A Study of IMMray™ PanCan-d Test for Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer in High-risk Groups
Pancreatic Ductal AdenocarcinomaFamilial Pancreatic Cancer1 morePanFAM-1 is a clinical study for early detection of pancreatic cancer in high-risk groups. The goals of the study are to assess the performance and diagnostic accuracy of the IMMray™ PanCan-d test compared to standard-of-care imaging.

Gemcitabine and Nabpaclitaxel in Metastatic Pancreatic Carcinoma.
Metastatic Pancreatic CancerRetrospective, multicenter study including pts with metastatic pancreatic cancer who started first-line treatment with napaclitaxel plus Gemcitabine between December 2013 and June 2015 according to the routine practice. Overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were assessed for the total sample and the exploratory subgroups based on treatment and clinical characteristics of the study pts.

Evaluation of GEMCITEST in Patients With Pancreatic Cancer and Treated by Chemotherapy
Pancreatic CancerPancreatic cancer has a 5-year overall survival rate around 5%. It is the 6th most common cancer in France (11 600 new annual cases in 2012) and the 4th leading cause of cancer deaths in France and Europe. Many translational research has tried to identify biomarkers in pancreatic cancer. Only the expression of hENT1 evaluated on the tumor tissue with the mouse antibody seems really relevant by providing a predictive value of the effectiveness of gemcitabine adjuvant. In a metastatic situation, there is no predictive marker of the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatments. GemciTest(TM), studied in this study, is developed by the company Acobiom. Test based on the qRT-PCR technology that allows the establishment of a molecular signature of 10 genes that showed its interest as a biomarker in 60 patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma treated with gemcitabine. Retrospective analysis differentiated 2 patient populations: 22 patients with a "favorable" expression gene with a median survival of 14.9 months 35 patients with an "adverse" expression gene with a median survival of 5.1 months Primary objective: To evaluate in patients with pancreatic cancer, treated with Gemcitabine alone or combined (nab-paclitaxel) or with Folfirinox, the prognostic value of the GemciTest(TM) test on overall survival and response to treatment. To realize this study, only one 2.5 mL blood sample is taken before starting chemotherapy. The standard practice data is then saved. 100 patients will be included.

Relationship Between Vitamin D Biomarkers and Survival in Blood Samples From Patients With Advanced...
Pancreatic CancerRATIONALE: Studying samples of blood from patients with cancer in the laboratory may help doctors identify and learn more about biomarkers related to cancer. It may also help doctors predict how well patients will respond to treatment. PURPOSE: This research trial is studying the relationship between vitamin D biomarkers and survival in blood samples from patients with advanced pancreatic cancer.

Clinical Registry of nCLE in Masses and Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas, Lymph Nodes, Submucosal Lesions...
Pancreatic CystPancreatic Neoplasms6 moreThis study focuses on four different lesions: pancreatic cysts, lymph nodes near the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatic masses and GIST tumors. On one hand, the results obtained during previous studies are more advanced for the assessment of the diagnostic performance of Cellvizio needle-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (nCLE) system for Pancreatic cysts. Safety and technical feasibility have already been performed, and an interpretation criteria classification exists. On the other hand, results for pancreatic masses, Lymph nodes and GIST are less developed. the objectives of the study are to Assess the diagnostic performance of the Cellvizio needle-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (nCLE) system in diagnosing masses and cystic tumors of the pancreas, lymph nodes, submucosal lesions of the GI tract Define/Validate descriptive criteria of nCLE sequences in masses and cystic tu-mors of the pancreas, lymph nodes, submucosal lesions of the GI tract

A Study of Pancreatic Cancer in Xenografts From Liver Metastases
Pancreatic CancerLiver Metastases2 moreThis is a feasibility study to perform image-guided liver biopsies in 25 patients who have pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis (cancer in the pancreas that has spread to the liver). This will contribute with samples for the bio-bank (bank of tumors) and develop xenografts (human tumors growing in mice) for further analysis of genes.

Clinical Evaluation Of Needle-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in The Lymph Nodes Along With...
Pancreatic CystPancreatic Neoplasms5 moreThis study focuses on three different lesions: pancreatic cysts, lymph nodes near the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic masses. On one hand, the results obtained during previous studies are more advanced for the assessment of the diagnostic performance of Cellvizio needle-based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (nCLE) system for Pancreatic cysts. Safety and technical feasibility have already been performed, and an interpretation criteria classification exists. On the other hand, results for pancreatic masses and Lymph nodes are less developed. The study therefore comprises two sub-studies, one on the pancreatic cysts, and another on pancreatic masses and lymph nodes. Cysts The primary hypothesis of the study is that using nCLE in addition to EUS-FNA and tissue sampling allows better characterization of pancreatic cysts and improves appropriate therapeutic decision-making. For physicians, integrating nCLE into the diagnostic algorithm of pancreatic cysts could impact patient management by : Ruling out malignancy for patients with benign appearing nCLE images. Characterizing more malignant tumors in the pancreas. Pancreatic masses and Lymph nodes The primary hypothesis of the study is that in vivo imaging of lymph-nodes near the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic masses during EUS-FNA procedures is feasible and that descriptive criteria can be defined to further differentiate the different types of lesions.

Study of Intratumoral Hypoxia Using Pre-operative Administration of Pimonidazole
Pancreatic CancerThis study involves the administration of a hypoxia marker, pimonidazole hydrochloride, taken orally approximately 24 hours before surgical resection of a pancreatic tumor in order to identify areas of lower oxygen content on tumor samples.

Clinical Outcomes of Preoperative and Postoperative Rehabilitation in the Patients With HBP Malignancy...
Hepatic NeoplasmsBiliary Tract Neoplasms1 moreClinical Outcomes of Preoperative and Postoperative Rehabilitation in the Patients With HBP Malignancy.

Study at the Man of the Profile of Chimiokines in the Anorexia Bound to the Cancerous Cachexy
Cancer of the PancreasAnorexiaThe syndrome of anorexia-cachexie, which accompanies numerous cancers is a major comorbidity which compromises the forecast of these patients. Several cytokines pro-inflammatory as interleukines IL1 ß, IL6 or TNFa participate in the physiopathology of this syndrome at the man and the animal. Besides, it is now established that different neuronal populations, localized in the hypothalamus, are nerve centers of the control of the appetite and the energy homéostasie. However, there is not enough evidence of a direct action of cytokines on these neurones, suggesting the participation of intermediate molecules as chimiokines, inflammatory molecules produced in reaction to an immunological stress by gliales cells and acting directly on the surrounding neurones. The implication of chimiokines in the syndrome of anorexia-cachexie associated with the cancer thus seems very likely Among these, chimiokines " Monocyte Chemoattractant Proteins 1-3 " or MCPs represent obvious candidates because they are produced by multiple tumors. Furthermore, to the mouse, the intellectual expression of MCP1 is correlated in the anorexia led by peripheral injections of a bacterial by-product, the lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The investigators' main objective is to test at the Man's, in situation of cancer of the pancreas any confused stages, the degree of prédictivité of the chimiokine MCP1 towards the syndrome of anorexia-cachexie associated with the cancer. The investigator also suggest describing: i) the link between rate plasmatique of MCP1 and energy metabolism on one hand, physical composition on the other hand;; ii) the impact of the other chimiokines, particularly those of the family of the MCPs, on the anorexia-cachexie bound to the cancer, iii) the correlation enters their profile of expression plasmatique and the severity of the anorexia, the energy metabolism and the physical composition; iv) the same research on the other inflammatory factors plasmatiques, of nature different from chimiokines; v) the correlation between thin mass and anorexia; vi) the evolution of the chimiokines various and inflammatory factors after surgical treatment or chemotherapy with curative aim in 6 months.