
Active clinical trials for "Multiple Myeloma"

Results 3161-3165 of 3165

Role of CX3CR1-expressing Cells in Hematologic Malignancy

CX3CR1 ProteinDiffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma1 more

This study evaluates the clinical significance of CX3CR1-expressing myeloid and lymphoid cells in patients of hematologic malignancy. Tumor cells either express membrane molecules or release tumor-derived soluble factors able to alter myelopoiesis and lymphopoiesis. Myeloid cells expressing CD11b play a critical role in sustaining cancer progression. Also, the fractalkine (CX3CL1; Fkn)/CX3CR1 axis plays an important function in the pathophysiology of various forms of cancers. Fkn is the only known ligand for CX3CR1, and it triggers recruitment of CX3CR1-positive cells through its unique receptor, CX3CR1. Therefore, the investigators focused the prognostic significance of CD11b+ myelo-monocytic cells expressing CX3CR1 and CD3+ lymphoid cells expressing CX3CR1 in the clinical outcomes of newly diagnosed Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and Multiple myeloma (MM).

Unknown status4 enrollment criteria

Pseudohyponatremia of Multiple Myeloma is True Hyponatremia

Hyponatremia of Multiple Myeloma

Hypothesis: the hyponatremia of multiple myeloma (m.m.)is true and not pseudohyponatremia by using the stewart approach to acid - base interpretation, would like to show that the positive charged m- proteins produced in m.m.result in true hyponatremia.

Unknown status1 enrollment criteria

Collection of Additional Data Followed the Study IFM 2013-04

Myeloma Multiple

Collection of retrospective additional data (survival, biological, disease response data) following the study IFM 2013-04.

Unknown status35 enrollment criteria

Multiple Myeloma (MM) Quality of Life (QOL) Study

Multiple MyelomaQuality of Life2 more

The main purpose of this study is to examine differences in quality of life and psychological distress for both Multiple Myeloma patients receiving treatment and their caregivers and to assess patient and caregiver prognostic understanding (understanding of the likely course of a disease over time) of Multiple Myeloma to guide development of more personalized treatment plans. This study looks to further understand quality of life changes throughout multiple myeloma therapy for both patients and caregivers to help determine ways to improve patient and caregiver understanding of illness and in turn, tailor customized treatment that best aligns with patient preferences. The study will use a series of questionnaires to measure quality of life, mood, coping strategies, and prognostic understanding.

Unknown status10 enrollment criteria

A Study Evaluating Hypotension and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction in Multiple Myeloma (MM)...

Multiple Myeloma

The purpose of this study is to determine whether the orthostatic hypotension reported among subjects during bortezomib-containing regimen is caused by a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Unknown status5 enrollment criteria

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