MST for Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseDepression2 moreThis trial aims to test the feasibility of Magnetic Seizure Therapy (MST) for Depression in patients diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.

Effects of a Manual Therapy Program to Reduce the Evolution Time of Axillary Web Syndrome
Breast CancerMastectomy; Lymphedema4 moreABSTRACT Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women, with more than a million new cases annually. One of the most frequent surgical and post-actinic sequelae and well known is postmastectomy lymphedema. The axillary web syndrome is another sequel that limits the functionality of the patient and delays the protocol times of application of treatments cancer, and in many cases this sequela is misdiagnosed. This surgical sequelusually disappears spontaneously after the third month of appearance, but this implies a long period of discomfort and limitations for the user, at the same time that it may delay the application of Radiotherapy within the indicated protocol deadlines (due to the need for a body posture with abduction and flexion of the affected upper limb for its application and with the lymphatic thrombus is impossible to get). With the present quasi-experimental study, the investigator intend to show that the application of Kinesitherapy and stretching from the beginning of the appearance of the cord, in a controlled and scheduled way by the physiotherapist, it is possible to reduce the time in which the lymphatic thrombus is present, and therefore, recover functionality, mobility, reduce pain and be able to apply the patients´ treatments within of the established deadlines. The investigator intend to apply this therapy in the intervention group and compare thrombus evolution times with the control group.

Role and Mechanism of Probiotics in Improving Motor Symptoms in Mild to Moderate Parkinson's Disease...
Parkinson DiseaseParkinsonian Disorders6 moreThis study is a multicenter randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. The research content is 1. The improvement effect of Bifidobacterium triple viable capsules(BIFICO) on motor symptoms and constipation and sleep in mild to moderate Parkinson's disease and the safety of the study; 2. the mechanism of the improvement effect of intestinal microecological changes on motor and constipation symptoms in mild to moderate Parkinson's disease.

Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy in Movement Disorders
Parkinson's DiseaseBackground: - In deep brain stimulation (DBS), a device called a neurostimulator is placed in the chest. It is attached to wires in parts of the brain that affect movement. DBS might help people with movement disorders like Parkinson s disease (PD), dystonia, and essential tremor (ET). Objective: - To provide DBS treatment to people with some movement disorders. Eligibility: - Adults 18 years and older with PD, ET, or certain forms of dystonia. Design: Participants will be screened with medical history and physical exam. They will have blood and urine tests and: MRI brain scan. The participant will lie on a table that slides in and out of a metal cylinder with a magnetic field. They will be in the scanner about 60 minutes. They will get earplugs for the loud noises. During part of the MRI, a needle will guide a thin plastic tube into an arm vein and a dye will be injected. Electrocardiogram. Metal disks or sticky pads will be placed on the chest, arms, and legs. They record heart activity. Chest X-ray. Tests of memory, attention, concentration, thinking, and movement. Eligible participants will have DBS surgery. The surgery and hospital care afterward are NOT part of this protocol. Study doctors will see participants 3 4 weeks after surgery to turn on the neurostimulator. Participants will return every month for 3 months, then every 3 months during the first year, and every 6 months during the second year. Each time, participants will be examined and answer questions. DBS placement will be evaluated with MRI. The neurostimulator will be programmed. At two visits, participants will have tests of movements, thinking, and memory.

Metacognitive Therapy and Neuro-physiotherapy as a Treatment for Functional Movement Disorders
Conversion DisorderPatients with functional movement disorders (FMD) present with abnormal movements incompatible with symptoms of well-defined neurological disorders and are not associated with structural abnormality of the nervous system. FMD are very common. However, the pattern of care of these patients is highly inconsistent and most patients feel dissatisfied with the treatment they receive. One reason for this unsatisfactory scenario is that there are no generally accepted therapeutic guidelines for FMD. Therefore, treatment strategies are urgently needed. Recent neurophysiological studies suggest common underlying disease mechanism across FMD patients, particularly abnormal allocation of attentional resources. Conceptually, this calls for therapeutic approaches, in which attention re-focusing is trained. In this respect, neuro-physiotherapy (NPT) is based on the physical movement retraining by demonstrating that normal movement is possible, to facilitate patients' confidence into the own movement capacity. Based on the current literature, the investigators suggest that NPT is a feasible and effective treatment options in FMD population. However, the proportion of patients fully accepting and improving from NPT was limited. FMD patients might be more receptive to NPT if additional specialized psychotherapy approaches, e.g., metacognitive therapy (MCT) is offered. MCT focusses on patients believes about their own mind and cognition (metacognition). It explains how dysfunctional patterns of thinking and self-awareness can lead to and maintain FMD and in particular trains patients to consciously (re-)focus their attention away from unpleasant or disturbing mental processes. Thus, the investigators aim to analyze, in addition to NPT only, the feasibility and treatment efficacy of a combination of NPT and MCT. The investigators will apply therapy frequently (2 times 1 hour sessions per week over 10 weeks) and patients will be instructed for an additional home-based training. Effectiveness will be analyzed up to 12 month after the intervention by validated, FMD-specific, blinded video ratings. Importantly, FMD patients have been shown to have the potential for a full recovery if sufficient treatment is applied. Therefore, the therapeutic approaches of the clinical feasibility trial, if successful, are expected to have immediate and strong impact on the care of FMD patients including an improvement in quality of life, and to reduce health care system burdens.

CBT Training for Cognitive Reappraisal as an Intervention for Patients With Functional Tremor -...
Functional Movement DisorderThe aim of this psychological study is to evaluate the effect of a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) intervention aimed at improving cognitive reappraisal on (1) Clinical and Self-Rated Health according to Patient Global Impression-Change (PGI-C), Patient Global Impression-Severity (PGI-S), Clinical Global Impression-Change (CGI-C) and Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) after 4 weeks, (2) the change in the severity of the functional movement disorder/tremor as assessed by a blinded clinician using the Simplified Version of the Psychogenic Movement Disorders Rating Scale (S-FMDRS) after 4 weeks and (3) the change in the severity of functional tremor assessed via the Fahn Tolosa Marin Tremor Rating Scale (FTM) after 4 weeks. The knowledge gained about the introspective and neurobiological effect of this cognitive behavioral therapy intervention should enable improved therapy options for patients with functional tremor / functional motor disorders in the future.

Intensive Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation and Biomarkers in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson DiseaseBiomarkers14 moreParkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms such as rigidity, bradykinesia, resting tremor, cognitive and autonomic dysfunctions, gait and balance difficulties. The impairment of gait, balance and cognitive performances is partially responsive to dopaminergic medications. This emphasizes the importance of non-pharmacological interventions for people with PD (pwPD). Intensive multidisciplinary motor and cognitive rehabilitation has been proposed as a complementary and effective treatment for managing pwPD. Several structural and physiological mechanisms have been suggested to underpin exercise-induced neuroplastic changes in PD, such as enhanced synaptic strength and preservation of dopamine neurons. To date, studies on brain changes induced by motor and cognitive exercises in pwPD have been small-scaled and uncontrolled. Identifying accessible and measurable biomarkers for monitoring the events induced by intensive motor and cognitive rehabilitation program would help in testing the treatment effectiveness and would allow personalization of rehabilitation strategies by predicting patients' responsiveness. Based on validated clinical assessments of intensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment, the project will test the ability of a new set of biomarkers to evaluate rehabilitative outcomes in a cohort of people with PD.

Neurophysiological, Behavioral, and Cognitive Networks in Movement Disorders
Movement DisordersThe purpose of this study is to investigate the brain activity associated with motor and non-motor symptoms of movement disorders, including Parkinson's disease (PD) and essential tremor. These movement disorders commonly have significant non-motor features, such as depression, cognitive and memory impairment, decreased attention, speech and language disturbances, and slower processing speeds. The investigators are interested in the brain activity associated with these motor and non-motor symptoms, and propose to investigate changes in brain activity while the investigators perform recordings of the surface and deep structures of the brain, in addition to the typical recordings the investigators perform, during routine deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery.

External vs Internal-triggered Augmented-reality Visual Cues to Treat Freezing of Gait
Parkinson DiseaseGait Disorders7 morePostural instability, freezing-of-gait (FOG), and falls are among the greatest unmet needs in Parkinson disease (PD). FOG eventually affects more than half of people with PD, and is notoriously difficult to treat pharmacologically or via deep brain stimulation. Visual cues do improve gait freezing, but their efficacy and adoption is limited because they are not practical to use in all real-world situations. There is a need for a cueing technique that is on-demand and discreet - only perceptible to the patient. Fortunately, recent technological advances in augmented-reality (AR) enable such an approach. In this study, state-of-the-art AR glasses will be used to project digital cues that are only visible to the wearer, to determine if they can improve FOG. 36 individuals with PD and FOG will be recruited to perform an obstacle-course gait task under six cue conditions: no cue, conventional cue, constant-on AR, patient-hand-triggered AR (turns on when patient clicks button), patient-eye-triggered AR (turns on when looking down), and examiner-triggered AR. The AR cue is a set of images that appear on the floor at a patient's feet, mimicking floor lines. Gait performance will be captured on video and via body-worn wireless sensors that detect how each limb is moving. The investigators will determine whether individuals are cue-able with conventional visual cues, whether intermittent cues outperform constant-on cues, and whether cues triggered by an examiner outperform cues triggered by patients themselves.

Golf, Physical Rehabilitation, and Movement Disorders
Parkinson DiseaseMovement DisordersThe importance of physical activity for individuals with movement disorders, including Parkinson disease and Essential tremor, has been established. Barriers including patient engagement continue to limit effectiveness. Golf requires skills found challenging to individuals with movement disorders. This study seeks to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of an outpatient-based rehabilitation program incorporating golf skills and activities on functional measures and quality of life.