Muscle Energy Technique and Mulligan's Mobilization in Breast Cancer Surgery Patients
Mobility LimitationMuscle Relaxation3 moreA recent study aimed to examine the combined effect of Mulligan and muscle energy techniques on postural changes and shoulder kinematics among women who had undergone breast cancer surgery with axillary dissection.

Walking Aid and Locomotion Knowledge in Emergency Rooms (WALKER 1) for Elderly People
Mobility LimitationOlder adults have higher rates of emergency department admissions when compared to their younger counterparts. Mobility is the ability to move around but also encompasses the environment and the ability to adapt to it. Walking aids can be used to improve mobility and prevent falls. According to international guidelines, they must be available in Geriatric Emergency Department. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a program of training and provision of walking aids (WA), associated or not with telemonitoring, on mobility, quality of life, fear of falling, and risk of falls up to 3 months in older adults cared for in an emergency department.

Titanium Fusion Implant in Combination With Trans-iliac Screws for Insufficiency Fractures of the...
Pelvic FractureInsufficiency Fractures1 moreMany approaches to the surgical treatment of OF-P have been tried, but no one method has stood out as particularly successful. The placement of three implants, including implants that could minimise motion in the sacroiliac joint through early fixation and long-term fusion of the sacroiliac joint, can prevent micromotion in the fracture and thereby improve the clinical outcome of OF-Ps. The iFuse-3D implant was shown to be safe and effective for chronic sacroiliac pain in non-osteoporotic patients. The primary aim is to assess the proportion of patients operated on using iFuse-3D in conjunction with transiliac-transsacral screws who regain pre-fracture mobility by the time of hospital discharge.

Myofascial Massage for Pain and Immobility Following Breast Cancer Surgery
Breast CancerMastectomy; Lymphedema3 moreAbout 25-50% of women who undergo breast cancer surgery develop persistent chest wall pain and shoulder mobility limitations following surgery. The pain and mobility limitations adversely affect quality of life, sleep, and body image. Unfortunately, current treatments for pain and mobility limitations have variable efficacy. Based on a review of relevant pre-, intra-, and post-operative factors, investigators reasoned that myofascial massage may address contributors to pain and mobility limitations following breast cancer surgery. Investigators propose a randomized controlled trial looking at myofascial massage compared to a light touch group to look at the effects on pain and immobility following breast cancer surgery.

Optimizing Training in Severe Post-Stroke Walking Impairment
StrokeChronic Stroke4 moreDifficulty walking is common after a stroke. Although physical rehabilitation helps a little with the improvement of walking ability, recovery is usually incomplete. The purpose of this study is to explore how two different treadmill training approaches influence walking speed, symmetry, and balance in people with chronic severe stroke-related walking impairment. The two approaches involve either forward or backwards treadmill training. This study will look at changes in walking performance and balance, before and after training. This study may lead to more efficient methods for improving walking performance and balance after stroke.

ImGTS for Patients With Cerebral Palsy and With Mobility Limitations (Phase 2)
Cerebral PalsyThe proposed research project aims to answer the question "Are immersive technology systems effective in the rehabilitation management of pediatric patients with cerebral palsy and with mobility limitations?". The current study is the second of three phases, and it aims to create an immersive gamification technology system for the management of patients with cerebral palsy and with mobility disorders and to determine its clinical effectiveness, safety, and usability among children with mild to moderate cerebral palsy.

Mobilization With Movement in Distal Radial Fractures
PainAcute Pain1 moreDistal radius fractures (DRF) are the most common upper extremity disorders encountered in clinical practice. With an understanding of the mechanics of distal radius fractures, surgical intervention, and bone healing, the therapist can modify the therapy program according to the patient's individual needs. The therapeutic process is begun in the crucial stage of bone healing during fracture immobilization. By addressing edema reduction and early range of motion of the uninvolved joints, most problems can be avoided before cast or fixator removal. Rehabilitation following the immobilization period should focus on regaining wrist movements provided that earlier problems have been addressed properly. During the rehabilitative process, the therapist can incorporate scar management, modalities, joint mobilization, active and passive range of motion, splinting, and strengthening to maximize the patient's functional result. Massage and mobilization techniques are used in the treatment of DRF due to their analgesic effects. The painless mobilization with movement technique (MWM, developed by Brian Mulligan) is a manual therapy method applies to correct the limitation of movement in the joint and to relieve pain and functional disorders. Many studies have shown that MWM technique provides faster and momentary painless joint movement compared to other physical therapy modalities. The patient group with DRF has a large place in the general population and long treatment processes cause both labour loss and economic loss. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of MWM technique in cases with distal radius fractures.

Effectiveness of the On the Move Group Exercise Program to Improve Mobility in Community-dwelling...
Mobility LimitationThe purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of On the Move (OTM) in terms of improving mobility among 502 older adults in 44 senior community centers and to evaluate intervention fidelity, including adherence and competence, and the impact of organizational, instructor, and participant level factors on intervention fidelity.

Investigation of the Effect of Hippotherapy Simulator in Children With Spastic Diplegia and Cerebral...
Cerebral PalsyBalance; Distorted2 moreThe aim of the study is to examine the effect of hippotherapy simulator on trunk control, balance and gait in children with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy and its relationship with quality of life.

Effect of Functional Electric Stimulation for Recovery of Dorsiflexion After Stroke
StrokeAmbulation Difficulty1 moreThe purpose of this project is to investigate the effect of functional electrical stimulation (FES) for recovery of dorsiflexion after stroke. It will be led from the University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Danderyd Hospital (RMDS) in collaboration with the MoveAbility Lab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Patients referred to RMDS for inpatient rehabilitation early after hemiparetic stroke will be included. The overall aim is to explore how 4 weeks of training incorporating the FES-system (L300 Go System ® Bioness, Ottobock) effect function of the lower extremity, gait function and mobility when compared to conventional training only, in the subacute stage after stroke.