MR Imaging- Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Therapy of Bone Metastases
Bone MetastasesBone Neoplasm2 moreBone metastasis give rise to major complications that lead to significant morbidity and impairment of life quality. The most common primary for bone metastasis is prostate, lung and breast carcinoma. These three have the highest cancer incidence in the USA with up to 85% prevalence of bone metastases at the time of death. Pain from these osseous lesions can be related to mechanical or chemical factors. Pressure effects on the periosteum or adjacent neural structures can cause local or radiating pain. Hemorrhage from local bone osteolysis by osteoclastic activity causes a local release of bradykinin, prostaglandins, histamine and substance P that can irritate the endosteal nerves as well as local nerves. The life expectancy of patients with osseous metastatic disease is variable but can be substantially longer for patients with multiple myeloma, breast or prostate cancer. Therefore, finding an effective local therapy that can improve patient quality of life and can be done at a single outpatient sitting would be beneficial. The current and emerging treatments for osseous metastases may be considered in several categories: radiotherapy, systemic chemotherapy (cytotoxic, hormonal and radionuclides), surgical stabilization and percutaneous tumor ablation. These treatments may be applied in isolation but also frequently in combination. MRI Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a completely non-invasive technology for thermal ablation. HIFU is capable of concentrating ultrasonic pressure waves to a specified region without any physical penetration of the body. The converging ultrasonic pressure wave is converted to thermal energy at the specific depth, resulting in local heating at the focus. Temperature elevation is proportional to the proton resonance frequency shift, therefore MR imaging provides accurate technique for target definition and energy deposition control. MRI guided Focused Ultrasound therapy is being performed in treatment of uterine leiomyomas (fibroids). Recently the method has gained both AMAR authorization and FDA approval, and CE approval for that indication. Clinical trials of HIFU in bone metastases have indicated that the method is safe and gives an effective reduction of patient pain. The short- and long-term effects on tumor volume and morphology do not seem to have been evaluated thus far. The primary objective of this trial is to evaluate effectiveness of MRI guided HIFU in the treatment of metastatic bone tumors

Memory Preservation of Hippocampal Avoidance Whole Brain Radiotherapy
Brain MetastasesNeurocognitive FunctionThe study aimed to investigate the memory preservation and neurocognitive function protection of hippocampal avoidance whole brain radiotherapy (HA-WBRT) among people who speak Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese.

Treatment Response Evaluation in Patients With Non-resectable Colorectal Liver Metastases A Feasibility...
Liver Metastasis Colon CancerMore than 4200 new cases of colorectal cancer (CRC) are diagnosed each year in Denmark, and 30.000 patients live with the diagnosis. Up to 40% of CRC patients will have synchronous liver metastases (LM) at the time of the diagnosis or will develop metachronous LM during the course of their disease. CRC-LM are treated with a combination of chemotherapy and liver surgery, but less than 25% of the referred patients with CRC-LM may be treated with curative intend. If looking at population-based data this figure drops to less than 5%. During pre-operative chemotherapy the treatment response is monitored by CT and MR scans, and the patients are then discussed on multidisciplinary team (MDT) conferences. However, monitoring is inaccurate since the simple measurement of size of the liver lesions cannot provide reliable evidence of the treatment response. The cancer cells may actually have been replaced by scar tissue but without any shrinkage. The question is how may we improve the evaluation of treatment response? With the goal of improving the assessment of the response to chemotherapy, and thereby only treat the patients that will benefit from chemotherapy?

Role of CTC´s Spread During Pancreaticoduodenectomy in Patients With Pancreatic and Periampullary...
Pancreatic TumorPeriampullary Carcinoma Resectable2 moreThis multicentre, prospective and randomized study aims(1:1) to compare the rate of recurrence, metastasis and survival according to the levels of intraoperative circulating tumor cells (CTCs) during cephalic duodenopancreatectomy in patients with pancreatic and periampullary tumors.

Intervention Toward Truth-Telling and Advanced Directives in the Patient With Advanced or Metastatic...
Advanced CancerMetastatic CancerFamily usually had a lot of burden to tell the truth to patients. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of education materials and family conference for advanced cancer patients and family.

Ovarian Damage in Young Premenopausal Women Undergoing Chemotherapy for Cancer
LeukemiaLong-term Effects Secondary to Cancer Therapy in Adults8 moreRATIONALE: Comparing results of diagnostic procedures, such as ultrasound, done before, during, and after chemotherapy may help doctors learn about the side effects of chemotherapy and help plan the best treatment. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying ovarian damage in young premenopausal women undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

Proton MR Spectroscopy of Brain Metastases in Evaluation of Treatment Response.
Neoplasm MetastasisLung Neoplasms2 moreThe aim of the study is to investigate the feasibility of in vivo single volume MR spectroscopy in evaluation of treatment response in patients with brain metastases, using 3T MR instrument. In order to optimize and avoid ineffective treatment of patients with brain metastases, in vivo MR spectroscopy can be an useful tool.

Project to Assess Feasibility of a Rapid Access Metastatic Bone Disease Program
Metastases to BoneThe skeletal system is one of the most common sites for metastatic spread of many malignancies. Metastatic bone disease (MBD) can be associated with a significant reduction in quality of life due to debilitating pain and pathologic fractures. Multiple providers are involved in treating patients with MBD which can result in fragmented and delayed delivery of care. This fragmentation also leads to poor outcomes and patient experience. This project will assess whether it is feasible to integrate a multidisciplinary Rapid Access Metastatic Bone Disease Program (RAMP) at the Investigator's institution to improve the delivery of care to patients presenting with pelvic and lower extremity MBD. The goals of RAMP are: 1) Improve outcome and quality of care provided to MBD patients. 2) Improve patients experience through the participant's treatment journey. 3) Avert extra health care costs caused by unplanned admissions through ER and decrease redundancies due to unnecessary multiple clinic visits and double-ordering of diagnostic tests. This project will be designed to optimize the use of existing clinic resources more efficiently. Cancer patients and their loved ones will be actively engaged in the design of this project to better achieve its goals.

FLT PET/MR for Evaluation of Pseudoprogression in Patients With Brain Lesions
Brain LesionsBrain Metastasis1 moreThis is a single arm, single center study of 15 patients with brain lesions being treated at UNC Hospitals. Subjects will undergo one (1) FLT-PET-MRI scan before their scheduled surgical biopsy of their brain lesion(s).

AI Prediction Model and Risk Stratification for Lung Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal CancerLung MetastasesBackground: To assist clinicians with diagnosis and optimal treatment decision-making, we attempted to develop and validate an artificial intelligence prediction model for lung metastasis (LM) in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Method: The clinicopathological characteristics of 46037 CRC patients from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database and 2779 CRC patients from a multi-center external validation set were collected retrospectively. After feature selection by univariate and multivariate analyses, six machine learning (ML) models, including logistic regression, K-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, decision tree, random forest, and balanced random forest (BRF), were developed and validated for the LM prediction. The optimization model with best performance was compared to the clinical predictor. In addition, stratified LM patients by risk score were utilized for survival analysis.