Safety, Acceptability and Preliminary Effectiveness of PC-515 for Vaginal Use as a Possible Microbicide...
HIV InfectionsChlamydia Trachomatis4 moreThe primary aims of the study were to assess the safety and acceptability of PC-515 when applied vaginally at least three times weekly for 12 months. Secondary aims were to gather preliminary data on Carraguard's effectiveness in preventing male-to-female transmission of HIV, and other STIs. The hypothesis was that Carraguard would cause little or no significant irritation, including lesions; and that women would find Carraguard acceptable. The study was not powered to determine effectiveness, but based on safety, acceptability and feasibility parameters, the outcome of the Phase 2 trial would enable a decision whether or not to proceed to a Phase 3 trial.
Gonococcal Vaccine Study in Key Populations in Kenya
GonorrheaGonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection that can infect both men and women. It can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. It is a very common infection, especially among young people aged 18-25 years. Meningococcal disease and gonorrhoea are caused by bacteria that are closely related but cause different diseases that are spread in different ways. New evidence suggests that the Meningococcal B vaccine (Bexsero®) licensed outside of Kenya against meningococcal B disease may also be effective against gonorrhoea due to genetic similarities between the two organisms causing the two diseases. The aim of this study is to generate data to develop a gonorrhoea vaccine, using an existing vaccine against meningococcal disease
Experimental Human Infection With Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (LptA Trial)
Gonococcal InfectionThis is a Phase 1, interventional, non-randomized, experimental infection model study in healthy adult males (N=up to 25) between the ages of 18-35 at study enrollment. The study is designed to test the requirements of predicted N. gonorrhoeae virulence determinants for gonococcal infection in the male urethra through infection with engineered mutants of N. gonorrhoeae. We predict that mutations abolishing expression of N. gonorrhoeae virulence determinants will eliminate or significantly reduce gonococcal infectivity or the ability to induce inflammation in an infected individual, thus identifying potential vaccine candidates. Study duration will be 1 year, and the duration for all participants will be about 3 weeks. The primary objective of the study is to compare the ability of different engineered mutants of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to cause a clinical infection (signs or symptoms of urethritis such as discomfort during urination, urethral discharge, etc.) in the male urethra.
A Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of AZD0914
Gonococcal (GC) InfectionThe purpose of this study is to assess the safety and tolerability of orally administered AZD0914 in healthy adult subjects.
Thorough QT/QTC (TQT) Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Zoliflodacin on Cardiac Repolarization...
Electrocardiogram Repolarisation AbnormalityGonococcal InfectionThe Phase I Thorough QT/QTc (TQT) study will be performed in a single center, the Vince & Associates Clinical Research, Inc., clinical trials unit (CTU), in 72 healthy male or female subjects, aged 18 to 45 years inclusive, to evaluate the effect of zoliflodacin on the corrected QT interval of the electrocardiogram (ECG) using Fridericia's Formula (QTcF) and other ECG parameters; the correlation of the drug concentrations (and pharmacokinetic (PK) profile) with time-matched, placebo-corrected, baseline-adjusted difference in QTcF interval (delta delta QTcF); and the PK and safety profiles of the new zoliflodacin formulation. Each subject will receive one dose of each of four treatments: zoliflodacin 2 g orally, zoliflodacin 4 g orally, placebo for zoliflodacin 4 g orally, and moxifloxacin 400 mg orally. The study will last approximately 12 weeks with a subject participation duration of up to 55 days. The primary hypothesis to be tested is that following administration of zoliflodacin 2 g and 4 g, the upper bound of the one-sided 95% confidence interval (CI) of treatment effect on delta delta QTcF is > / = 10 msec for at least one of the ECG assessments, against the alternative hypothesis that all mean effects are < 10 msec. The primary objective is to evaluate the effect of zoliflodacin on the corrected QT interval of the ECG using Fridericia's formula (QTcF).
Protecting Our Future Generation: Promotion of Protective Sexual Health Practices Among Native American...
Sexual BehaviorUnprotected Sex6 moreThe aim of this research protocol is to test the efficacy of a self-care intervention through a randomized controlled trial (RCT), for increasing protective sexual health behaviors among youth in the participating Native American community. The investigators will randomize 450 youth and young adults ages 14-26 to the self-care intervention or a control program. Efficacy data will be collected up to 6 months post-intervention. The primary outcome will be uptake of sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening. Secondary outcomes will include: a) sexual risk and protective behaviors; and b) psychosocial assets and resources. The investigators hypothesize the self-care intervention will increase protective behaviors by: i) helping youth gain knowledge of their own sexual health risks, assets and resources; ii) motivating protection of those assets and resources; and iii) encouraging good health practices and making responsible choices.
Implementation of an Efficacious Intervention for High Risk Women in Mexico
HIVSyphilis2 moreThis project seeks to determine the personal and organizational conditions that are most conducive to the widespread adoption by community-based organizations (CBOs) of effective programs for reducing the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Taking a brief, single-session counseling program (called "Mujer Segura") that has been proven effective in reducing HIV and STIs in female sex workers who work in Mexican cities along the U.S. border, this project will study the implementation of the program in CBOs in 12 additional cities throughout Mexico to determine how best to ensure that the program remains true to the original model and retains its effectiveness. Mexico has been chosen because HIV is a global problem that respects no international borders, and because HIV prevention programs that can be implemented in settings with limited resources are urgently needed in many parts of the world.
Multi-center Evaluation of the VERSANT® CT/GC DNA 1.0 Assay (kPCR)in Detecting C. Trachomatis and...
ChlamydiaGonorrheaMulticenter clinical study to test a new qualitative in vitro nucleic acid amplification assay based on kPCR technology. The assay is intended for the diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC).
Project AWARE: Using the Emergency Department (ED) to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)...
ChlamydiaGonorrhea1 moreProject Aware introduces a sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening model for sexually experienced adolescents aged 14 to 21 in a large, inner-city Emergency Department (ED) in the Bronx, N.Y. Project Aware will scaffold routine, rapid testing and counseling for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) onto an existing, successful, ED-based HIV testing and counseling program, Project BRIEF. Project Aware will educate and motivate youth to use condoms with the aid of a theory-based, youth-friendly multimedia behavioral intervention proven to be effective during the investigator's K23 training. Through Project Aware, the investigators propose to change the paradigm of STI testing. Whereas a view of "HIV exceptionalism" has persisted in U.S. health policies on STI testing, the investigators propose a comprehensive approach, in which efforts to identify, treat, and prevent multiple STIs coalesce in one program. The research study has two phases. In the production phase, new STI material will be added to the multimedia intervention currently used for HIV education. In the evaluation phase, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of Project Aware in identifying, treating, and preventing new STI infections among high-risk adolescents. The RCT is designed to test the incremental effectiveness of three STI prevention methods: (1) HIV testing and counseling (T&C), (2) HIV T&C and STI testing, and (3) HIV/STI Testing plus a point-of-service risk reduction video that incorporates both HIV and STI counseling and education. The study is powered to examine three STI prevention outcomes: (1) the number of STI infections identified and treated successfully at baseline; (2) the number of new STI infections over the 12 months following study entry, identified by (a) performing STI testing at each follow-up assessment; and (b) obtaining anonymized rate data on STIs reported to the New York City Department of Health; (3) condom use behavior. 600 youth aged 14-21 will be enrolled in the RCT. Youth will be approached in the ED waiting room and recruited by Public Health Advocates. All will complete a survey to screen for eligibility; eligible youth will complete the baseline measures and be randomized. The follow-up data points and measures will be followed at 4, 8 and 12 months (4 time points) and STI testing will be included.
Self Sampling for Rapid Turnaround Testing in the Emergency Department
Chlamydia TrachomatisNeisseria GonorrhoeaeConsenting adult female patient felt by the provider to require gonorrhea/chlamydia endocervical testing will be asked to provide an additional self sample specimen. The specimen will be sent to the laboratory using conventional diagnostic test for gonorrhea/chlamydia.