Broad Band Emission LED Phototherapy Source Versus Narrow Band
Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaJaundice1 morePhototherapy is the most frequently used treatment in neonatology when serum bilirubin levels exceed physiological limits. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are become routinely used for phototherapy in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia. Blue LED light with peak emission around 460 nm is regarded as the most suitable light sources for phototherapy and they recommended by most neonatal guidelines. However, the effectiveness of phototherapy with narrow-band LED light sources can be increased by expanding the spectral range of incident radiation within the absorption of bilirubin due to the strongly marked heterogeneity absorption properties of bilirubin in a different microenvironment. Longer wavelength light, such as green light, is expected to penetrate the infant's skin deeper. It is still controversial whether the use of green light has any advantage over blue light. The most effective and safest light source and the optimal method to evaluate phototherapy, however, remain unknown.The aim of this study was to compare, at equal light irradiance, the clinical efficacy of broad spectrum blue- green LED with blue narrow spectral band phototherapy device.

The Efficacy of Oral Probiotics on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatalThis trial will be carried out in two stages in the sick baby room of the Children's Hospital of China Medical University (CMUH). The first stage is: the enzyme active reaction kit (usually called API ZYM kit) was used to determine the β-glucuronidase activity of 9 strains of Lactobacillus and 4 strains of Bifidobacterium, screening out the probiotics that have the best inhibitory efficacy of intestinal β-glucuronidase activity; The second stage is: using the results of the first stage analysis, treating the newborns of jaundice by oral probiotics.

Tactile and Kinaesthetic Stimulation in Neonates With Hyperbilirubinaemia
Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaHyperbilirubinemia is the commonest problem seen in neonates, owing to severe complications in lifetime. The study design of the study is pretest - posttest experimental design. Convenience Sampling will be used for recruiting the neonates. In study neonates will be selected according to the selection criteria and will be allocated into two groups in 1: 1 ratio, Intervention group - neonates will receive tactile and kinesthetic stimulation for 15 minutes for 3 consecutive days, 1 hours after feed twice daily along with Phototherapy, Control group - Phototherapy alone will be given. Total serum bilirubin and weight gain will be assessed as outcome measure daily once. Transcutaneous bilirubin will be assessed before and after every intervention.

Parental Participation on the Neonatal Ward - the neoPARTNER Study
PrematurePremature Birth18 moreObjective: To investigate the effect of FCR as part of the FICare principles during hospital stay, on parental stress at discharge in parents of preterm or ill infants admitted to the neonatal ward for >7 days as compared to standard medical rounds (SMR) without parents as part of standard neonatal care (SNC).

Intelligent Follow-up of Neonatal Jaundice Based on Early Indicators and Internet Communications...
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatalIn this prospective multi-center randomized clinical trial, a new follow-up strategy for neonatal jaundice after discharge will be evaluated. It is based on current risk factors of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, added with the rate of bilirubin production (exhaled carbon monoxide measurement) as a new indicator,and incorporated with Internet Plus technology. Traditional methods following the Chinese guideline for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia were applied in the control group. The morbidity of BIND, the number of outpatient follow-up after discharge and the convenience will be compared between the two groups. The accuracy, effectiveness, safety and convenience of the study strategy will be testified.

Screening and Follow-up Study of Neonatal Jaundice Based on Mobile Network
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatalAt least 13 hospitals in China will participate in the study, which aims to clarify the natural history of jaundice in Chinese healthy newborns,and decrease the incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia and acute bilirubin encephalopathy and even kernicterus. The study is an open project, and the investigators welcome institutions fulfilling the specified requirements to join the study during the recruitment phase.

Relationship Between Delayed Cord Clamping at Birth and Neonatal Bilirubin Levels in Parturients...
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatal2 moreThe purpose of the study is to determine if neonates (who already have an increased risk of hyperbilirubinemia due to mother's history of having previous neonate who received phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia) have higher bilirubin levels 24 hours after birth with delayed cord clamping.

A Safety and Efficacy Trial of Stannsoporfin in Neonates With Hyperbilirubinemia
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatalIt is a normal process in the human body for red blood cells to die, which makes bilirubin. Bilirubin is cleared away through the liver. Some babies are born with livers that don't work well enough yet, or their red blood cells are dying too fast, so the baby looks yellow (jaundice). This means there is too much bilirubin in the body. It can be dangerous if a baby's bilirubin gets too high. Phototherapy is what they call the lights they shine on newborn babies to help the liver get rid of bilirubin. This study tests an experimental drug to see if it can reduce how much bilirubin is being made in the first place.

Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry and Phototherapy
Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaA randomized Controlled trial comparing the use of transcutaneous bilirubinometry to serum bilirubin measurements (via blooddraws = standard care) in neonates born after a gestational age > 32 weeks and < 15 days of age treated with Phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilrubinemia. Main outcome measurement is the number of blooddraws for measurement of bilirubin. Secondary outcome measurements are duration of phototherapy and hospitalisation.

Trial of Aggressive Versus Conservative Phototherapy in Infants <1,000 Grams Birth Weight
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatal10 moreThis multi-center, randomized clinical trial compared different bilirubin levels as thresholds for timing of phototherapy in extremely low birth weight infants. The primary hypothesis was that there would be no difference in death or neurodevelopmental impairment at 18-22 months corrected age in infants treated by either aggressive or conservative threshold limits. 1,978 infants were enrolled.