Lenvatinib and Everolimus in Treating Patients With Advanced, Unresectable Carcinoid Tumors
Advanced Carcinoid TumorDigestive System Neuroendocrine Neoplasm3 moreThis phase II trial studies how well lenvatinib and everolimus work in treating patients with carcinoid tumors that have spread to other places in the body (advanced) and cannot be removed by surgery (unresectable). Lenvatinib and everolimus may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth.

EUS-FNI for MEN1-related Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1Pancreatic Neuroendocrine TumorThe present study aims to evaluate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of EUS-FNI for MEN1-related pNETs

Leflunomide Treatment for MEN1 Patients - the LUMEN1 Trial
MEN1 Gene MutationMultiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant disorder due to mutations in the tumor suppressor gene MEN1 with the corresponding gen product menin. MEN1 is characterized by the occurrence of parathyroid, pancreatic islet and anterior pituitary tumors which can release excessive amounts of hormones (= functional active tumors). Other tumors (e.g. carcinoid tumors, adrenocortical tumors, meningiomas, facial angiofibromas, collagenomas, lipomas) have also been described. There is no geno-phenotype correlation but the disease occurs after a second hit of the corresponding gene within the endocrine organ leading to an uncontrolled growth. MEN1-patients have a decreased life expectancy, mainly due to pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) which are often multiple and more aggressive than in non-MEN1 patients. To date, no prophylactic treatment exists to prevent tumor development in this hereditary disease. Leflunomide has been used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis for many years. It is a potent inhibitor of the dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH). According to some preclinical studies, leflunomide showed antineoplastic activities in several malignancies, including prostate, breast, bladder, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma. A recent study identified an interaction between MEN1 mutation and DHODH inhibition. In this study, leflunomide selectively killed MEN1 deficient cells in vitro, prevented the occurrence of pancreatic tumor development in xenograft models and led to tumor regression / stabilisation in three MEN1 patients with advanced aggressive pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Accordingly, leflunomide could be used as a new treatment option for patients with known MEN1 germline mutation and associated endocrine disease. The aim of this study is, therefore, to evaluate the antitumor effect of leflunomide treatment on MEN1-associated tumors in patients with known MEN1-syndrome.

Precision Radiotherapy Using MR-linac for Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours in MEN1 Patients
Neuroendocrine Tumor of PancreasMultiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1Patients with the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome are genetically predisposed for developping multiple pancreatic neuro-endocrine tumours (pNET). The management of small (pNET) in both MEN1 and sporadic cases, pose a major clinical challenge. At present, pancreatic surgery is the only curative treatment but it is associated with high morbidity. To reduce the morbidity ascosiated with surgery and thereby potentially improve quality of life for MEN1 patients introduction of less invasive techniques for treatment of pNET is important. High-dose-high precision MR-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) holds promise as a new less invasive treatment option for pNET. The aim of this study is to assess efficiacy and safety of MRgRT for treatment of pNET in MEN1 patients.

Study and Follow-up of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
Multiple Endocrine NeoplasiaMultiple Endocrine Neoplasia type I (MEN1) or Wermer syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease that predisposes patients to the development of endocrine tumours, principally parathyroid, pituitary or duodenal-pancreatic tumours. It is due to mutations that abolish the function of the MEN1 gene, which contributes to tumour regulation. It is a rare disease, with an estimated prevalence in the general population of 1/30,000. Penetrance of the disease is late but very high (almost 100% at 50 years of age). The first clinical manifestations usually appear after the age of 30 or 40 years. The three cardinal endocrine characteristics of MEN1 are secreting tumours of the parathyroid, the pituitary gland and the pancreas. Tumours of the adrenal glands, bronchial or thymic endocrine tumours, ependymoma and meningioma of the central nervous system, visceral leiomyomas, and certain cutaneous tumours can also be found as well as these cardinal tumours. The diagnosis of MEN1 is essential to ensure 1) appropriate therapeutic management of the proven endocrine manifestations 2) screening for other endocrine and non-endocrine tumours (lesions), 3) family screening of affected relatives whether they are symptomatic or not 4) the surveillance of thus diagnosed patients. Studies on mortality in MEN1 have shown that the causes of death are mainly due to the disease. The non-diagnosis of MEN1 is a cause of therapeutic failure in the management of the endocrine lesions. For the success of the surgical treatment of an isolated endocrine lesion it is important for patients to be oriented towards a diagnosis of MEN1 as the management is different from that in usual situations. Detection is thus of major importance, as early diagnosis can improve the management. Even though the syndrome was discovered in 1903 by Erdheim and correctly documented in 1954 by Wermer, it was only in the 1970s that we became aware of the variety of clinical forms and attempted to codify its treatment. Nonetheless, published studies are fragmented and concern selected populations of few patients. They only partially answer questions arising in clinical practice concerning the prognosis and optimal management of patients. The natural history of the disease in all of its clinical forms is still poorly understood. Although advances in genetics have helped in the diagnosis of MEN1, some clinical forms are still difficult to associate with the syndrome: atypical forms, forms with hardly any symptoms and no genetic diagnosis (10%). These clinical forms need to be clarified to ensure optimal care. Only a large cohort will make it possible to describe the different forms of this disease and to clarify its prognosis

Natural History Study of Parathyroid Disorders
Parathyroid CancerPrimary Hyperparathyroidism4 moreBackground: Parathyroid disorders are very common in the general population and include disorders of parathyroid excess, deficiency, or defects in parathyroid hormone (PTH) signaling. PTH, the main secretory product of parathyroid glands is responsible for regulation of calcium-phosphate homeostasis. Objective: i) To investigate the cause of parathyroid disorders ii) To describe evolution, natural history, and longitudinal trends of parathyroid and related disorders seen in syndromic presentations like multiple endocrine neoplasia, hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome Eligibility: People ages 6 months older who have, are at risk of having, or are related to a person with a parathyroid or related disorder. Design: Participants will be screened with a review of their medical records. Participants will be seen, tested, and treated by doctors based on their condition. Their visits may be in person or via telehealth. Participants will complete questionnaires. They will answer questions about their physical, mental, and social health. Participants may give samples such as saliva, blood, urine, or stool. Participants may give cheek cell samples. They will do this using a cheek swab or by spitting into a cup. Adult participants may give a skin biopsy. For this, a small bit of skin is removed with a punch tool. Participants may have medical photos taken. If participants have surgery during the course of their regular care either at the NIH or at a different hospital or doctor s office, researchers will ask for some of the leftover tissue. Participants will be in the study as long as they are being seen by their doctor.

Rare Disease Patient Registry & Natural History Study - Coordination of Rare Diseases at Sanford...
Rare DisordersUndiagnosed Disorders316 moreCoRDS, or the Coordination of Rare Diseases at Sanford, is based at Sanford Research in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It provides researchers with a centralized, international patient registry for all rare diseases. This program allows patients and researchers to connect as easily as possible to help advance treatments and cures for rare diseases. The CoRDS team works with patient advocacy groups, individuals and researchers to help in the advancement of research in over 7,000 rare diseases. The registry is free for patients to enroll and researchers to access. Visit sanfordresearch.org/CoRDS to enroll.

Study and Monitoring of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
MEN1Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I (MEN1) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder, predisposing sufferers to the development of endocrine tumors. The three most commont endocrine disorders of MEN1 are the secretory tumours of the parathyroid, pituitary gland and pancreas, in addition to which other tumours may be observed. The diagnosis of MEN1 is essential for 1) appropriate therapeutic management of proven endocrine disorders, 2) screening for other endocrine and non-endocrine tumours, 3) family screening of affected relatives and 4) monitoring of patients who have been diagnosed. Undiagnosed MEN1 is one of the reasons for therapeutic failure in the management of endocrine damage. Detection is therefore of major importance, and any improvement in early diagnosis can improve management. The natural history of the disease in all its clinical forms remains poorly understood, with published studies of selected or small populations. There are still clinical forms that are difficult to link to the syndrome. These clinical forms need to be specified in order to ensure optimal management. Only a large cohort will lead to the identification of the various forms of this condition and clarify its prognosis.

Familial Investigations of Childhood Cancer Predisposition
Acute LeukemiaAdenomatous Polyposis44 moreNOTE: This is a research study and is not meant to be a substitute for clinical genetic testing. Families may never receive results from the study or may receive results many years from the time they enroll. If you are interested in clinical testing please consider seeing a local genetic counselor or other genetics professional. If you have already had clinical genetic testing and meet eligibility criteria for this study as shown in the Eligibility Section, you may enroll regardless of the results of your clinical genetic testing. While it is well recognized that hereditary factors contribute to the development of a subset of human cancers, the cause for many cancers remains unknown. The application of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has expanded knowledge in the field of hereditary cancer predisposition. Currently, more than 100 cancer predisposing genes have been identified, and it is now estimated that approximately 10% of all cancer patients have an underlying genetic predisposition. The purpose of this protocol is to identify novel cancer predisposing genes and/or genetic variants. For this study, the investigators will establish a Data Registry linked to a Repository of biological samples. Health information, blood samples and occasionally leftover tumor samples will be collected from individuals with familial cancer. The investigators will use NGS approaches to find changes in genes that may be important in the development of familial cancer. The information gained from this study may provide new and better ways to diagnose and care for people with hereditary cancer. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: Establish a registry of families with clustering of cancer in which clinical data are linked to a repository of cryopreserved blood cells, germline DNA, and tumor tissues from the proband and other family members. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: Identify novel cancer predisposing genes and/or genetic variants in families with clustering of cancer for which the underlying genetic basis is unknown.

Overall and Disease Specific Survival in Patients With Confirmed MEN1 With or Without PNET (Pancreatic...
Genetic MutationMEN1OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of estrogen on the development of the PNET in MEN1 patients. The secondary objective is to evaluate the overall survival and disease specific survival in patients who have confirmed MEN1 with or without PNET and a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in relation to their hormone status. The secondary objective is to evaluate clinicopathologic features in relation to hormone status.