Osseodensification Versus Conventional Drilling for Implant Site Preparation
Dental Implant FailedJaw4 moreA total of 34 participants, who require replacement of an anterior or posterior single tooth with dental implant, will be randomly allocated to two equal sized groups. In the control group, the osteotomy site preparation will be prepared by using conventional surgical drills, while the test group site preparation will involve the use of Densah™ Burs (Versah Co., LLC., USA) as per the osseodensification protocol. In addition to evaluating implant stability, the trial will also report on implant and patient outcomes at various time points.

Tissue Level vs Bone Level Implants for Plural Restorations : a Multicentre Randomised Controlled...
Dental ImplantsEdentulousAnthogyr Axiom Tissue-Level implants and corresponding Multi-Unit abutments recently enriched the available product range for dental surgeons. This Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up study aims at confirming the safety and performance of these products. The comparison with similar Anthogyr Axiom Bone-level implants will provide additional information on the effect of platform-switching in bone level maintenance for single and two-piece design at the implant level.

Soft and Hard Tissue Changes Around Implants
Edentulous Alveolar RidgeOur long-term goal is to generate evidence for the creation of successful implant restorations and ideal supporting tissues in adequate health by utilizing patient-tailored implant protocols such as the use of customized computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) healing abutments. With this study, the investigators intend to recruit patients requiring a single implant placement and implant crown in molar areas. Patients will be randomly assigned to either the control group that will receive standard healing abutments or the test control group that will receive customized CAD/CAM healing abutments. Patients will be followed for six months after the delivery of the implant crowns. The central hypothesis is that the use of customized CAD/CAM healing abutments will demonstrate improved outcomes in terms of hard and soft tissue volume stability and clinical parameters as compared to the use of standard healing abutments. Aim 1 will measure soft and hard tissue changes around dental implants when customized CAD/CAM healing abutments are utilized as compared to standard healing abutments. Soft tissue stability will be measured utilizing intraoral digital scans, while osseous levels will be measured utilizing CBCT scans. Soft and hard tissue volumetric and linear changes will be measured by digital scan superimposition at the time of crown delivery and 6 months thereafter. Volumetric and linear changes will be compared within each group at different time points and between the test and control group to determine if the use of customized CAD/CAM healing abutments is advantageous in terms of maintaining peri-implant soft and hard tissue stability. Aim 2 will assess different clinical measurements around dental implants to analyze if the use of customized CAD/CAM healing abutments will demonstrate improved plaque control and peri-implant health as compared to standard healing abutments. Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depths (PD), and bleeding on probing (BOP) will be obtained at the time of crown delivery and at 3 and 6 months. Clinical measurements will be compared between the test and control group to determine if the use of customized CAD/CAM healing abutments will aid in obtaining a natural looking restoration that would result in improved clinical parameters that measure peri-implant health. Aim 3 will compare the degree of patient satisfaction using a visual analogue scale (VAS) in patients that received an implant restoration following the use of a customized CAD/CAM healing abutment as compared to standard healing abutments. Patients will complete a VAS questionnaire that will evaluate patient perception of pain, esthetics, ability to chew, and ability to clean. Scores will be compared among groups to evaluate if there is a difference in patient-centered outcomes when customized healing abutments are used as compared to standard healing abutments.

Bioactive Surfaces vs. Conventional Surfaces in Implants Placed in Atrophic Maxilla With Simultaneous...
Edentulous; Alveolar ProcessAtrophy1 moreIn this controlled clinical study, a maxillary sinus lift (crestal approach) with OSSIX® Bone will be performed, and then implants MultiNeO CS (control group) and NINA MultiNeO NH (test group) will be inserted in edentulous posterior maxillae of study subjects. .+the clinical and radiographic results of the rehabilitation of posterior edentulous maxillary areas, obtained with traditional surface implants (MultiNeO CS, control group), are compared with those obtained with bioactive surface implants (NINA - MultiNeO NH, test group ).

BMAC on PCL Scaffold for Ridge Augmentation
Bone Loss in JawEdentulous Alveolar RidgeBMAC is used on 3D printed PCL scaffold for horizontal ridge augmentation in aesthetic zone , BMAC contains MSCs which can differentiate in osteogenic medium into osteoblasts which can lay down bone

Evaluation of Implant-prosthetic Rehabilitation Performed With Two Implants With Different Surface...
Missing TeethEdentulous Jaw1 moreIn this case-control study a bioactive implant surface was compared with traditional surfaced implants. Primary objectives: Test the implant stability in post-extractive sites, comparing traditional surfaced implants (MultiNeO CS, control group) to bioactive surfaced implants (NINA- MultiNeO NH, treatment group). Primary outcome endpoints were Implant stability, assessed through Implant stability quotient (ISQ) values and Marginal bone loss (MBL)

A Study of Surgical Guide Assisted Dental Implantation in Bangladesh
Partially Edentulous MandibleDental ImplantationThis is a randomized controlled study that aims to compare the accuracy between full-guided with guide-pin-assisted free-hand dental implant surgeries. The basis of evaluation in each case is the comparison of the preoperative digital plan with the actual postoperative status.

Non-Guided vs. Guided Surgery to Immediately Loaded PrimeTaper Implants in Partially Edentulous...
Partially Edentulous Maxilla or MandibleA 510k approved dental device for subjects requiring single or multiple tooth replacement with implants where immediate restoration/loading is preferred.

Accuracy of Dynamic Navigation and Static Template in Completely Edentulous Patients
Edentulous JawThe study was a prospective, multicentre, randomized parallel controlled clinical trial. Randomisation was conducted by central randomisation, with random allocation codes generated by the main central computer. Enrollment was conducted by competition between different centres. In this study, the coronal, apical and angular deviations (mean, standard deviation, median, quartiles, minimum, maximum, 95% confidence interval) of the static template and dynamic navigation group guided implant placement were calculated. The data is proposed to be analysed using a mixed linear effects model.

Effect of Implant Treatment and/or Dietary Advice on the Nutrition of Edentulous Ageing Subjects...
Edentulous JawPeriodontitisLoss of masticatory function consequent to tooth loss is associated with changes in food choices and insufficient nutrition intake. To date, studies showed no significant improvement in nutrient intake with interventions based solely on dental prostheses. Pilot studies have shown positive impacts of interventions combining implant-supported fixed dental prosthesis with brief dietary interventions. The relative contribution and the potential synergy of the components of such interventions need to be determined as it has major public health implications for the community-dwelling ageing population that continues to disproportionately suffer from tooth loss and its consequences. This study tests the effect of rehabilitation of masticatory function with fixed implant supported dentures and diet re-education on the dietary intake and nutrition in older subjects with terminal dentition (stage IV periodontitis) or full edentulism. A 2 × 2 factorial randomized controlled trial of eligible adult (≥60 years) with loss of masticatory function consequent to full arch edentulism or terminal dentition (n = 120) will be conducted to test whether the rehabilitation of masticatory function with fixed implant supported dentures, diet re-education and/or their combination improves the diet and nutrition of ageing subjects. The study has been designed to detect changes in fruit and vegetable intake at 4 months using the 24-hour dietary recall method. Changes in protein as percentage of total energy, nutritional biomarkers, metabolomics, oral and gut microbiome, quality of life and masticatory function will also be assessed.