Home Based Phototherapy for Neonatal Jaundice
Neonatal JaundiceThe main purpose of the study is to deliver community health worker based prevention, early screening and management of neonatal Jaundice using battery powered LED phototherapy device at the household level.

BUBOLight®, a New Phototherapy Device for the Treatment of the Newborn's Jaundice
Neonatal JaundiceAbout 50% of full-term newborns and 80% of premature infants develop jaundice which is due to hyperbilirubinemia. In the majority of cases, jaundice disappears naturally without treatment within three weeks of birth, but the bilirubin level may remain too high, which can lead to a serious neurological disease: kernicterus. To avoid this, a therapeutic management must be instituted, and in some cases, one or more phototherapy sessions (PT) may be prescribed. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the safety and level of satisfaction of parents and healthcare team with one innovative device for phototherapy BUBOLight® included two removable strips of luminous textile incorporating optical fibers. 10 newborns requiring phototherapy, will be illuminated during four hours in one session of PT Bilirubin levels is taken at the start of phototherapy H0 and Controls are made at H+6 hours.

Broad Band Emission LED Phototherapy Source Versus Narrow Band
Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaJaundice1 morePhototherapy is the most frequently used treatment in neonatology when serum bilirubin levels exceed physiological limits. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are become routinely used for phototherapy in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia. Blue LED light with peak emission around 460 nm is regarded as the most suitable light sources for phototherapy and they recommended by most neonatal guidelines. However, the effectiveness of phototherapy with narrow-band LED light sources can be increased by expanding the spectral range of incident radiation within the absorption of bilirubin due to the strongly marked heterogeneity absorption properties of bilirubin in a different microenvironment. Longer wavelength light, such as green light, is expected to penetrate the infant's skin deeper. It is still controversial whether the use of green light has any advantage over blue light. The most effective and safest light source and the optimal method to evaluate phototherapy, however, remain unknown.The aim of this study was to compare, at equal light irradiance, the clinical efficacy of broad spectrum blue- green LED with blue narrow spectral band phototherapy device.

Evaluation of a Smartphone-based Screening Tool (Picterus JP) for Neonatal Jaundice (Chicago)
Neonatal JaundiceA cross-sectional conductive study at the University of Chicago Medicine facilities (hospital and outreach clinics) to enable high qualitative estimation of bilirubin levels in the blood of newborns, independent of skin color, using Picterus JP.

Validation of an Innovative Neonatal Jaundice Detection System (Picterus) in Indonesia
JaundiceNeonatalThe long-term goal of this project is to establish Picterus as a permanent tool to detect NNJ in the healthcare services of Indonesia. Offering early detection and therefore, timely treatment to NNJ, will substantially improve neonatal health and directly work towards the Sustainable Development Goal 3.2.2, reduce neonatal mortality. The study as the following specific subgoals: Demonstrate that Picterus system performs accurately in Indonesian newborns Ensure that Picterus is in line with users' needs in Indonesia

Clinical Validation of the Screening Tool Picterus JP Using Different Smartphones
Neonatal JaundiceThe overall aim of this study is to verify the quality of our internal developed camera validation systems and allow the use of Picterus JP on all smartphones.

Newborn Abdominal Massage to Prevent Hyperbilirubinemia
Newborn JaundiceThe proposed study will incorporate an intervention previously un-studied in the US healthcare setting for prevention of hyperbilirubinemia

Intelligent Follow-up of Neonatal Jaundice Based on Early Indicators and Internet Communications...
HyperbilirubinemiaNeonatalIn this prospective multi-center randomized clinical trial, a new follow-up strategy for neonatal jaundice after discharge will be evaluated. It is based on current risk factors of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, added with the rate of bilirubin production (exhaled carbon monoxide measurement) as a new indicator,and incorporated with Internet Plus technology. Traditional methods following the Chinese guideline for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia were applied in the control group. The morbidity of BIND, the number of outpatient follow-up after discharge and the convenience will be compared between the two groups. The accuracy, effectiveness, safety and convenience of the study strategy will be testified.

Skin Care Strategies for Neonatal Jaundice Phototherapy to Prevent Atopic Dermatitis in Moderate...
Neonatal JaundiceAtopic DermatitisAtopic Dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic, recurrent, and inflammatory skin disease in children. The incidence of moderate to severe AD in infants aged 1-12 months in our country is as high as 25.41%, which is related to subsequent allergic diseases and affects Children's emotions and growth. There are limited drugs that can be used for infant AD. The current guidelines recommend early use of functional skin care products to prevent and treat AD by repairing the skin barrier, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory. Neonatal jaundice is one of the most common neonatal diseases. 20% of children with jaundice need phototherapy. It is a simple and effective method for jaundice. Studies have found that phototherapy can convert Th2 to Th1, leading to an imbalance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory, which induces allergies. We speculate that it is of great value to take protective measures such as skin moisturizing during phototherapy for jaundice in children at high risk of allergies. This project intends to take the lead in conducting a randomized controlled study on the use of baby moisturizing products during neonatal phototherapy. Through evaluation projects such as skin microecology analysis, serum allergy indicators and AD clinical manifestations, it is verified that the use of functional skin care products in phototherapy of newborns with high allergies can delay and reduce the severity of AD in infants.

mHealth to Screen for Neonatal Jaundice in Low-resource Mexican Settings
Neonatal JaundiceNeonatal jaundice (NNJ) is a common condition in newborns during the first week of life due to increased levels of bilirubin. Usually, it resolves without consequences after 7 to 10 days. However, around 10% of the newborns develop a severe form, which if is not detected on time, can lead to irreversible consequences including brain damage, disabilities and even death. The goal of this study is to determine the feasibility of implementing a smartphone app (Picterus JP) to screen for NNJ in low resource health facilities in Mexico and to evaluate its potential effectiveness to detect severe cases of the condition compared to the current used method that consists in visual assessment (VA). Research questions are: Is it feasible to implement the smartphone app Picterus JP to screen for NNJ in low resource health facilities in Mexico? Will Picterus JP increase the detection of severe NNJ compared to VA? Participants will include: Newborns who attend the health facilities for neonatal check up Health care workers (HCWs) using the app Parents of newborns screened with Picterus JP Methodology: Mothers will be asked to consent their newborn's participation. The newborns will be then randomly assigned to either: control group in which jaundice will be screened by healthcare workers using VA or intervention group in which jaundice will be screened using Picterus JP in addition to VA If the bilirubin measurement with Picterus is >15 mg/dl or there is suspicion of severe NNJ by VA, newborns will be referred to emergency room for further evaluation by a doctor and/or measure the level of bilirubin in blood. Researchers will compare the number of bilirubin blood levels >15 mg/dl between the two groups. HCWs and newborns' parents will be interviewed to identify their perceptions and experiences towards the use of the app.