Does Batten Grafting Improve Nasal Outcomes in Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction?
Nasal ObstructionSeptal Defect3 moreThe objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of batten grafts plus septoplasty and turbinate reduction (intervention arm) compared to septoplasty and turbinate reduction alone (control arm), both in terms of subjective and objective assessments.

VivAer: A Correlation Between Symptom Scores and Objective Findings
Nasal ObstructionMedically Unexplained Symptoms2 moreThis is a prospective, single-center study. This study seeks to determine the objective improvement in nasal airflow in patients after undergoing the VivAer procedure, which involves the use of a stylus to deliver controlled and targeted low energy radiofrequency heating (heating by applying high-frequency radio waves) to the nasal sidewall to gently reshape the tissues. Patients who experience refractory, or medically unexplained, nasal obstruction often have symptoms that are not alleviated or resolved by standard non-surgical treatment options. VivAer, a recently developed, FDA-approved procedure, is one of the standard surgical treatments for nasal obstruction. Unlike most of the other established surgical treatments for nasal obstruction, however, VivAer is a minimally-invasive procedure, and it is an outpatient intervention that can be performed under local anesthetic. Eligible patients who are enrolled in the study will undergo the VivAer procedure, and will return to the clinic for three in-office follow-up visits at 4, 12, and 24 weeks after the procedure.

Nasal Obstruction Compared by Rhinomanometry and Nasal Inspiratory Peak Flow After Endoscopic Nasal...
Pituitary Adenoma InvasiveNasal ObstructionThe aim of the project is to determine whether nasal inspiratory peak flow is sufficient for preoperative and postoperative measurement of nasal patency compared to rhinomanometry.

Impact of Nasal Isotonic Solution Irigation on Healthy Athletes' Nasal Flow and Nasal Obstruction...
Nasal ObstructionNasal DiseaseNasal patency is an important component of performing exercises because it helps in humidifying, heating and filtering the inhaled air. However, many athletes and exercisers experience difficulty breathing through their nose, which can affect their breathing and performance. Namely, during sports activities and greater physical effort, there is increased air flow, which causes significant dehydration and cooling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory system. This dehydration is associated with the release of inflammatory mediators, which can ultimately lead to narrowing of the airways (eg in athletes with asthma). However, in all athletes, regardless of whether they have asthma or not, damage to the airways can occur because during exercise, hyperpnea exposes the respiratory epithelium to increased physical forces and pressure, which leads to the risk of exfoliation of the previously dehydrated epithelial cells of the nose and even their complete separation. Repeated stretching and compression can negatively affect the functionality of the epithelium and, with repeated exposure and damage, lead to structural and functional changes. Rinsing the nose with a hypertonic or isotonic solution of seawater is a potential solution for nasal obstruction because after rinsing, the airflow through the nose improves and symptoms of obstruction are reduced. However, the effects of using nasal lavage solutions along with exercise in elite athletes are not yet known. The potential synergy of exercise and isotonic seawater solution as a nasal spray on airflow and the subjective impression of nasal patency in healthy individuals has not been sufficiently investigated5. Research question What is the effect of an isotonic seawater solution applied as a nasal spray on nasal airflow and the subjective impression of nasal obstruction in healthy athletes? Hypothesis An isotonic seawater solution applied as a nasal spray will improve nasal airflow and the subjective impression of nasal obstruction in healthy athletes.

Nasal Breathing and Physical Capacity
Nasal ObstructionCopdWe know that there is a link between disorders in the upper and lower airways, both epidemiologically, patho-physiologically, and therapeutically. What we know less about is the role for the nose and nasal breathing for physical capacity. That goes both for the ability of the average, healthy persons well as for patients with ie. asthma and COPD to perform daily life activities as well as exercise and for top athletes to perform their maximum oxygen demanding activities. Without this knowledge, we cannot make evidence based decisions about to what extent measures to open the nose medically and/or surgically should be considered to improve physical capacity at any level. The aim of the present project is to expand our knowledge in the field for the best of the ordinary man, patients with airway disorders, and athletes.

Subjective and Objective Outcome of Septoplasty With or Without Infundibulotomy
Nasal BlockageNasal Obstruction1 moreSeptoplasty is one of the most common procedures in rhinology. In many centers and private institutions, an infundibulotomy is performed in addition to septoplasty without evidence of significant improvement for the patient. Often the reason given for this is the improvement of the functional outcome in terms of better nasal breathing, although there is no evidence for this. If a significantly better outcome can be shown, one would have a first evidence for the extended procedure.

Efficacy of an Intranasal Stent on Nasal Obstruction at Night
Nasal ObstructionThis study aims to demonstrate a decrease with normalization of nasal resistance in the forward decubital position and with an intra-nasal stent in patients with nasal obstruction.

Safety and Performance Assessment of the Decongestant Seawater Spray Pocket Valve Enriched With...
Acute RhinitisNasal Obstruction3 moreThe purpose of this pre-market clinical investigation is to assess the safety and the performance of decongestant seawater spray pocket valve enriched with essential oils by Gilbert Laboratories. The study will evaluate the results of acute rhinitis associated with nasal obstruction using the decongestant seawaterspray pocket valve enriched with essential oils over a 8 day period.

Self-Supporting Nasopharyngeal Airway (ssNPA) Treating Upper Airway Obstruction in Hypotonia
Obstructive Sleep ApneaHypertonia5 moreThe researchers are investigating if the Self-Supporting Nasopharyngeal Airway (ssNPA) device can be used in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in children with Hypotonic Upper Airway Obstruction (HUAO).

Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Rhinoplasty
Nasal ObstructionNasal Surgical ProceduresThis study compares the efficacy of a single intra-operative (intravenous) dose of "cephalexin" (first generation cephalosporin) or "clindamycin" (lincosamides), alone versus both intra-operative (intravenous) dose of "cephalexin" (first generation cephalosporin) or "clindamycin" (lincosamides) and postoperative oral dose of "cephalexin" or "clindamycin" use in nasal surgery.