Mersey Acute Coronary Syndrome Rule-Out Using High Sensitive Troponin
Acute Coronary SyndromeAngina Pectoris9 moreThe aim of this observational study is twofold. The primary hypothesis being tested is that initial(first) high sensitivity Tn <5ng/l (limit of detection) combined with an ECG with no ischaemic changes is superior as an accelerated diagnostic tool/strategy compared to TIMI score (<2), GRACE <75 and HEART score ≤ 3. (Hs tn T- Roche elecsys HS tn T) and also against HS troponin at the 99th percentile (<15ng/l with nonischaemic changes)- again all scored with initial (first tn ) only. The second aim is to directly compare the three established methods of risk stratifying patients (predicting risk in suspected heart attacks) namely, the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE), Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) and HEART score in the era of high sensitivity troponins performs best.

Thrombectomy in ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, an Individual Patient Meta-analysis
Myocardial InfarctionAcute Coronary SyndromesDuring primary percutaneous coronary intervention, distal embolization of thrombus and impaired microvascular perfusion has been associated with an increased mortality. Thrombectomy devices during primary percutaneous coronary intervention may prevent distal embolization by reducing thrombus burden and thus improve microvascular perfusion and reduce mortality.

Novel Biomarkers of Thrombotic Risk
Myocardial InfarctionTreatment of patients who have had a heart attack with drugs that prevent formation of blood clots has been shown to reduce the patient's risk of subsequent cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, and death. Because new drugs have increased treatment options, the development of tests that can guide treatment should improve treatment selection and further reduce the risk of cardiovascular events as well as bleeding. This study is designed to assess the value of new tests. It is a prospective study that will enroll patients who have had a heart attack. Blood will be taken during hospitalization for a heart attack (1 day after their heart attack) and a second time 6 months later during an ambulatory clinical visit. Investigators will perform biochemical tests on the blood that assess the likelihood of making blood clots. One tablespoon of blood will be taken at each time. Taking this amount of blood poses no risk to the participant. Investigators will ask the participant whether they have had bleeding or cardiovascular events during the initial evaluation, the ambulatory follow-up at 6 months, and during a telephone interview 1 year after enrollment. During their 1 year of participation, investigators will review medical records and record information in a manner that protects the identity of all participants. We hypothesize that the biochemical test results will be similar at baseline and 6 month follow-up and that these biochemical tests will identify patients at greater risk of cardiovascular events and bleeding. Treatment of participants will not be altered by their participation in this study.

Quantitative Estimation of Thrombus Burden in Patients With STEMI Using Micro-Computed Tomography...
ST Elevation Myocardial InfarctionThrombiThe study aims to assess for the first time, through the application of innovative technologies (micro-CT), important characteristics of aspirated thrombi (such as their volume and their density), which might be linked to certain clinical outcomes, in patients presenting with STEMI and referred for primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). To this end, a methodology for the exact estimation of thrombus burden by measuring the volume and the density of aspirated thrombi will be developed. After being aspirated using dedicated catheters, thrombi will be preserved in formalin and their volume and their density will be calculated with the use of micro-CT. Having a better resolution than conventional computed tomography, micro-CT will allow us to create 3D models of aspirated thrombi from a series of x-ray projection images. These 3D models will be further analyzed in order to find the volume and the density of aspirated thrombi. Shape analysis of the surface of aspirated thrombi and potential differences in their structure will also be assessed. Correlation of these variables with clinical parameters and angiographic outcomes will be attempted. Thus, a risk-stratification model will be developed combining: Clinical and laboratory data, Angiographic parameters, Data regarding the volume, the density and the composition of aspirated thrombi. This model will enable the stratification of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk of patients and the identification of who will benefit from thrombus aspiration, providing a personalized approach in treating patients with STEMI.

Evaluation of Myocardial Viability : Dual Energy Cardiac CT vs. Cardiac MRI
Myocardial InfarctionThe purpose of this study is therefore to show that associated with cardiac angiography echocardiography, in myocardial seen late, would provide the information necessary for the decision revascularization, in a timely manner. This would allow the patient to avoid duplication of tests including risk related to coronary angiography (bleeding complications, stroke ...) and those related to the implantation of coronary stent (stent) without expected earnings in case of non-viability . This would also reduce the length of hospital stay and costs due to numerous reviews.

CardiOvascular Risk and idEntificAtion of Potential High-risk Population in Acute Myocardial Infarction...
Long-term Major Cardiovascular EventsMyocardial Infarction1 moreThe purpose of this registry is to evaluate long-term clinical events in patients with acute myocardial infarction who were treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. Although numerous articles have been published by using nationwide Korean myocardial infarction registries, such as the Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry (KAMIR), limitation of previous registries is that these have little data beyond the first year of MI. Therefore, current registry was designed to assess long-term clinical events in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Because most of myocardial infarction patients were treated by revascularization in real world of Korea, this registry limits the inclusion criteria to patients who were treated with percutaneous coronary intervention to reduce the bias.

MitraClip in Acute Mitral Regurgitation
Mitral RegurgitationAcute Myocardial InfarctionAcute MR may develop in the setting of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) as a result of papillary muscle dysfunction or rupture, and these patients are grossly underrepresented in MitraClip registries. Our group has recently published the Spanish experience with MitraClip in acute MI, but only 5 patients could be collected. However, the results of our initial experience are highly encouraging since patients performed well in such life-threatening condition. In order to expand the information of the device in this condition, our aim is to start a multinational registry in Europe.

FINE75+: 5 Year Follow up
Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI)FrailtyIn the FINE 75+ study, 307 Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) patients, 75 years old or older, were included between September 2009 and June 2010. The purpose of this observational study (FINE75+5) is to describe these patients, especially regarding the following variables: cardiovascular risk, co-morbidity and frailty, and to assess the prognostic value of frailty on 5-year outcomes. We hypothesize that frailty is independently associated with 5-year mortality.

Imaging Silent Brain Infarct And Thrombosis in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Myocardial InfarctionAcute Disease3 moreThis project aims to assess the ability of cardiac imaging (cardiac MRI and Doppler-echocardiography) post-processing tools to predict a combined end-point of intraventricular thrombosis, silent brain infarcts, clinical stroke and peripheral arterial embolism in patients with first acute myocardial infarction and ventricular dysfunction.

Smartphone Twelve Lead Electrocardiogram Utility In ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
STEMIIs the Smartphone ECG (electrocardiogram) an acceptable replacement for a standard ECG in the identification of STEMI (ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction).