Uproleselan With Pre-Transplant Conditioning in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for AML...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaPediatric CancerThis research study is studying a new drug, uproleselan, to see if it is safe and effective in decreasing relapse after stem cell transplant and improving leukemia-free survival in pediatric patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The name of the study drugs involved in this study are: Uproleselan Busulfan Clofarabine Fludarabine Tacrolimus Methotrexate Mycophenolate Mofetil

Cytochrome P450 Inhibition to Decrease Dosage of Dasatinib for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaChronic PhaseThis phase 2 single-arm study aims to demonstrate the efficacy of strong cytochrome inhibition with ketoconazole to reduce dasatinib dosage for adults with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Researchers will describe response rates and adverse events.

Venetoclax Combined With Azacitidine and CAG in Refractory/Relapse Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Refractory/Relapse Acute Myeloid LeukemiaThis study aims to assess the therapeutic efficacy and safety of venetoclax in combination with azacitidine and CAG as induction regimen in Patients with Refreactory/Relapse Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Clinical Study Protocol of Venetoclax Combined With Azacitidine and Harringtonine in the Treatment...
Secondary Acute Myeloid LeukemiaThis research is being done to assess the therapeutic efficacy and safety of a promising regimen (Venetoclax combined with Azacitidine and Harringtonine) in patients with secondary AML This study involves the following: Venetoclax combined with Azacitidine and Harringtonine

Combination Navitoclax, Venetoclax and Decitabine for Advanced Myeloid Neoplasms
Myeloid MalignancyMyelodysplastic Syndromes3 moreThe purpose of this research study is to test the safety of a new three drug combination of navitoclax, decitabine, and venetoclax to treat advanced myeloid malignancies. The names of the drugs involved in this study are: Venetoclax Decitabine Navitoclax

Studying Conditioning Regimen In Pediatric Transplantation - AML , SCRIPT-AML
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) in RemissionStem Cell TransplantationIt is a randomized phase 3 study comparing two conditioning regimens in children with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, AML, undergoing allogenic stem cell transplantation. The primary aim is to investigate if a conditioning regimen containing one alkylator (Bu) combined with two antimetabolites (Clo and Flu) results in superior 2-year acute grade III to IV-free, chronic non-limited GvHD-free, relapse free survival than a conditioning regimen combining three alkylating agents (BuCyMel)

Safety and Efficacy of Expanded, Universal Donor Natural Killer Cells for Relapsed/Refractory AML...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaThis is a phase I/II dose escalation study designed to determine the safety and estimate the efficacy of UD-NK cells combined with FLA chemotherapy in patients age 18-24.99 with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: I. To determine the safety and recommended phase II dose of adoptive NK cell therapy using UD-NK cells in patients with relapsed/refractory AML SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. To estimate the efficacy of UD- NK cells with FLA chemotherapy in patients with relapsed/refractory AML EXPLORATORY OBJECTIVES: I. To determine the immunophenotype and function of UD-NK cells II. To characterize in vivo expansion of UD-NK cells III. To determine the persistence of UD-NK cells Six doses of universal donor mbIL-21 expanded NK cells (UD-NK) given thrice weekly for two weeks. Days may vary and NK cells can be given from days 0 to 21. Patients may receive up to 2 cycles of fludarabine/cytarabine (FLA) + NK cells (up to 12 NK cell infusions) if they do not achieve CR after cycle 1 or if necessary to bridge to transplant.

Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia With Arsenic and All-trans Retinoid Acid
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaThe clinical trial was designed to prove that Arsenic plus ATRA possibly had an effect on improving the symptoms, reducing the early mortality rate and prolonging the total survival time of patients with newly diagnosed or relapsed AML.

Anti-FLT3 CAR-T Cell (TAA05 Cell Injection) in the Treatment of Relapsed / Refractory Acute Myeloid...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaThis is a clinical trial of Anti-FLT3 CAR-T Cell (TAA05 Cell Injection) in the treatment of patients with relapsed / refractory acute myeloid leukemia. The purpose is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of anti-FLT3 CAR-T cells in patients with relapsed / refractory acute myeloid leukemia.

A Phase 1a/1b Study of ELVN-001 for the Treatment Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and determine the recommended dose for further clinical evaluation of ELVN-001 in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia with and without T315I mutations in patients who are relapsed, refractory or intolerant to TKIs.