Evaluation of the Adhesion to the GENEPY Network
Hereditary Cancer SyndromeHereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer1 moreIn order to best meet the needs of all those affected by the genetic risk of cancer in our region, it is important to identify the factors likely to influence the course leading to the GENEPY surveillance network. The aim of this study is to evaluatie the adhesion to the network of care of people at genetic risk of cancer in Midi-Pyrénées (GENEPY).

MSI in Circulatory DNA of Endometrial Cancer
Microsatellite InstabilityLynch Syndrome2 moreThis study aims to analyze the microsatellite instability (MSI) in the circulatory tumor DNA and in the tumor tissue in the patients diagnosed with uterine endometrial cancer. These data will be used for the study of "Cohort Study of Universal Screening for Lynch Syndrome in Chinese Patients of Endometrial Cancer" (NCT03291106, clinicaltrials.gov).

Retrospective Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of Ovarian Preservation in Patients With Endometrial...
Endometrial CancerEndometrial cancer is one of the most common female malignancies in the United States, and has increased in incidence in Taiwan in recent decades.A recent population-based analysis noted that 4% of endometrial cancers occurred in women aged 40 years or younger, furthermore it is up to 15% in Taiwan according to the data of cancer registry. The standard treatment of endometrial cancer results in surgical menopause and places patients at risk for the long-term sequelae of estrogen deprivation. The goal of this study was to determine the frequency of a coexisting ovarian malignancy and to evaluate the outcome of ovarian preservation in women with treatment for endometrial cancer.

Survival Outcomes of Uterine Malignancies in Chinese Population
Endometrial NeoplasmsSurvivalThis study aims to determine survival outcomes (overall survival and progression-free survival) of primary uterine malignancies in China and relevant risk factors in a prospective cohort study.

Molecular Markers in Treatment in Endometrial Cancer
Endometrial NeoplasmsNeoplasm MetastasisThe purpose of this prospective multicenter trial is to investigate the value of molecular markers in endometrial cancer for predicting lymph node metastasis and prognosis in relation to treatment.

The Role of Functional MRI and Doppler Sonography in Assessing Blood Vessel Formation Within the...
Endometrial CancerAdenocarcinoma of the endometrium is the fourth most frequent cancer in women. Surgery is the treatment of choice in patients with noninvasive or locally advanced disease. The surgical technique consists of an exploratory laparotomy, with total hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, peritoneal washing, and, in selected high-risk patients, omental and peritoneal biopsies and lymphadenectomy. Therefore, preoperative clinical and instrumental staging of the local spread of disease, as well as local and distant lymph node involvement, represent a critical step in tailoring the extent and the radicalness of surgery. The role of angiogenesis in cancer growth and metastasis has been gaining much attention for decades. Recent clinical evidence supports this notion. The gradual increase in angiogenesis intensity with tumor progression in malignant melanoma has been reported. Abulafia et al. reported that increasing angiogenicity could be noted from simple hyperplasia, complex hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia, and Stage IA endometrial carcinoma to invasive endometrial carcinoma. The investigators' research team has shown that incremental angiogenesis could be demonstrated in the tumorigenesis and the possibility of lymph node metastasis in endometrial malignancy. Besides, other growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor- (TGF-), IL-6 and IL-8 have also been reported to correlate with the angiogenesis and the metastasis of endometrial cancer. It seems that tumor angiogenesis of endometrial cancer could be utilized as an important parameter to assess the disease severity of the endometrial cancer. So, the investigators would like to propose this proposal to focus on the tumor angiogenesis in endometrial cancer patients. There are several purposes in this study. First, the investigators will evaluate and compare tumor angiogenesis surveyed from functional MRI and power Doppler sonography in endometrial cancer patients who receive surgery. Second, the investigators will evaluate whether tumor angiogenesis could be a marker to predict the disease severity of endometrial cancer. Third, the role of functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in endometrial cancer will be elucidated.

Risk Scoring Model for Endometrial Cancer
OncologyA prospective cohort study to assess RHEA ( recurrent vaginal bleeding, hypertension, endometrial thickness and age) scoring model for prediction of endometrial carcinoma

Cancer of the Uterus and Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Endometrial CancerStress Urinary IncontinenceConcurrent treatment of endometrial cancer and SUI may improve QOL, emotional and physical health and decrease costs for both patients and the health care system. At the time of endometrial cancer diagnosis, not only are women evaluated by a gynecologist and/or a gynecologic oncologist, but the majority will undergo surgery within weeks of their diagnosis. Thus, urinary incontinence could easily be identified, a referral made, and concurrent surgery performed. This would spare the patient two surgeries, decrease the emotional distress associated with SUI symptoms, decrease the costs associated with SUI for the patient and possibly improve overall quality of life. The proposed study will compare the quality of life and clinical outcomes among women with endometrial cancer and SUI that have concurrent surgery to women that do not have concurrent surgery. The findings of our proposed research will provide valuable information necessary for woman and clinicians to make decisions regarding the treatment of SUI, including evidence regarding the risks and benefits of performing concurrent endometrial cancer and SUI surgery.

Biomarkers for Gynecologic Cancer
Ovarian CancerEndometrial Cancer1 moreA novel blood metabolic biomarker, AminoIndexTM (gynecological), was developed for gynecological cancers from over 400 Japanese patient's plasma free amino acid profiles (PFAAs) by a rapid and sensitive LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry), followed by multivariate statistical analyses. However, further studies to assess whether this biomarker demonstrates the same performance characteristics in non-Japanese populations for cancer is yet to be determined.

Tissue Bank of Biological Specimens From Patients With Gynecologic Disease
Endometrial NeoplasmsUterine Cervical Neoplasms2 moreThe purpose of this study is to create a tissue bank of gynecologic cancers and normal tissue for the study of cancer in order to better understand the changes occurring on a molecular level (DNA, RNA, protein) that lead to the development of cancer.