investigators plan to assess feasibility according to The number of patients completing the treatment Time to adjuvant systemic chemotherapy, to evaluate if there is delay to adjuvant treatment Morbidity will be measured according to the Clavien-Dindo Classification, and graded according to low versus high grade morbidity. If prophylactic HIPEC is shown to be feasible, with acceptable morbidity, the investigators aim to carry out a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of prophylactic HIPEC in preventing the development of peritoneal metastases in patients with colorectal cancer at high risk of peritoneal recurrence.

Delineating Areas of Secondary Hyperalgesia: Influence of the Assessment Method
Measurements of Areas of Secondary HyperalgesiaAssessments of mechanical skin sensitivity include psychophysical responses to stimulation with calibrated polyamide monofilaments. One of the applications of polyamide monofilaments are the assessments of magnitude of secondary hyperalgesia areas (SHAs), i.e. areas in normal skin near an injury with increased mechanical sensitivity. The objective of the study is to investigate the hypothesis, based on previous studies, that a light tactile stimulus delineates a larger SHA than stimulation with a more rigid monofilament. Twenty-three healthy participants were included in this randomized, two-observer, test-retest study. A highly significant positive correlation between the bending force of the polyamide filaments and the magnitude of SHA was demonstrated. The "weighted-pin" instrument showed significantly and consistently larger areas than the polyamide monofilaments. The hypothesis was rejected: a light tactile stimulus did not delineate a larger secondary hyperalgesia area than stimulation with a more rigid monofilament. The "weighted-pin" instrument seems an alternative to the conventional polyamide monofilaments.

Assessment of Immunoglobulins (IgG) in a Long-term Non-interventional Study
Primary Immunodeficiency (PID)Secondary Immunodeficiency (SID)1 moreThis non-interventional, epidemiological study assesses long-term outcomes in subjects receiving immunoglobulins (IgG) for any treatment purpose, irrespective of the regimen prescribed by the treating physician, under routine clinical conditions in Germany. Long-term outcome data are collected on patient characteristics in the various indications, drug utilization of intravenous and subcutaneous IgG (e.g. treatment and dosing patterns), effectiveness (i.e. number of infections), tolerability, health related quality of life, and economic variables (number of hospitalizations, sick-leave days etc.) with the possibility to estimate direct costs.

Study of Stress and Life Quality of Patients Participating in Clinical Trials Versus Patients Non...
Metastatic NeoplasmRecurrent Hematologic CancerThis study aims to assess anxiety/depression and life quality of patients included in clinical trials versus patients treated in a standard way.