The Association Among Headache Severity, Head Posture, Cervical Muscle Endurance, and Neck Disorders...
Migraine DisordersTo determine the relationship among headache severity, head posture, cervical muscle endurance and neck disorders in individuals with migraine.

Habituation of the Nociceptive Blink Reflex in Experimentally Induced Migraine Attack
MigraineMigraine Disorders1 morePeople with migraine typically show impaired responsivity to visual, auditory and pain stimuli (Burstein et al, 2015). The electrophysiological study of the nociceptive blink reflex (nBR) is widely adopted for the instrumental evaluation of trigeminal afferent function. Migraine sufferers characteristically show deficits in the habituation to repeated stimulations of various sensory modalities, in the interictal phase of the disease (Bohotin et al, 2002; Di Clemente et al, 2005). It has been described how the habituation / sensitization pattern presents a characteristic pattern over the course of the migraine cycle. Past evidence suggests that the habituation deficit may turn towards a normalization of the pattern near the acute migraine attack (Coppola et al, 2013; Katsarava et al, 2003). However, the study of the spontaneous attack shows various limits and difficulties, mainly due to the impossibility of predicting the onset of the next attack and of standardizing the experimental conditions. The use of human models of migraine allows us to overcome these obstacles. Di Clemente et al. (2009) evaluated the electrophysiological changes in nBR after administration of nitroglycerin (NTG) in healthy subjects. The authors described a modification of trigeminal circuits and cortical responses (visual evoked potentials) after NTG. However, NTG administration does not induce migraine attack in healthy subjects, therefore this model cannot be directly translated to migraine pathology (Ashina et al. 2017). Our group has previously used the human model of migraine based on the administration of NTG to study central and spinal level sensitization through the nociceptive avoidance reflex in the lower limb (RIII) (De Icco et al. 2020). The results of the previous study deepened our understanding of the central mechanisms of sensitization. The investigation of the nBR allows to study the modulation of the caudal trigeminal complex (TCC). In the present study we therefore intend to evaluate, under well-controlled experimental conditions, the modulation of the trigeminal caudal complex during an experimentally induced migraine attack. The study will allow us to confirm or not the normalization of habituation described in the acute phase through the adoption of a solid cross-over and placebo-controlled study design.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Stress Reduction Training for Migraine
MigraineThis study design has two components: 1) a cross-sectional assessment of brain activity and inflammation in migraine patients compared to healthy controls and 2) an assessment of 8 weeks of a combination therapy approach to treating migraine.

First Evaluation of a Craniofacial Peripheral Nerve Stimulation System in Chronic Migraine
Chronic MigraineThe purpose of this study is to demonstrate the safe use of the novel cranio-facial peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) System in subjects with chronic migraine. This is a single-centre, open label, prospective, early feasibility study to collect initial clinical data on the PNS System for the treatment of chronic migraine.

Puberty, Sex Hormones and Pain Sensitivity in Adolescents With Migraine
MigraineThe purpose of this research study is to investigate the relationships between sex hormone levels and experimental pain sensitivity and migraine severity will be examined.

Fremanezumab, Migraine and Sleep
Migraine DisordersSleep DisorderThe main goal of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between fremanezumab's ability to prevent migraine and improved sleep quality in migraine patients (fremanezumab is a FDA-approved humanized CGRP monoclonal antibody for the treatment of migraine). This is a within-person study design that examines treatment effects (changes) using high-resolution assessments. To complete the study, each participant will be observed using daily assessments of migraine and sleep outcomes before treatment (baseline: 0 to 30 days), and at 1, 2, and 3 months after treatment (injection 1: days 31-60, injection 2: days 61-90, injection 3: days 91-120). In essence, this creates an interrupted time-series design where repeated interventions are introduced at fixed intervals.

Effect of Sumatriptan on Levcromakalim-Induced Symptoms in Individuals With Migraine
Migraine Without AuraHeadacheThe study aims to explore the effects of Sumatriptan on Levcromakalim-induced migraine in individuals with migraine without aura.

Novel Insight Into Migraine Pathophysiolgy and Galcanezumab Mechanisms of Action
Chronic MigraineThe purpose of this study is to understand better the mechanisms of action of calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) targeted monoclonal antibodies in migraine prevention. Specifically, the protocol will allow the investigators to determine whether the main site of action of this novel and recently-approved class of migraine prophylactic drugs act inside or outside the brain and if so, where.

Mind and Body Approaches to Pain Reduction in Youth With Migraine
HeadacheMigraine3 moreThe overarching objective of this protocol is to identify and understand the neural and pain processing mechanisms by which youth with migraine improve in response to preventive treatment. The study design of this mechanistic investigation includes functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), daily headache diaries, assessment of conditioned pain modulation via quantitative sensory testing, and validated psychometric assessments before and after the delivery of one of five treatments over an 8 week period [cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), biofeedback-assisted relaxation training (BART) and cognitive reappraisal (CR) training, amitriptyline, and placebo]. We are examining both distinct and common pathways that may help explain the response to various preventive treatments, as well as potential predictors of outcome.

The Effects of Ivabradine on Levcromakalim-induced Migraine
HeadacheMigraineHyperpolarization-activated cation (HCN) channels have recently been implicated in neuropathic and inflammatory pain processes, and HCN channel activity is modulated by signalling molecules, such as cyclic nucleotides (cAMP, cGMP) and extracellular potassium, known to induce migraine. To uncover the role of HCN channels in migraine, the researchers will investigate the anti-migraine effect of ivabradine, the only HCN channel blocker available for clinical use, on levcromakalim-induced migraine.